Episode Notes: due South "Free Willie"

Dec 03, 2006 22:35

This episode is a *great* follow-on to the absolutely exquisite pilot. This episode has several scenes that absolutely make me laugh out loud! And we get introduced to Elaine Besbris, Huey and Gardino, Beau Starr as Welsh. All so awesome ( Read more... )

due south, screencaps, episode notes

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Comments 54

Part the first spikedluv December 4 2006, 15:28:55 UTC
I was so good this week! I actually got the ep watched yesterday, and my notes typed up...I was going to be so ready when you posted your comments, lol! And then I saw them just before I was closing everything up to go to bed and I just didn’t have the brainpower left to comment, so I’m just getting here now. *g*

The theme music is to die for! This is the only show I can recall where, the first time I watched the DVDs, I actually sat through the opening just because I love the song. (There are soundtracks, and somewhere they were downloaded, if you want to ask around...or I could try to remember where I DL’d them from.)

The Riv!! See the difference? I had no idea what the other car was, but I knew it wasn’t this one. *g*

Fraser memorizing the names killed me, lol!! They’re all probably going, “Weirdo!” *g*

(And honestly, in the face of Disappointed!Fraser I'd have been handing over the purse and the gun with no further questions and a whole bunch of apologies.)Bwahahaha, yes! Oh, Fraser, he says so much with that pretty ( ... )


Part the second spikedluv December 4 2006, 15:30:14 UTC
(I didn't realize I'd yapped so much!)

So why doesn't Ray want Fraser trying to rescue people around the city? I mean I get that Fraser can't save everyone.

Because he can’t, and my guess is that Ray’s not sure if Fraser’s taken into account the size of Chicago vs, say, Inuvik, where it might in fact be possible to save every widow and orphan to cross your path. I think it’s more that Ray doesn’t want Fraser to get hurt by trying to save everyone when it’s not possible to do so.

I'm not sure what hotlinking is but I gather it's bad, so maybe it'd be nicer if you didn't.

Bwahahaha! *wipes eyes*


Soundtrack Link spikedluv December 4 2006, 19:23:20 UTC
Someone lit a fire and I decided to do some updating of my website, and I started with due South (mainly because there's so little to add, lol, so I feel good and am not completely swamped *g*). When going through my bookmarks to update the links page I found the soundtrack thingy I mentioned above. I did not check the links, so I can only presume that they all still work.



Re: Soundtrack Link sara_merry99 December 4 2006, 20:10:37 UTC
Yay!! Thanks!!

I've already got the music from the first CD (bought it from iTunes) but it'll be awesome to get the other tracks that are available there.


dragonflymuse December 4 2006, 15:38:37 UTC
I am enjoying these screencapped ep reviews :)

I saw in another comment that you were ok with sharing of caps: I added you to my resources list and am sharing a few from this post and the pilot - thank you for sharing!


sara_merry99 December 4 2006, 15:45:19 UTC
I'm so glad you're enjoying them!!

Yeah, go right ahead and use the caps however you like. Enjoy!


tiggymalvern December 4 2006, 16:50:02 UTC
I can see why our fannish fore-mothers slashed Fraser and Vecchio.

Ouch! Way to make a gal feel old! ;-)

These reviews are really fun to read - I love the way you look at everything in them with so much enthusiasm, because for me I've seen these eps so many times there are parts that are starting to bore me (not all of them, I'll admit - some eps have no boring parts), and it's nice to get a newer perspective again. Hope you keep taking the time to do these and linking them to ds_closet.


sara_merry99 December 4 2006, 17:04:18 UTC
Ouch! Way to make a gal feel old! ;-)

:) Sorry.

I'm always a late-comer to a fandom because I absolutely refuse to get invested in open-canon shows--there's too much heartache and pain in them. So I'm always aware of a debt of gratitude to the fen twho made the fandom happen before I got there. :)

These reviews are really fun to read - I love the way you look at everything in them with so much enthusiasm

Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying them. I'm really enjoying the hell out of this show and I like to share the squee and the enthusiasm. (The more folks who squee with me the more fun I have. ;) )

Hope you keep taking the time to do these and linking them to ds_closet.

My intent is to do the whole series. *fingers crossed* So keep watching for them on Sunday nights.


primroseburrows December 4 2006, 19:51:46 UTC
--Chicago is actually quite a pretty city.

dS!Chicago is so pretty you'd almost think it was Toronto. *g* Of course, never having been to either city, I only get my info through reading. I really would love to go to Chicago, though (spending two hours in O'Hare twice doesn't count, 'cause it's eighteen miles from the city). I'd really, really like to go to Toronto.

--The Riv!! Yay!!

I want a Ray/Riv icon. Right after I get a Paul/Canada one.

Did someone say that Paul Gross did most of his own stunts? Woof!

I love this. Guh.

And he's doing a beautiful job of intimidating Willie, very gently and sweetly!!

Fraser's quite manipulative when he needs to be. I love that he can completely pull the rug out from under someone and they have no idea he's doing it until they find themselves on the floor. *loves*

And what sandwich-machine company carries salmon sandwiches?I never noticed that before. This is what I love about dS; they're random and offhand like that. It's like, "la, la, salmon sandwiches, la", and they don't even try ( ... )


sara_merry99 December 4 2006, 20:08:43 UTC
dS!Chicago is so pretty you'd almost think it was Toronto. *g*

Well, fair enough. Toronto's quite a pretty city, then. :) One would think, though that they sent a crew out to do the sweeping city shots in the *actual* city. :) Silly me.

I love that he can completely pull the rug out from under someone and they have no idea he's doing it until they find themselves on the floor.

*nodsnods* I haven't seen a *lot* of this show yet, but I do like that aspect to Fraser a *lot*!

Anf for that matter, why is it black?! For some reason someone thought Fraser should have black hair for a while. Do not try to fix something that does not need fixing, is what I say.

Very true! The man's damned gorgeous already, just leave him alone.

Though maybe the black is from the lighting?? Maybe? I haven't been paying so much attention to that.

I don't know much about David Marciano at all, but I'm madly in love with Ray Vecchio. If he were real I'd marry him. His personality is half of his hotness. Of course, his eyes and his mouth aren't bad, ( ... )


primroseburrows December 5 2006, 06:56:19 UTC
One would think, though that they sent a crew out to do the sweeping city shots in the *actual* city

I think the beginning shots are Chicago--the ones with the train--but I'm not sure. There must be some Chicago content there.

Though maybe the black is from the lighting??

I remember reading somewhere that it was dyed, but I couldn't tell you where. It's all lost in the fog of netsurf. *g*

I love the way he talks, and he's got that awesome smile, and he loves his mother, and his eyes are so pretty, and he had the balls to wear that pale teal suit-coat with buff pants (and to make it look way better than it had any right to).

*smooshes Ray* He's like the guy you want to bring home to the family, really. And he's got green eyes. I'm a sucker for green eyes. *g*

I use PowerDVD for capping.

I'll have to look into it. I use VLC, but the caps aren't very big. There may be a way to change that, but I haven't figured it out yet.


sara_merry99 December 5 2006, 13:05:31 UTC
I remember reading somewhere that it was dyed, but I couldn't tell you where. It's all lost in the fog of netsurf. *g*


*shakes head*

That's, that's....just so wrong. And unnecessary. (Unless the stylist was just looking for an excuse to continue touching working with him, which I could see being tempted to do if I were his stylist.

I'll have to look into it. I use VLC, but the caps aren't very big. There may be a way to change that, but I haven't figured it out yet.

I don't know VLC, but in PowerDVD I can say that the caps always wind out the same size as the screen. Which is nice.


dragonladyk December 5 2006, 02:37:08 UTC
"Fannish foremothers?" *snort* There are plenty who still ship F/V (namely, all those on ds_closet ), dove. How anyone could watch the first two seasons and deny the validity of F/V astounds.

However, again you have highlighted what is best about the ep ("give me an allowance" *giggle*), and I completely agree on Dief's fur. However, it is a LOT warmer in Chicago than the Yukon, so I imagine the shave was in Dief's best interests.

And yes, Ray IS jealous -- he saw the pretty Mountie FIRST. ;)

I think Ray's issue with Benny's goody-two-shoes-ness and his unfailing niceness isn't that he doesn't agree with Benny's motivations, but that he is extremely protective of Benny. Being nice can be seen as a show of weakness that invites exploitation, and trying to save people can get you hurt. Ray isn't really thinking about the good Fraser achieves when he scolds Benny. What's important to him is the fact Fraser could be preyed upon by the person he's being nice to; fail to save his "project" and suffer disappointment; or be betrayed by the person ( ... )


P.S. Hotlinking dragonladyk December 5 2006, 02:43:21 UTC
I forgot -- you know how when you add the image to the post you type the IMG tag and then add the url of the image? Hotlinking is using the url of an image on a site that isn't yours.

For example, lets say I post my icons using my Photobucket account. You take the icon and post it on YOUR Livejournal using MY url. Photobucket doesn't know that YOU'RE using the url, and it debits the bandwidth YOU'RE using on MY account. Meaning every time someone views YOUR post, I get "charged." Hotlinking is also called "bandwidth theft." It's extremely rude.



Re: P.S. Hotlinking sara_merry99 December 5 2006, 03:06:25 UTC
Thanks for trying to explain it to me. I think I'm just a dolt about this. The only way I know to post pictures in my LJ is to use the "add image" button at the top of the window. And I can't figure out how to do it unless I've got the picture on my hard drive and then upload it.

I think I'm just not smart enough to figure out the wicked and wrong way to do things. :D (Go me!!)

And I don't quite get how bandwidth works with LJ anyway (that's where all my pictures are stored, my LJ scrapbook).


Re: P.S. Hotlinking dragonladyk December 5 2006, 03:17:11 UTC
OK. LJ scrapbook has storage limitations Photobucket doesn't have, and Photobucket images can be used ANYWHERE. I prefer it.

For comparision, here's the manual way of adding images --

First, you upload the image to a place like Photobucket.

Then you go to LJ, start your post, and add your IMG tag. (I've added * at key points to keep the computer from freaking out. Pretend they don't exist.)


then add the source attribute (src=) and tell the computer where to find the image on Photobucket

<*IMG *src="http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a170/DragonLadyK/ykylm.png

Then you close the tag

<*IMG *src="http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a170/DragonLadyK/ykylm.png">

The url (http...blah blah blah) goes inside quotes. The entire tag goes inside less-than greater-than signs.

At the end, this is what happens:

... )


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