Buying online is way too expensive, seriously. You're better off waiting until it comes to Australia. Do you know how much a $40 (US) hoodie ended up costing? Just over $100. And that was before the currency exchange rate started to rise, so it'd cost even more now.
Seriously: save your money and wait. (and don't even think about buying from the UK)
True. I'd find it hard to convince mum to buy it for me anyway even if it is on amazon. She likes amazon, she buys music through it all the time but I doubt she'd buy me a massive boxed set of DVD's on a whim. Maybe for my birthday if I grovelled but thats ages away anyway. *Wistful* i'll just watch my tapes of it.
Comments 3
Seriously: save your money and wait. (and don't even think about buying from the UK)
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