Sarah Jane/Andrea fic :)

Aug 14, 2009 23:43

Title: i've come back for you
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Sarah Jane/Andrea
Summary: She tries to look but there’s nothing. When she closes her eyes she can see.
A/N: Many thanks to darklioness82 for being a Beta at such short notice, she is wonderful and we are not worthy. Especially me and my terrible issue with tenses, lol

She only got to see her once.

The woman that Andrea became, a woman Sarah Jane had spent forty years imagining. A woman that was better than she could ever have imagined. Beautiful and funny and brave and alive and all too brief. It was completely mad, she knew that much, but all she wanted was a few hours more, just a few more would have been enough. Just to catch up. To compare lives.

Months after that fleeting glimpse she starts dreaming of unfamiliar places, stranger than any the Doctor ever took her to where she’s running, running, running but never catching her prey. Andrea is always just out of her grasp. She knows its Andrea, she just does. Like how she can’t quite see her during her dream chases but she knows in her bones that Andrea is the goal. Every dream, just when she’s so close she can taste victory and she feels the other woman, she wakes up.

The children don’t notice and she’s glad for it. Maria occasionally looks at her with a little more suspicion than the others, looking deeper but not deep enough, and one day Maria turns into Rani, who is twice as inquisitive but not nearly as subtle. During the day she is happy and inspirational, leading her little band and not thinking of how far away from her Andrea has gone.

At night she runs. Down endless roads, through woods and by seas. Sometimes there’s daylight but more often than not the moon lights her path and sometimes there’s more than one moon and she credits her own imagination with creating planets she’s never visited. Andrea is always in front of her. One night she nearly catches her, the other woman twirling round with a swish of red hair but before she can speak Sarah Jane wakes in a cold sweat. The following night she catches her again but she can’t see her.

She can feel her though. The hand in hers is warm, the fingers long, and when she reaches out blindly the cheek is soft, creased by age as she imagines her own must be but softer than she ever thought. When their lips meet it’s easier to forget the darkness surrounding her, she closes her eyes and pretends that should she open them, Andrea will be plain as day.

She opens them to see her bedroom wall and her little wind-up clock reading 4:20.

The next night she keeps her eyes wide open. And when her clock reads 1 AM she feels someone else’s presence and reaches out to Andrea before she can stop to think. She’s not sure if it’s real or if she has just fallen asleep and not noticed but she knows that there’s somebody else in her bed. She tries to look but there’s nothing. When she closes her eyes she can see.

See in the lightest sense of the word. It’s so hazy that Sarah Jane feels like she’s watching through gauze rather than participating. However there are touches that feel soft, but later leave bruises and faint kisses on her neck that become bites when she wakes. The brief flicker of Andrea that she saw is emblazoned on her mind but she can’t help that think how different the blurry woman before her feels to the image in her head.

Quite out of the blue the other woman begins to murmur. An accent that Sarah Jane can’t quite hear reaches her ears - “I’ve come back for you.”

When she awakes the next day the strands of copper (slightly the wrong shade) between her fingers are all that remain and the only way she can prove to herself that she isn’t mad. She raises her shaking hands and inhales the scent of oranges and a metallic smell she associates with factories. She puts the metal down to the bridge that Andrea fell from but can’t think why fizzy orange come to mind.

She slips the strands between the pages of the first book she finds in her bedside drawer early in the morning when she’s still half-delirious from the night before. Later that day when she checks them (just to make sure it was real) she finds it’s the Bible.

She pulls out the strands without looking at what chapter they were resting in.
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