MKSP: 110 Inside Out

Mar 27, 2009 23:43

Michael Knight Sex Project: 110 Inside Out

My recollection of watching this one in January is that it's pretty unmemorable and unremarkable. Which sounds a bit paradoxical I suppose--I remember it for being unmemorable, but yeah, it's an episode.

It does have a GotW, though I don't remember her being anyone special. And if I remember right Michael spends most of the episode in a perfectly dreadful jumpsuit.

--Yay, credits!!

--The episode begins with Michael and a Bad Guy fighting in KITT as they're going along a curving rural road. I assume KITT's driving, though he's normally pretty careful to observe the speed limit and at this time he's going more than 225 miles an hour. At least according to the radar-gun that a couple of cops manning some sort of checkpoint on the highway have. The speed's off the radar-gun's scale.

--The two cops stand there watching outside their cruiser as KITT jumps over their cruiser. Cop 1 (dumbfounded): "What was that?" Cop 2: "A Pontiac?" Heee!!

--Why oh why, does a show where one of the main characters is a jet black car have such a jones for night scenes? It makes it darned hard to get good caps of KITT. Though this one's actually quite cool.

--KITT: "Michael, if you want me to drive don't bump the controls. Just finish him off and take the wheel." :D (Though, other times KITT's just fine at driving even with someone "bumping" the controls. It's still cute though.)

--So Michael maneuvers the bad guy onto the passenger seat and they eject him. But apparently Michael actually wants to take the guy into custody because they stop and go back for him.

--Another rather cool shot of KITT in the dark.

--Good job, KITT. Apparently Random Bad Guy got ejected into a tree and when he fell out of it he got knocked out. Handy that.

--Hmm, so apparently Michael's leaving the Random Bad Buy locked into an, erm, Airstream trailer? Perhaps he is not so random a bad guy as all that. I forsee bad things happening. (Or perhaps I remember them.)

--Yay, it's daylight again and KITT's looking pretty!

--Isn't this the Exact Same Road that the semi was parked on the first time we saw it in Deadly Maneuvers?

--And the Oooo-ing begins. :D

--wow, Bonnie's even prettier when she's smiling. Heee, but she just blew past Michael to check on how KITT's doing. "How are your shocks? Are you still in alignment?"

--Eee! :D

--In case I ever need a picture of the interior of the Semi. :D

--Okay, Random Bad Guy has been given a name, Dugan, which means he's probably important after all.

--Devon: "When we didn't hear from you on schedule, we decided to intercept you en route. What happened?" Michael: "Mr. Dugan got loose about an hour after I picked him up. He jumped me while I was driving." Devon: "Well. You seem to have managed all right." Something about that look on Michael's's saying something to me, but I'm not sure what yet.

--Oh. Apparently Devon prepared that Airstream trailer for Michael to lock Dugan in. Shouldn't they have a guard on it?

--Oh, that's a nice smile. :D

--Michael found a piece of paper on Dugan with a map on it and a time. (It's a Klew! Except it never never never gets mentioned again. D'oh!) Michael cracked a joke (hence the pretty smile in the previous picture) and Devon got all serious and threw in another bad guy name, Kinkade (which is disturbing, because I know Kinkade from Sentinel fandom and he's a creepy-ass wing-nut who gave Blair that really sick look that made my hackles go up).

--Okay, apparently "Col. Kinkade" is a ring-leader of an "army" of bad guy and he's in need of a wheelman, Dugan. Michael's put Dugan on ice so he can step into his place. The plot begins to emerge.

--Heee!! ::snort:: Bonnie's working on KITT while Michael and Devon are talking. Bonnie: "How's that?" KITT: "A little higher. No, lower. Ah. Stop. Ah. That's it." With his voice all breathy. Devon's grinning like a fool, which is awfully cute.

--But Michael...suddenly, Michael's not going to hang around and drink coffee and let Devon brief him any more. Michael: "I, ah, I gotta get out of here." Heee!! He doesn't much like that KITT's making happy breathy sighs for *Bonnie*. :D

--Devon: "I wish you'd had more time to prepare." Michael: "I wasn't patient when I was a cop. I'm still not patient."

--Michael's going to nail Kinkade from the inside out. ::snort:: It explains the title of the episode though.

--Devon: "You really are quite impossible. If only Wilton Knight hadn't concieved such an extraordinary obsession for you." Michael: "We'd both be out of a job." This is just fueling my suspicion that Wilton pretty thoroughly manipulated Michael's life to get him into position to be betrayed, if not shot, in the desert. Also, why would *Devon* be out of a job--FLAG has plenty of other activities than just, erm, managing Michael and KITT. Right?

--ZOMG! Michael and Devon just had a little, erm, well it wasn't quite as far as eye-*sex*, but definitely some eye-*foreplay* there. I will not start slashing Michael and Devon because Michael's straight (and he and KITT were, literally, made for each other)...but durn there are the occasional little tidbits along the way.

--ooo!! KITT gets new toys. Bonnie's increased the range of all of his scanners and given him a new electrical jamming device, later to be known as the "microwave jamming device", with which they can "micro-jam" brakes. James Bond never had the continuity to keep his toys from movie to movie, but generally KITT does keep his. It's one of the things I love about this show.

--Bonnie: "Right now there's only one thing wrong with this car." Michael: "I know..." Both: "The nut behind the wheel." Michael: "That's, that's very funny." :D

--Heee!! KITT, I love you so! KITT (while on their way to Kinkade's base): "...didn't Mr. Miles say that no law enforcement agent had ever returned from there." Michael: "That's right." KITT: "I see. Do you happen to know what happened to their cars?" :D

--Ooo!! Neat shot!

--Hmmm, apparently Michael as "Dugan" is at the General's right on time, but a day late. So he's greeted with submachine guns and a guy threatening to shoot him. Michael flips the would-be shooter into a conveniently placed garden pond.


--Oh, and Ooo! again. ::fans self::

--Col. Kinkade's actually kind of okay, in a steely sort of way. He's not near as bad as the Sentinel's Kinkade--at least he hasn't called anyone Mr. Natural yet. But one of the people in the gang, Thompson (the one who got flipped into the pond), is a total hothead and clearly doesn't like Michael at all. "Thompson, we are trying to get Mr. Dugan into the team spirit, and I would appreciate if you would show some."

--Here's the GotW, Linda. Yeah, she's part of Kinkade's gang.

--I'm being a little self-indulgent because the second half of the show has Michael in a perfectly horrible jumpsuit. So I want to get all the caps I can before that. Also, Mmm!!

--Michael's trying to find out from Linda what the caper is, but apparently Kinkade's not told anyone yet.

--And Michael, because he really does seem to feel more comfortable with women socially-speaking than he is with men, tries to connect with Linda by asking why she's part of Kinkade's racket. Linda: "I'm here because I spent too many of my formative years with lowlife and scum." Michael: "Like Kinkade?" Linda: "Like you." Michael seems a bit taken aback by that--I think he forgot for a moment he's playing a bad guy.

--Michael's about to contact KITT from in his room, then gets smart and it occurs to him that there might be a bug in it. weird picture cause he's looking under the bed, but still. :D

--Wow, the one he finds is *huge*, not even *subtle*.

--Given the surveillance around the entire estate KITT estimates that they'd need to go 1/4 mile away to be secure in calling Devon without being overheard. Michael's going to look for definite information. "Maybe I can get something from the girl." KITT: "I wouldn't touch that line with a 10-foot drive shaft." :D

--::sighs:: And now we get Michael in the horrible jumpsuit for, I'm pretty sure, the rest of the episode. ::snivels::

--Kinkade's got people doing drills to build muscle memory and reflexes--a couple of guys are hanging upside down and catching bags on hooks. One guy's zooming along in a dirt-buggy type deal throwing smaller bags into inner tubes. Linda's walking on a balance beam and trying to skewer a ball on a moving nail.

--The real Dugan just escaped from the Airstream, thereby demonstrating why it would have been good to have a *guard* watching him so at least folks would *know* he'd gotten out.

--Hmmm, I suspect Michael just failed a test...He was out of his room after lights out (a no-no in Kinkaid's army) and ran (literally) into Linda, who he was taking some food (she screwed up on her drills and Kinkaid told her no lunch or dinner). They got to talking, despite the fact that Michael *knows* there are surveillance microphones all over the compound, and Linda mentioned a "Paris" job that Dugan supposedly did...Oh, dear. Well, we'll see if that comes back to haunt him. Michael really does need to learn to research the backgrounds of people he's impersonating.

--After talking to Linda, Michael checks in with KITT (putting him in surveillance mode) and goes to check out Kinkade's office (which has a sign on the door that says "Off Limits").

--Doofy as the graphic looks, it's kind of cool watching Michael's progress through the building on KITT's monitors.

--In Kinkade's office, Michael see's a big map of a federal penitentiary.

--Oh, clever Michael!! While he was searching Kinkade's office, KITT warned him about people approaching. Michael couldn't leave through the French doors because of a guard out there, so he hid in the fireplace behind a metal screen/grate deal. Good thinking! And he got to hear Kinkade and Thompson arguing about him. Thompson wants to kill him. He also found out that the operation is going into high gear in 12 hours.

--Yay, Lucky pause! :D

--Michael tells KITT to go call Devon with the information about the federal penitentiary. While they're talking Linda sneaks by. Michael: "Uh-oh." KITT: "Trouble?" Michael: "Yeah, don't worry. I'll distract her." KITT: "I'll bet." :D KITT's already snarked at him once this episode (in a conversation I didn't quote) about using their cases to further his social life. :D

--She's out breaking curfew looking for *him*.

--For a man who's supposedly a "player" out looking for nothing but tail, he doesn't use that admission of hers to obviously forward a sexual agenda. And even within the parameters of 1980s TV he could have said *something* to return an interest, even if they didn't actually *show* anything.

--I was wondering how KITT, on auto, was going to get past the guard station at the complex gate. He's using his new electrical jammer to cause a short in the guardhouse, causing a fire and distracting the guard. I wonder how he'll get back in.

--Michael uses a radio to distract the bug in his room so he and Linda can talk.

--Oh, I was right that Paris thing was a test. Go me. (It wasn't a very subtle one.) But Linda was testing just for herself, not for Kinkade.

--So Michael's spilling his guts to her? Quoi? Oh, he's not really. I mean she figured out that he's not Dugan on her own, so it's not so much for him to give her his name. But he's refusing to tell her more about himself until they know each other better.

--Which doesn't stop her from backstory-barfing all over the place. Kinkaid's blackmailing her because her father was a crook and she perjured herself on the stand to keep her dad out of jail.

--Michael convinces her that if they work together Kinkade will get a prison sentence instead of her and she throws herself at him. After a moment's pause he wraps her up in one of his faboo big hugs. She's looking sort of bright and hopeful here, because Michael just promised her away out of her indentured servitude to Kinkade. (She's a little taller than some of the other GotWs--all the way up to his chin. :D)

--KITT on the phone with Devon is awesome. :D KITT's explaining Michael's findings and the whole penitentiary thing. Devon: "And Michael's quite certain of this?" KITT: "I am, sir. Would you like me to give you a forty-point cross-indexed statistical read out?" Devon: "Good Lord, no. It's two am." KITT: "2:02 am, to be exact". :D

--Some unknown time later (could be minutes, could be hours, it's all the middle of the night), Linda leaves Michael's room saying "I trust you and I know this is going to work." They do one of those minimal-contact-kisses and off she goes, sneaking back to her room. We know Michael can kiss better than this which his heart's really in it because we've seen it.

--KITT pulls up just as Linda's leaving. KITT: "Well. What was that all about?" Michael: "Biology." KITT: "Oh. That." :D

--Hmmm...that appears to be Dugan who's somehow snuck onto the grounds of the General's estate. Oh, dear. And who just got knocked out by Thompson. Who promptly goes to report to Kinkade. But Dugan's unconscious, so no one knows who he is yet.

--Oh, dear they're not going to the penitentiary. Oops. That's a future operation. They're going to steal $12M in gold from a truck.

--It's not just all the *women* in this show that Michael's taller than, it's most of the men too. Also, Oooo1

--Poor Devon's there at the penitentiary with egg on his face. Well, it will be on his face soon anyway.

--Whatever the General's plan is, Linda's in KITT with Michael.

--They're robbing the gold straight off a bullion truck and they need to take the gold off the truck without anyone on the truck realizing they're robbing them.

--Oh that's super subtle, the bullion truck's call sign is "Midas".

--KITT can't call Devon because Kinkade's monitoring all communications in the area. Michael's plan is to go along with the robbery until another plan emerges.


--I'm not writing about the robbery, because it's very silly. Just so you know. Things are happening--dune buggies with knockout gas, sound technicians with reel-to-reel tape decks, Michael and Linda walking around on KITT's hood, etc.

--Okay, for reasons that make no sense, the gold bullion is in bags. So the plan is that Michael's throwing it out of the truck onto the road. The general has two guys in the back of a *pickup* truck with hooks hooking the bags as they drive over them and pulling them into the bed of the pickup. But $12M in gold weighs a hell of a lot, right? And since it's being shipped originally in a *semi* one would think that a pickup might have trouble carrying the load. Wouldn't one? Here's Michael throwing the bags out of the back of the truck.

--Oh, and now Michael gets revealed as faux Dugan. Oops. And even when Thompson's getting all ready to shoot him, Michael's still *Michael* and snarking about how he always thought Kinkade was a jerk. :D

--Yay, Linda, for creating a distraction to help Michael get away. And Yay KITT for coming in there too and giving him cover! :D Huzzah.

--And we end with poor Devon still at the penitentiary with egg on his face. Then Michael drives up in a truck with KITT following behind.

--Michael's looking hot. Of course. :D

--Linda's awfully cute with the submachine gun.

--They have Kinkade and his men in the back of the truck and it all ends happy.

Final Verdict: I would have left this one as a "plausible but not definite" except for KITT's conversation with Michael after Linda left his room. "What was that all about?" "Biology." That conversation puts it into "almost certain", though they could have just snogged for a while. Certainly, they don't seem very, erm, physical afterward for a couple who just had sex. I'd actually believe some time spent snogging more than I'd believe intercourse.

I will point out, though, that Linda threw herself into Michael's arms. I think, illeryana that this is why I have trouble seeing Michael as a player or as a skeezer in his relationships with women. So far we've never seen him as the *pursuer*. He's not charming or seducing or luring or tempting or teasing women into his arms or his bed. He's just, you know, catching *some* of them (not all) when they throw themselves at him. Which is certainly a somewhat improbable convention of the show, though god knows I'd probably be flinging myself at him too.

All screencaps are my own. Please feel free to use them however you like. Unless you like to use screencaps by hotlinking. That's not nice, so please don't do that.

All of my Knight Rider fanworks are linked here.
All of my episode notes, in all fandoms, are linked here.

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