Dean/Castiel AU (Jensen/Misha RPS) Kink Meme

Dec 13, 2010 19:31

Marvel at my photoshop skills! Bwahahahaha!

Hello and welcome to the Dean/Castiel AU (Jensen/Misha RPS) Kink Meme!

The point behind this Kink Meme is to generate more AU fic for Dean/Castiel (and more of a chance for a happy ending, as so kindly pointed out by sycophantastic) and for more RPS of the Jensen/Misha variety (sorry Jared!). That being said, as long as it’s AU, it goes, whether it’s SPN or RPS. Dog Walker!Jensen can party with Rockstar!Castiel if that’s what you want.

For anyone who hasn’t participated in a Kink Meme before, the concept is fairly simple: post as many relevant prompts as you want (whether anonymously or not) and someone will (might) fill it for you. Whether the fic is posted in the comments or linked to a personal journal is completely up to the writer.

The rules are as follows:
  • Prompts must be either AU or RPS. This should go without saying.

  • Only one prompt per comment, please (and thank you), but feel free to prompt up to five times in a row.

  • This thread will more than likely contain adult material. Enter at your own risk.

  • This is bolded because this is important too: Please mark/warn for any specific spoilers and/or possible spoilers for season six.

  • Other characters/pairings are acceptable, as long as Dean, Castiel, Jensen or Misha are the main focus. This leads to the next rule, which is:

  • Dean, Castiel, Jensen and Misha must be the main focus of the request/fill but they do not have to be involved in a romantic gesture. If you want gen fic involving any two of the four, that’s perfectly acceptable as well.

  • Please mark your prompt request as Request in the Subject Line, and your fill Fill in the Subject Line. It makes it easier for people just skimming the list to find what they’re looking for.

  • As always, multiple fills are not only acceptable, but encouraged.

  • If your fill is longer than one comment long, the continuation should be posted as the reply of the previous part. Stray comments are annoying.

  • Be respectful. No flaming, trolling, or bashing of any kind (whether of the prompt, the fill, the author, etc.). Your comment will be deleted without question. Multiple offenses will get you banned (or something).

  • Most importantly, have fun.

With all that said and done, prompt away! Remember, the most important rule is to have fun and this kink meme won’t be any fun if no one knows about it - so feel free to pimp away to your friends and family.

!kink meme

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