Crossover icons

Apr 13, 2011 19:29

general Crossover icons made for xover365days
-> make 100 themed icons in 365 days
-> icon count so far: 66/100 + 19 alternate
+ manipulations/mini picspams made for some of the icons


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xover ship: prue/sirius, xover: drwho/stargate, xena, lotr, torchwood, vampire diaries: damon salvatore, xover ship: dean/prue, xover ship: buffy/jacob, criminal minds, doctor who: 11, xover: charmed/drwho, primeval: becker, xover: spn/vmars, smallville, btvs: dawn summers, lots, xover ship: doctor/luna, veronica mars, law and order uk, twilight, lots: cara, xover: other, leverage, xover: lots/xena, icons, vampire diaries, xover: primeval/torchwood, harry potter: ginny weasley, point pleasant, xover: charmed/spn, doctor who, xover: farscape/stargate, xover: multiple, torchwood: ianto jones, harry potter: sirius black, lost girl, lots: kahlan, charmed: prue halliwell, percy jackson & the olympians, xover ship: chloe/sam, supernatural: sam winchester, xover: drwho/lots, lotr: legolas, xover: hpotter/pll, doctor who: rose tyler, lotr: aragorn, xover, twilight: jacob black, xover ship: doctor/kahlan, xover: angel/vampire diaries, xover: drwho/hpotter, supernatural: dean winchester, xover ship: hermione/legolas, xover: hpotter/narnia, btvs, merlin, xover ship: eliot/jo, xover ship: rose/stephen, xover ship: dean/martha, angel: angel, xover: smallville/spn, xover ship: doctor/prue, primeval, xover: hpotter/lotr, btvs: other characters, xover ship: dean/faith, fanfic: unusual temp. occurrences fanart, btvs: spike, doctor who: amy pond, fanfic: new worlds fanart, lotr: arwen, xover365days, btvs: willow rosenberg, xover ship: jo/xander, xover ship: katherine/spike, xover: drwho/spn, xover ship: faith/jack, xover: lost girl/torchwood, xover: btvs/twilight, supernatural, xover: btvs/drwho, xover ship: bo/jack, xover: hpotter/heroes of olympus, doctor who: sally sparrow, highlander, xover: drwho/law and order, xover ship: bella/doctor, supernatural: jo harvelle, torchwood: gwen cooper, xover: btvs/tvd, xover ship: angel/katherine, fanfic: it's only just beginning fanart, xover ship: doctor/morgana, twilight: bella swan/cullen, btvs: faith lehane, xover: btvs/supernatural, xover: drwho/vmars, doctor who: 8, angel, xover ship: hermione/percy, xover: leverage/stargate, chronicles of narnia, harry potter: luna lovegood, xover: charmed/hpotter, harry potter: hermione granger, robin hood, vampire diaries: katherine pierce, btvs: xander harris, xover: drwho/merlin, xover: leverage/spn, leverage: eliot, harry potter: harry potter, torchwood: jack harkness, criminal minds: spencer reid, xover: hpotter/lots, xover: drwho/primeval, xover ship: aragorn/kahlan, xover: drwho/robin hood, xover ship: doctor/veronica, xover: drwho/lost girl, lost girl: bo, xover ship: cara/snape, xover: drwho/drquinn, doctor who: martha jones, xover ship: doctor/marian, angel: other characters, doctor who: 10, harry potter, charmed, primeval: stephen hart, smallville: chloe sullivan, xover: lotr/lots, xover ship: dawn/sam, doctor who: doctor/rose, xover: drwho/highlander/torchwood

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Comments 7

milerna May 4 2010, 22:09:21 UTC
I can't imagine Veronica and the doctor together because IS WAY TOO AWESOME! i think my mind could explode LOL. I need to make some Veronica crossovers ♥


milerna May 4 2010, 22:11:09 UTC
I totally forgot to tell you that your manip is amazing ^^u i get distracted when i get excited x)!.


sarah_jones May 4 2010, 22:32:19 UTC
Lol, yes, the idea of the doctor & Veronica can do that to you. :-)) They'd be great! I once had roleplayed them together. That was amazing. But unfortunately the rpg died. :-(
Incase you want to read the bit we did write you can check this post over on ij:
The Veronica writer really did a great job. I laughed all the time. I so have to re-read that now. :-))

Thanks by the way! :-)


milerna May 5 2010, 00:23:27 UTC
OMG. I dont have words to describe how epic that was. Its such a shame it didnt get finished! Seriously, like i want to make tons of manips now LOL. Maybe even a fanvid *O*!! You and your wonderful fics <3


juliet316 May 18 2010, 05:22:28 UTC
I agree, your manip skills are amazing. Snagged the Amy/Faith icon. Will credit if used.


sarah_jones May 18 2010, 05:37:19 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm glad you like my manips! :-)


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