I claim to be trapped in a mine shaft.
This is because I am a hermit who fails at blogging. ;) But also because, once upon a time, my brother and I filmed a fake TV talk show featuring famous author/hermit
J.D. Salinger.
In our version, Salinger revealed that he wasn't a hermit after all. No, he had been trapped in a mine shaft. For decades! Finally free of his subterranean prison, J.D. starred in an action movie, gyrated to a No Doubt song (with geriatric vigor!), and challenged a washed-up Olympic athlete to a cage-match. It was EPIC. (No, not really. But he did wear a long grizzled beard a la Tolstoy, which compensated for a lot.)
So now, when I feed you some line about a mine shaft? You'll know that I am slogging through the-book-that-will-not-end, or crazy revisions, or maybe, quite possibly, am trapped in an actual mine shaft. Which has wi-fi.
This is kind of how I picture it:
Because I totally make that face when I am trapped in a mine shaft.
Now for reader participation time (but only because I genuinely want to know this)
What song do you think elderly bearded Salinger should rock out to?
I'm gonna have to go with
"Spiderwebs." What about you?