Aug 01, 2007 08:09
Day 3: Take the time to talk to/help a woman that you wouldn't ordinarily.
This challenge doesn't require dropping a link, unless you have a wonderfully positive experience that you would like to share. I understand that some people might have very personal experiences that they don't want to share, and others might just get blown off. But I think that it is good to stop and hold a door open for an elderly lady that we might ordinarily walk past, ask the cleaning lady how her day is, or help a little girl find her mom in the shopping mall. Just challenge your comfort zone a little bit, and come back here to click the box!
(Also, if anyone wants to friend me for just the duration of this challenge, and then unfriend me at the end, feel more than free to do so! I don't take the whole friending/unfriending thing personally, PROMISE. :o)
women appreciation challenge