Gossip Gay Girl 2x08 + Chuck 2x05

Oct 29, 2008 16:40

Watched Gossip Gay Girl 2x08 last night... oh how the writers teased us! There was so much Waldsen subtext! But most noticeably, the kiss Serena gave to Blair's dainty hand outshone the rest. NO LONGER WAS IT SUBTEXT... IT HAS BECOME TEXT.

Full of Waldsen prettyness! And eye-sex, of course. )

chuck, picspam, waldsen, sarah walker, gossip girl

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Comments 10

iriene_25 October 29 2008, 08:03:30 UTC
you can download it from




sapphire_magick October 29 2008, 08:09:52 UTC

THANK YOU SO MUCH! *squee* I've been searching for it all over the net this afternoon!


pictureplaces October 29 2008, 08:48:24 UTC
dude dude I WAS SITTING THERE WAITING FOR CHUCK TO HUG SARAH. I even was like 'aaw go on chuck, hug her. HUG. HER. DAMNIT! >(" lol

Josh objectifies Sarah every chance he gets, I swear! But I'm not complaining... I'm loving it.
I accidentally moaned outloud 'fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck'. I'm SO SOOOO glad no one was home considering that is what was uttered from my mouth. Wow. GOD I LOVE SEXY NERD GIRLS.


sapphire_magick October 29 2008, 08:58:50 UTC
I WAS SITTING THERE WAITING FOR CHUCK TO HUG SARAH. I even was like 'aaw go on chuck, hug her. HUG. HER. DAMNIT! >("

ME TOO! OMG IT WAS SO TEMPTING TO REACH INTO THE SCREEN AND PUSH THEM TOGETHER, DAMMIT! It was such a perfect moment to touuuuuuch! But all they did was sneak glances at each other! Argh, so frustrating! ><"


UH HUH. I watched that scene so many times. XD Man, I think Sarah has been slow-motioned a hundred times by now! Almost every episode! Talk about making us droooooooool. *goes off to watch it... again*


yourstrulytessa October 29 2008, 13:28:05 UTC
this post made my morning so much better <3


sapphire_magick October 29 2008, 13:37:19 UTC
I'm glad it did! ^_^ Aww, I hope everything is okay at your end. *hugs*


gespawcho October 29 2008, 14:34:45 UTC
Dude. I am okay with Josh objectifying anyone in the above post, at any given moment. In fact, there should be more objectification.


sapphire_magick October 29 2008, 15:31:05 UTC
In fact, there should be more objectification.

Totally and utterly agreed 310%! Or even more. XD

...aaaand all my high school feminist education just went out the window! Haha.


gespawcho October 29 2008, 18:04:43 UTC
Well, feminism is all well and good, but really, isn't the world a dull and boring place without aesthetically pleasing visuals? How drear it might be! How drab!


sapphire_magick October 29 2008, 22:30:32 UTC
Well, feminism is all well and good, but really, isn't the world a dull and boring place without aesthetically pleasing visuals?

I think my LJ (in every entry/post) will answer that for you! XD


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