OMFGGGG HOUSE "Simple Explanation" (Spoilers included)

Apr 07, 2009 21:09

Fucking jesus. That was a beyond emotionally intense episode.

Forwarning: Spoilers everywhere )

house md, spoiler

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Comments 14

pictureplaces April 7 2009, 11:45:06 UTC


sapphire_magick April 7 2009, 11:55:11 UTC
IT REALLY REALLY SUCKS!!!! I completely cried. =(((((


rubidium11 April 7 2009, 14:51:56 UTC
You've read this? Kutner's obituary
I love what Cuddy, Cameron and 13 wrote.

That funeral was so moving, I totally teared up.

You're very much welcome :)


sapphire_magick April 8 2009, 08:58:27 UTC
That funeral was so moving, I totally teared up.

Me toooo. =(((

You've read this? Kutner's obituary. I love what Cuddy, Cameron and 13 wrote

I really really wonder if it's the actors/actresses handwriting. I really hope so. I love Remy's writing. And Remy's my favourite. Heartfelt and warm. &heart; So different from the mysterious and hard character Olivia first portrayed her.


(The comment has been removed)

sapphire_magick April 8 2009, 09:11:44 UTC
I was like "but but but why? WHY?!??"

I was like that too. The title of the episode explains the reason. Kutner wanted to be left alone. He wanted to die without a sound, without so much a beep on the radar. So when the pain got too much, he died. He didn't want anyone involved.

Sigh, I loved Kutner too. I was actually hoping Taub or Foreman would die... since their storyline is boring as hell.


specialk67 April 7 2009, 20:52:43 UTC
I was more stunned than anything else. I'm surprised it was kept so quiet (or maybe I just wasn't paying any attention?). But thanks for the note about why he left the show! Congrats to him - that's awesome.

PS. Did you see the prank FOX did on the House set? Omar is actually really funny and Olivia looks too cute. (I really like the Bones prank too - although I don't watch the show)


sapphire_magick April 8 2009, 09:34:50 UTC
I'm surprised it was kept so quiet (or maybe I just wasn't paying any attention?).

There was a spoiler on Kristin a while ago... and I completely forgot to post it to give u guys a heads-up. Lol.

PS. Did you see the prank FOX did on the House set? Omar is actually really funny and Olivia looks too cute.

Yeah I did! Omar was quite funny. I just couldn't stop looking at Olivia. She was so so adorableeee! &heart;

Hehe, the Bones prank was so damn awesome! I LOVE DAVID (the guy in the ice box)! He was also a prankster in Buffy and Angel! XD


heartisafist April 8 2009, 06:41:56 UTC
Holy wut. Apparently I have some major catching up to do O.o


sapphire_magick April 8 2009, 09:13:56 UTC
haha, yepppppppp you totally do!


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