Fic: Awakenings (DW/S&S)

Nov 27, 2011 13:15

I did not expect to be back so soon, but this came of me looking at the prompt D84/Poul on whoniverse1000 and thinking, well, that would be a lot easier if it was Silver instead. So I wrote it as a bonus fill for the challenge.

Title: Awakenings
Author: lost_spook
Rating: All ages
Words: 1006
Characters/Pairings: D84/Silver
Summary: D84 is mended, and Silver gets more ( Read more... )

crossover, silver, fanfic, fan fiction

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Comments 9

kerravonsen November 27 2011, 20:38:47 UTC

Now I'm worried what D84 will do now, all alone...


lost_spook November 28 2011, 16:51:19 UTC
Thank you! It was one of those where once I'd thought of it, I could only write it quite helplessly.

And, um, yes. True. It's not the sort of thing Silver would bother his head about. I expect the survivng crew is still there somewhere, though. It's probably what stopped Diamond intervening and spoiling the moment. Unless it's after they brought it back and the sandminer is buried somewhere... Oops? ;-)


fog_shadow November 28 2011, 17:18:49 UTC
You are fantastic and amazing and I love you (and your fic, too ;) ), and this is wonderful. And, yeah, I've watched the three DWs that Collings appears in and `Robots of Death' was totally my favourite.

And the . . . the intimacy/thing/stuff that happens is REALLY AWESOME.


lost_spook November 29 2011, 20:42:57 UTC
Aw, thank you so much. I am all overcome and blushing. (I don't get declarations of love every day; neither do my fics. ;-D) I'm just really happy that somebody 'got' it, so your review made my day. I am... yes, the stuff that happens... did I just write my first love scene ever... and it was Robot/Element slash? Ermmm.

And, I am a bit :lol: at the three DWs because, well, there's not much competition, really! RoD is one of my two favourite episodes of DW, full stop, and I say that as a long-time Classic Who fan (and despite the fact that Mawdryn does have the awesome that is the Brigadier). Indeed, Poul is probably the main reason I started looking out for Mr Collings in things. And then he was always rather good, so I had to look for some more. :-)


fog_shadow December 8 2011, 15:59:32 UTC
I'm a newcomer to DW of any sort, and so far only to Classic Who: my acquaintance is mostly limited to the three Collings episodes and the first couple of seasons of Three . . . I should probably get around to watching Mawdryn again now that I'm actually acquainted with the Brigadier. (For my part, I first noticed Collings in the BBC's Julius Caesar, and have been exploring out from there.)

And I've discovered, since coming to S&S fandom, (very sparing occasions of) (for want of a better term) telepathic sex, which I have found extremely awesome and among the most wonderful ideas in fandom, etc. And your Robot/Element slash went pretty much exactly that direction, and was thus extremely enjoyable. :)


lost_spook December 8 2011, 17:48:58 UTC
:-) Yes, I love the way they are so very not human, and the possibilities that opens up (especially for fic) - including telepathic sex/intimacy/whatever. *pauses to flail again ( ... )


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