Title: That one time at Stanford
sephirothflame Fandom: Supernatural and Chuck
Rating: NC17
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Sam Winchester/Bryce Larkin/Chuck Bartowski (kind of implied Bryce/Chuck)
Warning(s): AU, PWP, Crossover
Spoiler(s): If you didn't know Sam, Bryce and Chuck went to Stanford then you're probably not really into the show for the story, are
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Comments 3
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Fuck Stats indeed (but that's another story).
I'm glad you enjoyed and thanks so much for the wonderful comment. <3
Was I expected to say coherent things? If so, I faaaaail. (though I do like that Bryce is actually called a whore after you called him the same thing so many times on Twitter *grin*)
Hot. Awesome. And... uh... HOT. *flail*
Thank yooooooooou.
Bryce is a whore. He knows what he did. >:(
But mostly, yay! I'm glad you enjoyed! Thank you for the awesome prompt! :D
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