MKSP: 108 No Big Thing

Mar 16, 2009 23:23

Michael Knight Sex Project: 108 No Big Thing

This episode is on a theme that always bugs me--Good Guys in jail and treated like bad guys. (You know I'm a total wimp, this is just part of that.) On the other hand, it doesn't make me as twitchy as prison episodes in other series, for reasons inexplicable. And it's got some really wonderful stuff in it. So maybe I can get over my dislike of prison episodes and deal with it.

One thing I'm extremely interesting in noticing going forward from this episode is whether the relationship between Devon and Michael changes after the episode. It would make a lot of sense if it did, but that might be more continuity than 1980s TV was generally capable of.

I can't remember if this one even *has* a for the sex project, I don't know if there's even anyone *for* Michael to be getting it on with.

--Oh, yeah, a little KR is exactly what I needed this evening. It's been a long day.

--Devon's got a rather spiffy Mercedes, and is listening to Mozart, I believe. :D

--Okay so here's the setup. Devon's driving in his spiffy Mercedes through a rather dumpy little town on trumped up charges, because they figure he can afford to pay a hefty fine. Because he's not just going along with them, they wind out actually taking him to *jail* on a traffic stop. Definitely SkeezyTown. At least the chief of police, Wallace, and one of the cops, Cop2, are skeezy.

--Because I didn't get enough nice pictures of KITT last time.

--It's interesting that his scanner doesn't go when he's in Normal Cruise. It's like a the scanner's a sign of when KITT's more self-directed or something.

--Hmmm...KITT's running low on gas, which is just all *kinds* of intriguing. I didn't realize he ran on gas. Michael's response is that "Bonnie goofed up", so I guess she's responsible for making sure KITT has enough fuel for the mission at hand.

--KITT jumps to Bonnie's defense though: "Her route plan didn't include the 200 mile diversion to visit that girl you met..." So whether or not there's an actual GoTW in this episode, Michael clearly saw some action, because I doubt he'd drive 200 miles out of his way just to hold hands.

--KITT can apparently operate on any combustible liquid. That's cool. And they stop at a gas station with a guy who's trying to sabotage KITT so that Michael has to pay them for some repairs. First he went after KITT's tire with an ice pick. To no avail. Now he's going for some hoses or something. Michael knows *exactly* what's going on and is just amused.

--[As they drive off] KITT: "Some people!" Michael: "I know, buddy, I know. Did he do any damage?" KITT [offended]: "To me? You must be jesting. Perhaps with some plastique, a jackhammer, a diamond-edged hacksaw he may have had an outside chance of throwing out a circuit or two. But damage? "

--This one's just for my pleasure. :D Though OMG those awful sunglasses!!

--Devon [in jail]: "The least you could do is give me some decent bread and water." Cop2: "His Highness is still complaining, eh?" Evil!Chief Cop Wallace: "Non-stop." Heee!!

--OMG I love Michael and KITT!! Michael's programmed KITT with college football statistics and KITT's giving him predictions and odds. Hee!! Damn they're cute together!

--So Bonnie calls Michael to tell him that Devon's in jail and to enlist Michael's assistance. Michael's incredibly amused by Devon being in jail, with some cause--he certainly doesn't seem like the type. "What'd they get him for? Assault with a deadly crumpet?" (And yeah, sorry for about five virtually identical caps in a row.)

--Okay, so the cops in SkeezyTown bring in another guy, a drunk reporter named Frank Reston, and throw him in the cell with Devon. As it turns out, he's why Devon's there, so this is somewhat fortuitous. At least it would seem so...

--Frank Reston: "Fifth Amendment, I'll have the fifth amendment. It's a great name for a booze, huh?" Devon: "I'm Devon Miles." Reston: "Well, it's an okay name for a liqueur, I guess, but not for a real booze." (Really, this scene isn't near as slashy as this cap makes it look, though I'm starting to have some thoughts about Devon...wait 'til we get to the episode where he's checking Michael out.)

--Apparently Reston's been trying to get something on the police department for years so they're quite pleased to have him in their clutches. Wallace tell them to take him over to a place called Sinclair, I think it's the next town over. So they take him away.

--"I wouldn't miss the chance to bail out our illustrious leader for all the pasta in Italy." :D

--Here's the BigBad, Judge Paxton. Did this actor ever play anyone who wasn't a smarmy nasty bad guy? Just his voice make me want to smack him.

--Ooops. The cops killed Reston when they were working him over. Paxton's clearly a bad guy, but he's really ticked at them for killing Reston. Not at the needless loss of human life, but because it will call down heat on him.

--Wallace and Cop2 decide that they can cover up Reston's murder. No one even know's he's been arrested except "the British guy" they caught in the speed trap. So now they're putting Devon under-wraps until it blows over. I don't think their intent at this time is to kill Devon.

--Oh, look there *is* a GoTW--Reston's Ex-wife, there at the police station trying to get the cops looking for Frank.

--Michael goes to the SkeezyTown police station and is told that Devon's been moved to Sinclair, about 20 miles away, where they have long term holding facilities. Michael's starting to smell a rat, I think.

--Mmmm!! So on the way out of the police station, he stops Ms. Reston and asks for her help as a sort of native guide to the town. I would seriously not be able to resist assisting him if he asked.

--So she gets in the car with the strange man she met in the police station. :D

--Oh, dear, the police in Sinclair are denying any knowledge of Devon (or Reston), despite the fact that the SkeezyTown cops told Michael he was here. So Michael's demanding answers. Not unreasonably.

--Well, she's a little taller than Fran anyway. Comes up over his shoulder, though he's still a head taller than she is.

--Ha! She has a first name, Carol!

--She's telling Michael to stop trying to find Devon, because if Judge Paxton wants him to disappear he will no questions asked.

--Oh, poor Devon in jail is just wrong wrong wrong.

--Well, Judge Paxton just went over the edge--he just ordered Wallace and Cop2 to kill Devon, because he found out that Devon's the executive director of FLAG.

--Michael: "The more I see of this county's law enforcement, the more suspicious I get." I'm glad to hear that Michael. I'm afraid I wouldn't be adequately suspicious in this situation, because I'm just a trusting, gullible sort (and I have an infinite faith in the power of bureaucracy to screw things up.

--Wallace calls on the assistance of a semi-truck driver to stop KITT.

--Hmmm...that's a weird little continuity bobble in the script that it seems like someone should have caught. Michael's proceeding toward the semi (who's on the wrong side of the road) and KITT tells him to hit the brakes then go into reverse. Then a few seconds later KITT asks why Michael went into reverse when they could have just jumped over. Which is totally what I was expecting them to do. Michael has an answer (because he wants to stay with the truck and see what he'll do) but I'd be tempted to say "Because you told me to. If your memory's going bad we need to get you to Bonnie."

--The semi driver's wondering what the hell kind of car can go backwards at that kind of speed. Heee!!

--Backstory eposition dump with Carol explaining how she and Reston came to SkeezyTown and Michael being serious and concerned. I'm just enjoying the pretty.

--Definitely enjoying the pretty.

--So I wonder if she always sets that nice a table for an informal dinner of what appears to be leftover meatloaf.

--Yay, they're planning on going to the county correctional facility the next day "unnanounced" to look for Devon and Reston.

--Yeah, sure, that's awfully likely--Devon's cell mate, Pink, and another guy are breaking out of the jail. And they're insisting on taking Devon along so he doesn't blow the whistle on them. (Because yeah, jail breaks happen almost every night in almost every prison in the country, right?) Devon's not at all happy with Pink's Friend's plan and offers to help them come up with a better one. Because their plan pretty much sucks.

--Hey, Devon's got a pretty cool backstory too! Apparently he escaped from two German prison camps during the war! Go Devon!

--Heee!! So having learned from the "little computer gadget" incident a couple of episodes ago, Michael allows KITT to introduce himself to Carol. :D Carol: "Is that a recording?" KITT: "Not exactly. In fact, not at all." ::hugs KITT::

--And OMG I just love how much Michael likes showing KITT off. Seriously, he's always just so tickled when other people are surprised or taken aback by KITT. :D

--KITT: "...I will attempt to describe most of the qualities and capabilities of this truly unique vehicle." Michael: "You've only got forty minutes." KITT: "I'll try to squeeze it all in." Heee!! ::hugs KITT::

--Devon's superior plan involves having his co-conspirators starting a food fight in the mess hall? Well, I suppose that is superior to Pink's Friend's plan. At least the guards are a little distracted.

--They get spotted going over the wall, though. I suppose no plan is perfect.

--Michael just snuck into the Correctional Facility pretending to have a message from Judge Paxton to the warden. Apparently the judge didn't choose the gate guards at the jail for intelligence.

--Devon's been reading a few too many of Michael's reports about what he and KITT are up to, because he jumps the truck they've escaped in over the fence around the perimeter of the correctional facility grounds. :D

--So Michael's someow managed to break into the file room at the correctional facility and found that Devon was there, but then Wallace found him there. Michael's not prepared to believe that Devon Miles busted out of jail. :D

--Eee!! OMG I love it when Michael calls on KITT for help. :D Carol: "Where are we going?" KITT: "To save Michael." ::flails::

--Eeee!! And he busts right through the gate at the entrance to the facility. :D

--Hey! Wallace just told his men to shoot to kill if they find Devon (they've recovered Pink and Pink's Friend).

--Eeee!! And KITT just drove up in the middle of the correctional facility to save Michael!! Wallace is pretty much just gobsmacked.

--But Michael's little half-smile makes my heart go pitty pat.

--So why the hell is Michael taking Wallace with them, rather than just getting into KITT and vamoosing?? Quoi??

--Wow! Michael and Carol are both pissed. Wallace isn't cooperating (duh!) so Michael tells Carol to shoot him and Carol actually cocks the revolver (Wallace's gun that Michael took from him). That got him playing along.

--The Judge put a $10,000 price tag on His Highness's head. Is it just me or does that seem like a woefully small price to pay for a man's life. I mean I've never really given much thought to hiring a hit-man (of course) but I'd just assume that it would cost *millions* of dollars to hire someone to actually *kill* for you. I know intellectually I'm wrong wrong about that and people get hired to do murder for terrifyingly small sums, but it just boggles my mind.

--Devon's managing to evade his pursuers in this orange grove, which was possibly one of the last ones in Southern California.

--Yay, they just ejected Wallace to make room for Devon. Which definitely begs the question of why Michael took him along at all.

--Devon: "Your timing couldn't have been more felicitious." Michael: "Felicitous? That mean you're happy to see me?" Devon: "I've never been happier to see anyone in my life."

--Eeee!! And once again Michael took KITT's instructions without question to get one of the cops to smash into the other one! KITT: "Doesn't that deserve a word of thanks?"

--So Cop2 (apparently named Saunders, though couldn't they have mentioned that in the *first* half of he episode) just called on the same semi-driver as before to stop Michael and KITT. And the semi-driver has called on, erm, some random dude in a pickup truck with a camper top on the back.

--Eeee!! And KITT jumps right through the camper top on the truck! :D

--Yay, Devon!! He goes back the next day to confront Judge Paxton. Apparently the state police have rounded up Wallace and Cop2 and all of his other minions. And Devon's there to take in the Judge. And when the Judge draws a gun on him, Devon decks him! Go Devon!! "My, that felt simply wonderful." :D

--The episode ends with Michael and Devon driving off in KITT. Well actually, KITT's pretty obviously driving. :D And I wonder what happened to Devon's rather spiffy Mercedes. And KITT twitting Devon about his "tact" when dealing with the police. :D

Final Verdict: No nookie with Carol. They got along well enough, but I don't see any reason to believe that they ever did anything. I suppose one could argue that he stayed at her place after that dinner and they got down. But one could just as probably argue that he didn't, and there's nothing in the way they interact before or after to point in that direction. On the other hand, I'd guess he did get some with the nameless woman they went 200 miles out of their way to see though.

All screencaps are my own. Please feel free to use them however you like. Unless you like to use screencaps by hotlinking. That's not nice, so please don't do that.

All of my Knight Rider fanworks are linked here.
All of my episode notes, in all fandoms, are linked here.

mksp, knight rider, screencaps, episode notes

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