Anime Mag Rants, KKM and KKN

May 25, 2008 13:00

To Pinoy Anime Magazine Readers:
Anyone familiar with the Otaku Magazine Issue with an FMA cover? Well, I was able to read it just yesterday and its KYOU KARA MAOU SECTION DROVE ME NUTS! Yes, nuts! IN THE NEGATIVE SENSE! -_-
I spotted some wrong facts -_- Like with Yuuri being the reincarnation of the previous king. I dunno if the reviewer is referring to Cheri or Shinou, but either of them is wrong. JULIA'S NO KING x_X Aaaaaahhhhh!!!!! I don't wanna recall the other mistakes, it will crack my brain x_x
I can forgive wrong facts since we're not perfect. And it's totally okay if it's just an informal fan review, like what I often do. BUT IT'S A MAGAZINE THAT'S BEING OFFICIALLY PUBLISHED NATIONWIDE!!!! Giving fans wrong facts . . .suck x_x
No offence to the reviewer of that section. I know making good reviews is not easy. But still . . . uuuugggghhhh x_x

Anywayz, speaking of KKM, I got lazy to download RAW episodes . . . .not enough space in my HD ;_; So I'll wait for the subs. *sigh* I miss Wolfram badly xD And I love the little Yuuram and Conwolf moments in the latest episode xD Hehe.

Oh well, something to cheer me up:

image Click to view

It's the  ED of the latest Kyouran Kazoku Nikki epsiode . . . and it's sang by GINKA! xD Haha! Man, I love that gay dude xD Not being bias, but I do like his song xD And he sounded so much like Kaoru fom Ouran there xD Oh, what if they're the same seiyuus? xD Haha . . I don't think so, but if it's true . . . that's WOW! Haha xD

[EDIT]: I just researched at Wikipedia . . .AND I WAS RIGHT! KAORU FROM OURAN AND GINKA FROM KKN HAVE THE SAME SEIYUU! OMG! My voice-actor-identification senses are improving!!! Wheeeee!!!! I thought this is only effective with Kakihara Tetsuya and Yoshino Hiroyuki (because he's Firo's seiyuu). AWESOMENESS xD Wheeeee!!!!

rants, gay, voice actor, cool videos, kyouran kazoku nikki, bishie, kyou kara mao

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