For Love Of…
A Final Fantasy VII Fanfiction
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: This is your canon timeline... this is your canon timeline DERAILED!! Damn, is Cloud ever gonna be surprised when he falls off that reactor in Disc 1. XD
If you'd like to follow along, there is more fic here. =/=
Dammit! You left me alone with my brain and the English Language again! )
Comments 12
*headdesk*. You know, based on the recent update to that FFVII Cid-centered time-travel fic - if Cid is now the equivalent of Seph's older sister, then - well, Cid and Vincent can literally be angel and demon now.
*slow blink* ... Now when did I say anything about Cid being Sephiroth's sister? Specimen CC is Lucrecia Crescent's clone. *charming grin*
I have to warn you that Exodus doesn't quite keep the continuity straight. It covers about the same ground as the War for Cybertron game, but with a lot of differences, and neither quite fits with Prime, especially where Dark Energon in concerned. I think Exodus even contradicts itself in a few places, like whether or not Starscream knows any science. I guess that's what happens when you try to work from a script that hasn't been finalized.
But I hear it's pretty good otherwise. I remember reading the tie-in novel for the first Bay TF movie. It was cool.
Bah, it's a fanfic that was good enough they paid him for it and it doesn't require internet access to read. I think that as long as Starscream refrains for declaring his love for any sparkly powder-puff elven princesses I'll survive.
Cool is good.
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