Fic: Doctors and Nurses

Apr 26, 2007 14:35

Title: Doctors and Nurses
Author: paranoidangel
Rating: Adult
Beta: hhertzof
Summary: For ladyvivien who wanted Sarah and Harry playing doctors & nurses '...and then they accidentally have sex'.

"This is most extraordinary." Harry strode through the corridors, wide-eyed, with Sarah lagging behind him.

"It's just the way the TARDIS is, I told you." She felt justified in feeling superior, and not only because she'd already had ample opportunity to explore. She was getting annoyed at him continually pointing out just how amazing the TARDIS was. Wasn't it obvious already?

"I know, but it's so much bigger on the inside."

Sarah rolled her eyes. She'd far rather be in the console room with the Doctor, but he'd got upset at Harry touching the controls and shooed them both out, telling Sarah to make sure she kept an eye on Harry. So she was doing as she was told, hoping they would come across an interesting room she hadn't seen yet.

"I wonder what's in here" He opened a door and they were both disappointed to find it was another bathroom, this one just as colourless as all the rest. "I know this is commonplace to you, old girl, but it's all pretty exciting to me."

She frowned. "Don't call me old girl. I don't think the TARDIS likes you, she showed me much more exciting locations, all you're getting is bathrooms."

He shut the door. "It's a ship the size of a police box. I don't think its opinions matter."

"Of course, they do." She opened the door on the other side of the corridor to reveal the sickbay. "See?"

"Now, this is more like it."

Typical. They could have got the mountain room she had once happily traipsed around for a whole day, but no, they ended up in the one place where Harry could carry on boring her. He picked up various pieces of equipment, exclaiming over them.

Sarah sighed. "It's just a sickbay, there's nothing interesting in here."

"I beg to differ." He pointed what must have been some sort of scanner at her.

She put her hands on her hips and gave him a look.

He gave her a brief smile. "You could always be a nurse."

"Typical. Of course women can only be nurses. Why don't you be a nurse and I'll be a doctor?"

"Or you could be a patient." He wasn't paying attention to her, though, he was too busy examining a monitor above a bed.

"It looks like I already am." For lack of anything better to do she lay down on the bed. "What does it say about me?"

"It must be broken - it says you're normal."

"Hmph." But she grinned anyway. The bed was quite comfortable, so she settled down while she watched him wander around the room. She knew the Doctor had only invited him on a trip to the moon because he liked the idea of winding Harry up. Which hadn't exactly been difficult to do, so she had agreed with him. Much as he had an old fashioned idea of men and women, he was quick to argue back with her, and it was nice to spend some time with someone who was more her equal than the Doctor.

Right now, though, he was far more interested in this room and its contents than her. She knew she could get his attention easily enough if she wanted to, but the bed was comfortable, and she closed her eyes, enjoying the chance to relax. She was just drifting off when she was awoken - quite rudely too, she thought - by Harry's fingers under her arms, tickling her.

"Hey!" He just grinned, so she reached out and grabbed his hands. He pulled away, but only lightly. She scowled at that, wondering if she should rethink her opinion of him, and pulled hard.

There wasn't any where for him to go but on top of her, or at least the top half of him was half across her. He didn't move at first, just lay there practically nose to nose with her and she was suddenly aware of there being a man pressed close. He was handsome enough but she hadn't really thought of him in that way - until now. Her heart sped up and she contemplated making a move before he came to his senses and got up. Just as she lifted her head, he lowered his, and their lips met.

He smelt slightly of antiseptic, but his lips were soft and his kiss was light. It hurt her neck to hold it in that position too long, so she lowered her head back onto the bed and he followed her. When she opened her mouth, he took the hint. She hadn't done anything like this for a while and she'd forgotten how good it was to be this close to another person, not caring about anything except for her pleasure and his.

She curled her fingers around his more tightly, trying to tell him without words to keep doing this and not to stop. But he let go of her hands and shifted slightly, to take some of his weight off her, which although was considerate of him, what she really wanted was more of him touching more of her. A small noise escaped her as the angle of his lips on her shifted. She put her arms around him, pressing one hand to the back of his neck. Beneath her fingers his muscles were taut as they held his head in the same position.

When he broke off, she expected him to get up and apologise, which irritated her because she couldn't think of a good reason to stop. It turned out he had found one, though, because he moved his mouth to her neck, working his way down, and she certainly couldn't complain about his wet lips moving softly across her skin. Her opinion of him improved no end at his talent.

One of his hands was under her dress, moving slowly up her leg, leaving her in no doubt about his intentions. She marvelled at the way he could touch so much of her at one time, but it still not be enough. Annoyed at the amount of him that was covered up, she managed to half-manoeuvre his blazer off, but she was too forceful, he was in too much of a precarious position, and she managed to push him off the bed.

He landed with an "omph!".

She winced and leaned over the edge to look down at him. "I'm sorry, are you okay?"

"Nothing broken," he said, sitting up.

"We can soon check that." She stood up. "Lie down. I did some first aid."

"I'm fine, really." He sat on the bed, though.

She pouted. "You doubt my abilities?" She pushed his shoulders and found he was surprisingly pliant as he lay back obediently.

"Of course, not." His words were muffled slightly by her mouth on his, as she confirmed that kissing him a second time was not just as good as the first, it was better, because now she could do exactly what she wanted. After satisfying herself she had explored his mouth thoroughly she put her tongue back in her own mouth reluctantly.

However, he nibbled on her lower lip before she could pull away, and she nearly forgot what she had intended to do in the first place. She was quite tempted just to get his clothes off as fast as possible and skip everything else, but they were in a timeship that seemed to take as long to get to the moon as any rocket, so there was no need to rush. There was plenty more of him she wanted to see and touch and taste.

Eventually, she forced herself to stop, so she could put herself in a better position. After climbing back on the bed, she sat down and patted carefully down his arms. At least she started that way. Now his blazer was off she could feel his muscles tense through his shirt and she didn't quite go straight down. Once she reached his hands she ran the ends of her fingers lightly across his palms and he took hold of them.

"No broken bones there," she said in confirmation of her findings, not that she'd been entirely concentrating on that.

"If I had a broken pelvis it would be worse now from you sitting on it."

She wriggled slightly, smiling when he gasped and proved she was having as much of an effect on him as he was having on her. "This bed's too small, there's nowhere else to sit." Although neither of them was exactly complaining about her position. She turned round to repeat the procedure with his legs, ending by taking off his shoes and socks. "You don't need these." She got her revenge by running her fingers lightly across the soles of his feet, smiling when he curled his toes.

She ran a hand inside one trouser leg, feeling the contrast between skin and hair that she hadn't been able to make out through the thick material. He drew his leg up, which she thought at first meant he didn't want her to continue, but then she realised what part of her his thigh was pressed against. She leaned forward, with one hand on his knee to improve the angle. In contrast to her earlier consideration, she wanted it to last, so she turned round reluctantly.

When she looked down at him again, she found him gazing at her intently. She blushed, ducked her head and focused on undoing his shirt with one hand and running the other down the skin she was exposing. He had goosebumps where she touched and she bent over to follow the same path with her lips and taste him. It had been warm in here to begin with and he had been wearing warmer clothes than she. Her saliva mingled with his sweat. He tensed under her when she dipped her tongue in his belly button. Tempting as it was to go lower, she sat back up and ran her fingers down each side of his chest. "I think your ribs are all there."

"You think?"

She smiled and brushed against his nipples, watching for his reaction. "I'm not sure how many you're supposed to have in the first place."

He laughed. "Change places and I'll show you."

He bumped against her as they both stood and he pulled her closer for a kiss. She'd put her hands out automatically to steady herself, so now they were trapped between them. Since they were now against his chest again, she wasn't complaining. His heart beat just as hard and fast as hers, and given what else she could feel, it wasn't the only part of him that was hard either. She leaned a little closer and he moaned into her mouth. Until her dress fell away from her back, she hadn't realised he had been undoing it - she'd been too distracted.

She stepped away from him so he could help her take her dress off. Lying back on the bed, she hid a smile behind one hand as he folded her dress and laid it out carefully on the next bed. She'd just thrown his clothes on the floor - it looked clean enough, although she hadn't really studied it.

She had been about to make a crack about him making a good housewife when he joined her on the bed and she decided not to put him off. As his fingers touched the skin on her sides she shivered, and he counted as he moved them down, over each rib. "This one," he ran his hands along the bottom pair, "isn't attached to the breastbone." His hands met in the middle, and he ran them up her breastbone to demonstrate, not that she was really concentrating on his impromptu anatomy lesson. As he brushed against her breasts, she hoped he would be a typical man and not ignore them for too long.

At the top, his hands carried on moving to run along the top of her breasts, his fingers beneath the edge of her bra. She groaned as it was nearly what she wanted, but not quite. Not wanting to wait for him, she took the initiative and wriggled enough to get her hands behind her back and undo her bra, which he happily pulled off her.

"You're beautiful," he said, looking down at her.

She smiled at him in response, and put a hand on the back of his neck to pull him down to kiss him again. She ran her hand through his hair, thinking she could never get tired of this, but let him go when he moved his head away, trusting him to find a better use for his mouth.

She was right because he moved to her breasts with his lips and tongue. His hand on the other brushed against it lightly and she told him where the best place for it was by moaning. Not that she could have stopped herself from making a noise if she'd tried. When his hand and mouth swapped, he made her moan much more quickly. He followed it closely with a tug on her nipple between his lips and she arched off the bed.

As much as she was enjoying it, and would be quite happy if he didn't stop what he was doing for the foreseeable future, she desperately wanted to touch him again. She managed to get her hands on his trousers to unzip them and, as she pushed them down, he wriggled out of them. The feeling of his body against hers reminded her that as good as this was, there were far more pleasurable things to do that she really didn't think she could put off too much longer. So she didn't mind too much when he broke off what he was doing to start on her stockings.

There was only so far that either of them could get, though, so when Harry stood and took off his remaining clothes, she sat up and did the same. She waited until he came closer before she said, "That looks painful," and reached out a hand to brush along his cock. As she did, he moaned and stepped forward so that she pressed harder.

"Perhaps I should kiss it better," she said, manoeuvring round him to jump down. His eyes followed her as she knelt down.

"I don't think that will work," he said, his voice husky - more so than hers.

She grinned and kissed along his cock anyway, feeling it twitch under her mouth and hearing the harsh pants he made as she did it.

His fingers twisted in her hair, and he still held a lock of it as she pulled away and said, "You're right, that does seem to have made it worse. What do you suggest, doctor?" Her voice sounding as innocent as possible.

He bent down to his trousers and pulled a condom out of his wallet. Then he put his hands round her waist and picked her up as if she weighed nothing, setting her down on the bed. She lay back, although she'd prefer being on top, he'd made her feel aroused enough that she didn't really care any more as long as he was inside her sometime soon.

She expected him to go straight to it, after he'd put the condom on, but he didn't. She had willingly parted her legs but he just ran a hand up the inside of her thigh, following it with his mouth.

"Harry," she groaned, "don't tease."

"What, you mean like this?" And he put a finger inside her.

She gasped, not expecting it. She raised herself up with one elbow on the bed and reached for him, but he caught her hand. He grinned as she sighed at him, but then he replaced his finger with his cock, which made both of them moan.

"Better?" she asked, although her voice cracked as she said it.

"Oh, yes." His voice had got distinctly hoarse now.

She reached up to put her hands on the side of his head to pull his mouth down to hers as she lay back down. His tongue moved in her mouth as slowly as his thrusts and she hated not being in charge, but the bed wasn't big enough to roll them over. Instead, she raised her hips to not quite meet his thrusts, forcing him to speed up a little.

He moved his mouth to her ear, but while she liked the gentle feeling of his breath on it, his lips did nothing for her, so she angled her head and he got the message. Which was just as well because she didn't think she was capable of speech any more. He shifted his mouth easily to her neck, where she had exposed it, and she ran her fingernails down his spine. He arched into her touch and she scratched a little harder in response.

His hand moved down her side, brushing lightly across her breast and causing her to moan. She thought that might encourage him to stop there, but he carried on and pressed his palm against her hipbone, just as her hand reached the bottom of his back. She rolled her hip into his touch and pushed him deeper inside her at the same time. His hard thrust hit just the right spot and she screamed.

He gave her a slightly odd look, but sped up his thrusts, making them harder and aiming for the same angle. His lips worked their way down to her breast, and when he took a nipple in his mouth it was all too much and she came, with him following straight after. She briefly wondered if he had held off for her benefit.

He nearly collapsed on top of her before pushing himself back up. "Sorry."

She shook her head, not quite trusting herself to speak, and her throat felt dry.

The Doctor's voice intruded on the moment, calling their names. He sounded far too close for her liking.

Harry was up immediately and jumped down to start pulling on his clothes. Sarah followed him, bending down to pick up the ones that had ended up on the floor. He didn't quite look her in the eye once they were dressed. She didn't want there to be tension between either of them, and neither did she want this just to be a sordid one-off - it had been too good for that, for a start. So she grabbed one arm to turn him toward her, and kissed him, hard. He smiled at her when she pulled back, and returned the kiss, lightly this time.

"Ah, there you are!" The Doctor stuck his head round the door, fortunately they jumped away from each other just before he could see what they were doing. Although Sarah was fairly sure he wouldn't understand what had been going on anyway.

"Well, what are you waiting for, we've landed!" He didn't wait for an answer, just turned round and walked back out.

"Nothing, Doctor," Sarah said, and ran after him, Harry behind her.

sarah/harry, smut, het, fic

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