Fanfic: "Ordinary World" Part 2/4

Apr 04, 2010 19:29

Well, here it is. Part Two of the Epic that has been consuming my mind for the past couple of weeks.

The teaser can be found here.

Part One can be found here. If you haven't already done so, please read those first, because you will be lost otherwise!

This is a crossover fic with NCIS and... guess what? Absolutely Fabulous! This part is ( Read more... )

crossover, silver, sapphire, steel, fanfic, fan fiction

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Comments 7

ifavorfire April 5 2010, 00:46:10 UTC
Eep!!!! Awesome!!!!:D


kittenmommy April 5 2010, 00:46:53 UTC

Thank you! I'm so glad you like it! :D


elmey April 5 2010, 04:38:29 UTC
Patsy and Eddy sound exactly like themselves--and now S&S are back! I'm having a lot of fun reading this.


kittenmommy April 5 2010, 09:54:05 UTC

Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it! :D


amphibian8 April 5 2010, 14:53:58 UTC
Wow- you have the characters down perfectly. Patsy and Eddy sound exactly the same ( I think a few people were hoping the other show would be MFU, but this is just as good). You have the NCIS characters perfect as well. Will be we be seeing more or Abby? I really do love Sapphire & Steel and I am ready for part 3.


kittenmommy April 5 2010, 15:57:25 UTC

MFU would give us two Steels and no Sapphires, which is one Steel too many and not enough Sapphires. ;)

Abby will figure pretty heavily in the next installment. Remember, she now has the mirror fragment...


kittenmommy April 5 2010, 15:57:52 UTC

And I'm glad you're enjoying this! :D


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