The colors of India

Sep 30, 2009 17:04


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Comments 41

satya September 30 2009, 15:14:44 UTC
sara_stc September 30 2009, 20:22:08 UTC
It's a really complex and charming country, isn't it?
Thank you!


levitatethis September 30 2009, 15:27:26 UTC
This is absolutely gorgeous. I love the bold colours!

One day I will actually go there. My cousin and her husband are going for a couple of months.


sara_stc September 30 2009, 20:33:57 UTC
Oh, India is one of the few places I'd REALLY want to visit before I die.
I'm totally fascinated by its culture, religions, people.
I think there's a lot we(western world) could learn from it.

Thank you!


satin999 September 30 2009, 16:29:23 UTC
The picspam is AH-MAZING!


sara_stc September 30 2009, 20:34:19 UTC
Thanks <3


mayush17 September 30 2009, 18:51:29 UTC
this is stunning.
and it's so sad that this country is so beautiful but so poor.
I can't wait to visit there :)


sara_stc September 30 2009, 20:38:03 UTC
It's sad indeed.
And I agree, It's a place I would love to see as well.

Thanks hon <3


rahelcsy September 30 2009, 19:04:02 UTC
beautiful, beautiful! picspam. thank you, dear!


sara_stc September 30 2009, 20:40:25 UTC
Awwww, thx honey!

PS: BB_elite has 60 watchers, It's AMAZING!


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