Crash... Boom... Bang (3/?)

Oct 30, 2008 13:47

TITLE: Crash… Boom… Bang

PAIRING: Callie/Erica


DISCLAIMER: The characters of Grey’s Anatomy are property of ABC and Shonda Rhimes.  No copyright infringement intended.

SUMMARY: Callie gets hurt…

The following morning the nurses found Dr. Erica Hahn sound asleep with her head on the side of the bed and her hand clasped around Callie’s.

The nurse nudged one of her colleagues.

“Hey, Melissa, looks like Hahn isn’t such an emotionless bitch as we thought.  Isn’t that a picture?” she whispered to her colleague.

“I always knew that the bitch façade wasn’t real.”

The whispering woke Erica up.  She blinked around confused but then saw Callie lying in the hospital bed and she realized it hadn’t been a dream.  Callie did have an accident and she was still critical.  She looked up and saw two nurses standing there, looking oddly at her.

“I’ll take that”, she pointed to the towel and washing cloth they were holding.

The nurses look at each other in confusion.

“I mean, that I’ll take care of Callie…hum Dr.Torres”, and she took the washing cloth and towel from their hands.

From the nurse station at ICU the nurses saw how Dr. Hahn carefully washed Callie and softly spoke to her.

“Looks like they are more then just friends”, a nurse said.

“Haven’t you heard yet?  She completely lost it last night when she saw Callie was in a car accident. I heard she even kissed her… on the lips.  And then she had to operate on her”, another nurse commented.

“Well, I sure prefer this side of her. She can kiss who she wants if she’s not a bitch anymore. But she does look kinda sad, don’t you think?”

The others nodded.

After two days Callie’s situation was stabilized but both Erica and the Chief agreed it was better to keep her a bit longer in the drug induced coma, simply because waking up would be too painful for Callie right now.

The nurses had by now understood that Erica was the one taking care of Callie. She freshened Callie up twice a day, combed her hair several times a day so it wouldn’t knot together, she administered the meds. She only left to go and eat a small meal at the cafeteria.  After sleeping one night in the chair next to the bed, the nurses but a small bed next to Callie’s where Erica could sleep.  When she wasn’t taking care of Callie, she was talking to her, talking about her childhood, her youth, her fears, her dreams… She told Callie everything she always wanted to tell. And each night before she fell into an exhausted sleep, she whispered “I love you Cal” and gave her a kiss and then fell asleep crying.

After a couple of nights everyone was used to Dr. Hahn being there constantly for Dr.Torres and no one found it strange anymore.  No one questioned it.

The fifth day, when Chief Webber came by to see how Callie was doing, he noticed that Erica still hadn’t left the hospital.  He had never seen her look this defeated.

“Erica, go home, she’s stable now. Go home, sleep a bit, eat something and come back tomorrow morning”, he said.

“I’m fine, Chief.  I can’t leave Callie, I can’t…”, Erica felt tears welling up.

The Chief took Erica by her shoulders.

“Erica, Callie would want you to take care of yourself.  You are a mess.  You are exhausted.  The nurses have been telling me you take care of Callie all by yourself.  Please, go home, eat something, take a nap, take a shower and then come back. Callie will be here when you get back.  Go home, for Callie. I’ll page you if something changes in her condition. Okay?” Richard gently said to her.

Erica knew Richard was right, but she couldn’t go back to that empty apartment.  She looked at her rumpled scrubs. She had been walking around in scrubs for the last 5 days.

“You’re right, Richard. I’ll go home, eat something, take a shower, change clothes, but then I’m coming back here.”

She went over to Callie and softly said: “Honey, I’m going home for a little while but I’ll promise I’ll be back. Richard said I look like a mess and I don’t wanna look like a mess when you wake up.  I’ll be back. Love you.”

To Erica it felt weird being outside the hospital.  She had spent the last five days in Callie’s room, she hadn’t been out, and so she welcomed the fresh air. She got home and quickly took a shower. She decided to pack a small bag to take with her, with fresh clothes in it.  Richard had told her that they’d wake Callie up in three days maximum.  The accident had really left her thinking about her relation with Callie. Even though they’d only be dating for a few months, she knew that Callie was the one she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.  She didn’t wanna waste anymore time.

After three hours she was back at the hospital. She saw that Callie had another visitor.


George quickly got up from the chair he was sitting on and started apologizing.

“Sorry, Dr. Hahn, I was just …”

“Relax, O’Malley, you can visit Callie, no problem. You don’t have to wait till I’m not here.  I don’t bite”, Erica said.

“Uhm, okay, have to be going. Bye Dr. Hahn.”

The next two days were spent in the same way as the previous five. Seven days after the accident they decided to let Callie out of her drugs induced and they reduced the meds.  One week after her almost fateful accident, Callie opened up her eyes.  She looked to the right and saw Erica standing there, with tears in her eyes.

“Sshh, honey, you’ve been in a car accident, but you’re fine now, you’re fine”, and then Erica lost it.

The tension of the entire week had catched up on her and upon seeing Callie opening her beautiful brown eyes, Erica lost control of her emotions. All the fear she had felt during eight days, came out.  She started sobbing uncontrollably onto Callie’s chest.  She felt Callie stroke her hair. After a while she calmed down.

“Sorry about that, love.  Do you remember anything about what happened”, Erica asked with a raspy voice.

“No, not really. What day are we, Erica?”

“It’s November 5th.  You had a car accident on October 29th.  You were in a drug induced coma for your injuries”, Erica softly told her.

Suddenly Callie noticed the bandage around her left arm.  Panic starting rising in her.

“My arm… my arm.”

“Sshh, relax Callie, your arm will heal fine.  I had the best Orthopaedic surgeon, after you that is of course, operate on your arm.  Don’t worry. You’ll recuperate just fine, love.”

“I’m sorry I had the accident.  I don’t remember how it happened…”

“No need to be sorry, love.  Now, sleep some more and we’ll talk more later.”

And with that Callie closed her eyes and drifted of to a natural sleep.

A couple of hours later Callie woke up feeling a bit refreshed.  She saw that Erica was sleeping on a bed next to her.  She took in her surroundings.  She noticed she was in ICU.  She would ask Erica later to show her the chart.  She wanted to know exactly what she had. But if they had kept her in a coma for 8 days, it must have been pretty bad.  She looked over at Erica.

“She looks exhausted”, Callie thought.  She noticed her hair was dishevelled and she had rings under her eyes.  Her eyes were slightly swollen too.  She suddenly realized that Erica must have gone through hell these last days.  She felt tears welling up.  She saw her stir on the bed.

When Erica opened her eyes and she saw Callie looking at her with tears in her eyes, she immediately jumped of the bed and went to Callie.

“What’s wrong, love?  Are you in pain”, she quickly asked.

“No, I just realized how hard this must have been for you.  You look like a mess, you know”, Callie said.

“Well, it wasn’t the best week of my life.  I thought I had lost you, Cal.  I was so afraid”, Erica admitted.

“I’m fine now.  Can I see my chart?  I’d like to know what my injuries are.  I don’t remember a thing from the accident.”

Erica handed her the chart.

When Callie continued to stare at the chart, she called out.

“Cal, what’s wrong?”

Callie looked up to Erica and said: “I almost did die.  Did you really operate on me?”

Erica nodded.  “I had to. Even though Richard tried to take me out of it.  But I promised you before you went into the OR that I’d operate on you. And I always keep my promises.”

“Thank you, Erica.”

Callie noticed a nurse standing there with a towel and a washing cloth in her hands.

“Dr. Torres, so glad you are awake.  Dr. Hahn here has been taking excellent care of you.  You are very lucky to have her”, and she handed the washing cloth and towel over to Erica.

“You have been taking care of me, all this time?”

Erica felt herself blush a bit.

“Yes, I had to do something to keep going from crazy. So I took care of you. I washed you, combed your hair, gave you your meds, talked to you…”

“When did you go home if you did all that?”

Callie saw that Erica didn’t answer that question.

“Erica, you didn’t stay here all the time, did you?”

“Oh yes she did, Dr. Torres, I had to force her to go home after 5 days, but after a couple of hours she was back”, Erica heard Chief Webber say.

He noticed that Erica was utterly embarrassed by that.

“Glad to see you awake, Callie.  You gave us all quite a scare, you know. But don’t worry, you’ll recover completely, but it will take some time. I think you might get quite a lot of visitors”, Richard said and he left the room.

“You really stayed here all the time, Erica?”

“Yes, I would have gone mad at my apartment.”

“I love you, Erica.”

“And I love you too, Cal.”

After a couple of more days in ICU, Callie was moved to the surgical ward.

All her co-workers came by to see her several times.  When Callie was moved to the surgical ward, Erica resumed work, but she dropped by several times during work.  When her shift was finished, she stayed with Callie till she got kicked out by the night nurses.

Today was Callie’s last day in the hospital. She really longed to get out in the fresh air.  Erica had told her yesterday that she had taken the next week off to take care of her. She had shyly asked Callie if she wanted to stay at her place till she could manage on her own.  Callie had accepted the offer.  She was now waiting till the Chief came by to release her from the hospital.

The door opened and Erica entered her room.

“Hey love, how are you doing today”, Erica asked and kissed her.

“Better now that you are here”, Callie smiled.

“I stopped at your place and brought you some comfortable clothes to put on.”

“Thanks, Yang didn’t bother you, did she?”

“Not at all, we came to an understanding while you were in your coma. She took excellent care of my patients, so I tolerate her a bit more.”

Callie noticed that something was on Erica’s mind.  She was quieter as usual. She took Erica’s hand in her own.

“Honey, what’s on your mind? You’ve been very quiet.”

Erica looked at Callie.  Something had indeed been on her mind.  Last night it had suddenly struck her that she still hadn’t told Callie that everyone knew about their relationship now.

“I hope you are not mad, but I kind of outed us at the hospital.  Everyone knows about us, Callie…” Erica softly whispered.

Callie stroked Erica’s face and looked deeply in her eyes.

“Erica, I don’t mind at all.  I had already figured out everyone knew about us.  You are the love of my life.  You took such good care of me.  I almost died, and that made me realize I want to spend the rest of my life with you.  Will you marry me, Erica Hahn?"

crash boom bang, fanfiction, callie/erica

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