Title: The Deep Breath Before the Plunge
Genre: pointless angsting internal monologue. GO ME.
Rating: PG
Characters: Charlie, mentions of Claire, Aaron and Desmond
Summary: Charlie’s thoughts in the outrigger before he jumps into the ocean in Greatest Hits.
Disclaimer: Not mine not mine not mine.
I would lay down my life for you... )
Comments 25
It brought up a lot of interesting points.
Like Charlie being jealous of what Liam had because that's what he wanted all along, I personally think he deserved a family more than Liam did but Liam probably doesn't think that.
& the point of Charlie wondering whether he loved Aaron more than he loved Claire, he probably loved Aaron more because Aaron would have been easier to love, we all know how difficult his relationship with Claire was.
Very interesting
Thank you! Btw, your icon cracks me up - that's the best face ever EdR XD
Omg, random did you know that she's in a movie with Johnny Depp?! I was like "omg I must tell Meagan!"
ZOMG I know! When I saw the pics of her on set I freaked out coz I've wanted those guys to be in a movie together & now they are & it's too perfect.
lmao, did you only think of telling me 'coz of Johnny? Because practically everyone that I know, as soon as they see something about Johnny they think of me...it makes me feel so special :D
I really wanted him to break down before he jumped. He was so bloody accepting that I just wanted to scream at him - fight damn you! Poor thing, he was convinced it was the only thing he could do.
It's seeming more and more like Charlie died in vain which is awful. Poor thing =(
Really beautiful fic!
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