Fic: Technical Assistance

Jul 09, 2012 20:27

Title: Technical Assistance
Author: lost_spook
Rating: All ages
Word Count: 1525
Characters/Pairings: Silver, Copper (OMC)
Notes/Warnings: One spoiler for the BFA Zero. (Though this is largely just randomness out of my own head, for which I apologise.)

Summary: It’s not that Copper doesn’t want to be rescued - he’d just rather it was by anyone but Silver ( Read more... )

audios, silver, fanfic, fan fiction

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Comments 6

evilawyer_fic July 21 2012, 01:01:40 UTC
Haven't listened to the audios, but I quite like this.


lost_spook July 21 2012, 12:08:13 UTC
Thank you! :-)

I've actually only listened to The Passenger, and then the three with Silver (and I kind of contradicted a bit from them in this, anyway) so I hoped it would be accessible to people who hadn't. (I was going to say 'make sense' but then remembered it was S&S...) The throwaway bit about Copper just got me trying to imagine him (and also, he clearly needed rescuing, and Silver would think he could do things other people couldn't).


evilawyer_fic July 21 2012, 16:14:55 UTC
(I was going to say 'make sense' but then remembered it was S&S...)

Hah! So true! But they don't make sense in such an entertaining way.

Jet and Steele, with a fond, amused Sapphire indulgently looking on. One day I may just have to write some, since I've never found any to read. (Have to try harder!)


lost_spook July 21 2012, 16:27:40 UTC
I am just greedy for M0AR ELEMENTS, so yes. And Sapphire enjoying watching Jet and Steel in any way, seems like how she would react. (She's very smirky over the mere suggestion in A1, isn't she?) I seem to have arrived at a place where I think they're sort of maybe all Elements/Elements, but with some having a much stronger and more important connection to each other. And some have less obviously flirty personas, of course. But I don't know. The good thing about S&S is you can change your mind every time you write something and rarely be at odds with canon. :-)

I have a Steel and Jet and Sapphire fic started somewhere, too, but it's a bit long and plotty for me to handle at the minute, but I do mean to finish it. (Although if actual shippage were required I'm always a bit disappointing on that front. :lol:)


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