Who the hell reads these anyway?

Feb 09, 2004 12:20

Not a good mood today. It's monday... cloudy. What am I supposed to write in here? My english professor in college had us do a free writing exercise and said if you can't think of anything to write, write "I can't think of anything to write" until you can ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

bithysith February 9 2004, 19:32:34 UTC
Honey, you don't give yourself enough credit. You have a natural instinct when it comes to audio visual projects. You know how I never have enough confidence to trust my own ability to create original work... how I feel that I'm only talented at reproduction? Well, you have that rare, rare talent of original creation, of thinking bravely and uniquely.
I can't tell you how much faith I have in you... I'm there with you all the way.


Who The Hell Reads These Anyway (Tenpercent) pinkticket January 29 2005, 00:35:42 UTC
I can relate a great deal to what you were saying ( ... )


seaveins May 5 2005, 02:05:28 UTC
in case you're wondering who the hell I am, I stumbled across one of your comments in someones post and I added you because you're actually articulate and in a similar situation to mine...and a graphics hound >_>


raincrescendo August 15 2005, 18:08:00 UTC
switched journals, this is McKayla!


etherealflaim March 2 2008, 06:59:20 UTC
Oh, I completely feel you! I've always had some artistic talent, and I've always used it to make things that only I, my friends, or (more recently) fellow fans on LiveJournal appreciate. I've done everything from pottery to oils to movies to fiction to greenware to photoshopping... but I've never thought that any of it was worth anything even though everyone told me otherwise. The difference, though, is that that's never been my favorite thing, because I've always also been a computer nut. So while I am a silicon test engineer by day, getting paid a nice check every few weeks, I can have the freedom to do my art and not HAVE to sell it. If I could, I think I would, but I have no faith in the system surrounding art. It's too much work to get discovered, and too many "discoveries" are too much crap.

Sorry for the rambling. I absolutely love your fiction =)


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