Teeeeeeeeennn! ;________________;
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And now for some fluffy, awesomeness for the Supernatural/Who fans on my flist. Somebody on tumblr thought that a splicing of the two fandoms would be cool so they created a new fandom called SUPERWHO. And this is a vid pertaining to it.
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Comments 6
Still, the first video was perfect. I loved how they had everyone from Ten's day, including the one-offs like Astrid to the regulars (even Time Crash got in there!), and his reactions to everyone was perfectly edited. *sigh* Oh Ten.... Can I hate and love you for a rec like this? *is confused*
The second one, although I'm not a Supernatural fan, I've seen it a few times (for background noise) to notice the characters, and there were some funny moments in it.
Still, more fluff! *eats peanut butter and fluff sandwich* Yum. lol
That was one of my favourite parts of that vid - that everyone from Rose to Tim Lattimer was in there *looooove* and of course you can love/hate me for it.
I love Supes and I've been so tickled with all these "Superwho" posts floating about on tumblr so when I saw this vid I was just like "hee!"
:D see, this is why I put the fluffy video second! To counterbalance the angst!
Aw, Tim Lattimer! *hugs him* What's so wrong about him?!
Ok, so fluffy video that made little sense to me but was lol-able anyway. I can live with that.
"What about second breakfast?" *goes off onto a LotR/Billy+Dom tangent* sorry what?
And, yes, I could probably reasonably pass as a hobbit because of my size. :)
Aw love. Nothing wrong with being hobbity!
Oh gosh, nothings wrong with Tim Lattimer at all! I was actually quite tickled to see him in there considering he was just a guest star of the week! :P I love the kid who plays him, he stole my heart away in Love Actually and I had to do a double take in Who.
Yay for random lulz that don't make sense! :D
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