14 Valentines Day 11: Economics and Work

Feb 11, 2009 08:04

Occasionally I creep myself out with my level of enthusiasm for My Chemical Romance and their non-famous girlfriends. But Mikey really chose well! Alicia Simmons kicks ass! So please enjoy today's set of recs, for they are all about her. (For 14valentines day 11: Economics and Work)

Hood Rat by lyo (gen, PG-13)
She doesn't mean to be that girl on this Warped Tour. Last summer, with Avenge, she was the other girl, the awesome one that didn't hook up and talked about how much she reeked with as much profanity as any of the guys. She belched and threw up her beer on her own shoes at least twice, but there was no rush behind the bus, no hands pressed to her hips and stubble-beard-beer-mouth at her throat. She was respected and awesome, and now.

Now she's that girl, the one that works for the label and was fucking the bassist on said label because his real girlfriend isn't here, and she's not sure who she's more pissed off at. It's probably her, for fucking around and squandering the reputation that she fought for, wasting the times she went back to the tech van alone and too horny every night so she wouldn't become just a lay.

You Can Find Out Firsthand by 7iris (Mikey/Alicia, R)
This isn't the first time Mikey's woken up in a different bunk than he fell asleep in. This isn't even the first time he's woken up in a different body. It's the first time he's woken up with tits, though.

Holy shit. He feels his chest experimentally and, yeah, definitely tits.

Someone yanks the curtain back. "Alicia! Let's go!"

Snapshot by pearl_o (Mikey/Pete/Alicia, NC-17)
Pete nixes the video camera right away.

"Are you fucking kidding?" he says breathlessly. He twists his hips again and Mikey moans where he has his face pressed down against the pillow. "The entire world has already seen my dick. I don't think they need to see it again."

Handle The Curves by cheshireempress (Alicia/Mikey/Ray, NC-17)
So when Mikey calls her at three in the morning babbling something about "fucking clit doesn't work right," Alicia blinks, pushes Bunny out of bed, and sits up so she can think better.

"Slow down," she says, still half-asleep. "And Bob's gonna kick your ass in about two minutes if you don't drop the volume."

The Stupid High School AU Where Hardly Anyone's Gay: Mikey, Pete, and Alicia by impertinence (Pete/Mikey/Alicia, R)
Alicia, Mikey learned quickly, was Pete's girlfriend. Except on days when she wasn't. "It's complicated," Alicia said when he stuttered out a question about them. She didn't even stop texting.

Pete had a habit of asking Mikey over, only to abandon him on the steps to make out with Alicia for five minutes, only in turn to abandon both of them and hop over the neighbors' fence to harass the cat. When Mikey explained it to Ray, Ray scrunched up his face and said dubiously, "Why do you put up with him?"

"Because he likes him," Frank sang, giving Mikey a wet willy.

The Differences and the Space Between by gonnafeelgood (Alicia/Pete, Alicia/Mikey, PG-13)
Pete smiles, his grin stretching across his face.

“You’re cuter than my last tech, that’s for damn sure.”

She breathes in deep and bares her teeth in what could be a smile.

And she gets the job.

three-piece puzzle by onneonlights (Pete/Mikey/Alicia, NC-17)
Pete's hotel room for his short stay in Jersey is nice, clean and well laid out, but everytime Pete glances at the coffee table and his one, lone cup sitting on it he thinks it's missing something.

It's not so odd at first because Pete frequently thinks his life is missing something, but then he thinks of the clutter he'd seen on the coffee table at Mikey's, in the split second he'd observed it. Then he blinks, and looks away, and tries to stop thinking.

14valentines, recs:falloutboy, women ftw!, recs:mychemicalromance

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