Prompt Post 16/26 - I HATE EVERYTHING! Faster, pussycat, kill. KILL!

Jan 03, 2013 10:57

Nine Rings of Vos - Arc 4: Earth
A Transformers: G1 Fanfiction

Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko

Summary: Starscream had found Skyfire. Skyfire has woken up. The Autobots are having Christmas in July. Thundercracker hates everything (except his mates) and everyone else can go die.
Timeline: This post is the sixth direct reference to a G1 episode.

Notes: ::Dialogue.:: is speech over a bond. =Dialogue.= Is speech over a comm. channel. "Portions of the dialogue in this chapter were lifted directly from the G1 episode Fire in the Sky, no infringement on intellectual copyrights is intended."


(In which Thundercracker disapproves of this whole Skyfire thing.)

::Slag. Slag. Slag.:: Starscream was going to start living up to his name any moment now, just you watch, and to the Pits with keeping their cover intact!

::Calm down, Star.:: Skywarp did not look up from where he was repairing the frozen shuttle’s knee joint. ::You can swing this, easy. Just keep to the truth as Skyfire knows it, and even if Soundwave dredges his processor Megatron won’t be able to hold anything over ya.::

“Whatever it is, being on ice kept it fresh.” Thundercracker smirked, more than pleased to play his part - Skyfire was but one of the many ghosts that haunted his beloved Trineleader’s past, but the large scientist was the first the blue Seeker had been able to get his claws on. ::He’s not going to be staying. Keep it simple and get rid of him before he blows this for us. The last thing we need is Megatron realizing how smart Star is.::

::Cracker’s right. This guy’s never been part of the War, and he’s an idealist, right? He’ll scoot off for the Autobot’s soon enough. We can spin it - let ol’ Buckethead draw his own wrong conclusions.:: Skywarp let a derisive noise escape his vents. “But not perfect. Impulse center’s down.”

::You’re both right.:: Starscream watched as the cover for one of Skyfire’s medical ports was removed and re-submerged himself in the role of Decepticon Air Commander - impatient, acerbic, and unwilling to play nicely with others. “Then give him fifty-thousand volts to activate his memory monitor!”

“Starscream...” Megatron growled from behind Starscream’s right wing. “Why are you so concerned for this creature?”

::Give him a good story, Star.:: Skywarp kept his optics on the monitors as Starscream spun a simple explanation in concert to the images shown on the small screen hooked into the shuttleformer’s memory cortex.

::Aw, you were such a cute fledgling, lover.:: Thundercracker grinned as Soundwave shot the large shuttle again, wilfully ignoring his trineleader’s glare. Megatron’s attention was fully caught by the images of his pre-war Second and the story Starscream told.

“And now - millions of Earth years later - you have found him.” Megatron looked at his Air Commander with calculating optics.

::He bought it!:: Starscream fought the urge to gloat easily burying his glee under surprise as Skyfire stirred with the rumble of long-dormant systems reactivating.

“Starscream...” The shuttle groaned, dim blue optics following the sound of the Seeker’s distinctive voice. “It’s you... you have rescued me.”

Skyfire kept talking - predictable enough dialogue for the Seeker to follow and plot at the same time. The slowness of Skyfire’s words indicated some form of processor damage, something the Decepticons were ill prepared to deal with. Starscream frowned in concern - he responded to the shuttle’s confusion, letting his old classmate know the name of the planet they were on, letting Skyfire know that some time had passed since the crash that had left the shuttle stranded in stasis. Starscream had to hide his glee behind an indignant scowl when Megatron pushed him aside to address Skyfire directly, speaking to the large white scientist as if Skyfire had been aware of the events that had transpired during his long absence from Cybertron.

::Buckethead thinks that he’s found your weakness, Star.:: Skywarp snickered over the bond, leaning back against the wall to watch the show.

::Might as well have.:: Thundercracker grumbled next to his wingmates, glaring at the white shuttle as Skyfire accepted the Decepticon brand after a thoughtful look at Starscream’s wings. ::If that overgrown barge says the wrong thing.::

::Leave that to me.:: Starscream soothed his wingmate’s irritation even as he smiled warmly - falsely - at Skyfire and led his old exploration partner away from the main Decepticon camp, choosing his responses to Skyfire’s questions with care. ::I have an idea about how to salvage this to our benefit.::

::Going to cruelly shatter his fragile illusions, Screamer?:: Skywarp casually used a wing to block a cranky Thundercracker. The last thing they needed was for the blue Seeker to take his not inconsiderable jealousy out on the newest addition to their merry Decepticon band.

::Oh, thoroughly.:: Starscream purred, leaving the bond wide open - they both knew how to deal with Thundercracker’s little bouts of irrationality by now. ::Far be it for me to pass up an opportunity to wrest control of the Decepticons from the Mighty Megatron.::

::And Skyfire?:: Thundercracker settled down to an irritated simmer, somewhat mollified by being able to monitor his trineleader’s interactions with the larger flyer in real-time.

::Skyfire is a softsparked innocent.:: Starscream chuckled at his wingmates and let them see the plan he had managed to pull together over the last few cycles it had taken to defrost the shuttle. ::He’ll balk the first time he’s told to kill, and the Autobot’s are sure to investigate our actions here soon. As long as we make certain that the Autobot’s witness his inevitable refusal...::

::We’ll have someone in the Autobot ranks telling tales out of the Academy.:: Thundercracker snarled, not liking the implications.

::Skyfire knows less than nothing, Thundercracker.:: Starscream let his wingmate see a quick summary of his past association with Skyfire as he rejoined the main group of Decepticons, Skyfire having been sent to patrol by Megatron. ::We can deal with him if things come down to that.::

::Are you going to be alright with that, Star?:: Skywarp put a calming hand on Thundercracker’s bristling wing. Their blue wingmate was not pleased by the preoccupation of Starscream’s attention with the Skyfire situation.

::... As I have said, Skyfire is an innocent. Perhaps the last innocent left untouched by the War.:: Starscream allowed Megatron to rant on without interruption. If Skyfire returned unexpectedly Starscream wanted the peaceful scientist to have a good look at the violent warlord’s true nature. The more doubt Skyfire experienced - and already Starscream could see hesitation in Skyfire’s actions - the sooner Skyfire would leave the Decepticons for good, the less chance what little Skyfire may have picked up could be discovered by Megatron, and the better off the Seekers would be. ::If it is possible for him to be spared, that is my preference... but he cannot remain among the Decepticons, whatever may occur.::


=The Autobots have retrieved their humans.= Spyglass sent the information on a secure Seeker channel. They had little worry of being overheard - Soundwave was busy and distracted, and would not be able to understand the Cant anyway.

=There is another group here.= Viewfinder broadcast just as Megatron started shouting orders.

=Follow the Winglord’s plan.= Spectro reminded his gestaltmates as Thundercracker and Skywarp captured the surprised group of Autobot’s with an attack from the rear. =This is the opportunity Lord Starscream decided was the most likely to occur.=

::So much effort just to be rid of one unfortunate Outsider.:: Viewfinder huffed as the Autobot’s were herded away from the energon production line.

::We have done as much  and more for Tabula.:: Spyglass shook his helm as he headed back towards his gestaltmates.

::Tabula is different.:: Viewfinder stressed with heavy finality as he and his gestalt began to secure energon cubes for transport. ::Tabula is ours, and far more worthy!::

::Truth.:: Spectro projected calm, and worked with his gestalt to move the energon stockpile to a location the Autobot’s did not know about. Now that Prime had arrived, it was only a matter of time until this venture ended in a suitably explosive manner.


::Skyfire has defected.:: Starscream told his trine in weary triumph, the stress of maintaining a well-established role in the face of someone who thought he knew better beginning to show.

::Good.:: Thundercracker was tired of the need for his mate to act unhinged just to make some useless Outsider joins the opposite faction. The blue Seeker would much rather have spared them all the effort and ‘slipped’ during repairs. They could have avoided this whole fiasco.

::Are the two of you alright?:: Starscream powered up into the stratosphere with Skyfire on his tail.

::Warp teleported us out of the water as soon as we hit.:: Thundercracker growled as he watched Skyfire cover Starscream’s flight path - torn between the need to stay with his injured mate and thrashing Skyfire for the presumption. ::I’m going to rip his oversized wings off!::

::Calm down and get Warp repaired enough to fly!:: Starscream let his wing scrape the underside of Skyfire’s, controlling the spin-out to slide over the thick ice and transforming in time to easily flip over the outcrop in his path. The pale Seeker landed in a crouch behind the rocky ice. =Reflector! Status of the energon stockpile?=

=Approximately eighty percent removed from the main production center.= Viewfinder responded as he and his gestalt scrambled away from the Skyfire-caused avalanche with the last load of cubes they had been able to grab without being seen by the clashing leaders.

=The Autobots are distracted.= Starscream had lost track of Megatron and Soundwave - and there was no telling if Ravage and Rumble had made it out - but returning to the Nemesis with the energon the Seekers had removed without the Autobots (or Megatron) knowing would keep their plating intact when the Warlord eventually returned. =Retreat with the energon before they manage to remember what we were supposed to be doing out here.=

Starscream and Reflector’s three components reached the stockpile soon after Thundercracker patched Skywarp’s blasted stabilizer.

“It’ll get me back to the Nemesis.” Skywarp told his wingleader with a grimace of pain.

“I’ll fix it properly once we get back to our quarters.” Starscream ran a comforting hand over Skywarp’s wings before transforming to allow Reflector to fill their cargo holds with the energon cubes. Once the little, hidden cave was empty Reflector jumped up, folding down into far more compact forms. Amber canopies snapped closed over the gestalt components and the Seekers took off into the sky, intent on leaving the Autobot signatures as far behind them as possible.

::Think the Bots will dig him out again?:: Skywarp prodded his wingmates for a distraction from the pain in his damaged plating. Stabilizers were not wings, but they came in a close second when it came to sensitivity.

::Sooner or later - yes.:: Starscream kept a close optic on his injured wingmate in concern. ::The Autobots have few mechs capable of flight among their crew, and none of them are capable of carrying other mechs with them. Skyfire is a tactical advantage they cannot afford to pass up. Their medic is more than capable of repairing him completely.::

Thundercracker’s sonics snarled in frustration over their choice of topic. ::Well I hope he rusts there! The next time I see him I’m going to crush his groping servos personally!::

Starscream and Skywarp both wobbled in surprise, taken aback by Thundercracker’s disgusted vehemence.

::Aww...:: Skywarp cooed as Starscream remained silent. ::Cracker’s jealous!::

Starscream snickered and Thundercracker sputtered loud denials, and good natured teasing of their wingmate's over-possessiveness filled the rest of the time it took to make the trip back to the Nemesis. Starscream had the rare pleasure of seeing Megatron speechless when the Warlord returned, fuming over his loss only to be confronted by the Seekers sitting docile and innocent on the landing dock. The Decepticon Commander took one look at their battered and scorched plating, another, longer look at the large pile of energon cubes being industriously unloaded from the three jets by a flinching Reflector, and stomped away without more than a disgusted snarl of thwarted rage. The Seekers very sensibly kept their snickering to themselves - well, until Megatron was out of audio range at least.

(Word Count: 1928)



... With that lovely sentiment vented and out of the way, we now return you to your regularly schedualed after notes.

So this prompt is a bit special - it was requested by one of my anon lurkers! They said to me "I'd love to see the 9 rings take of Fire in the Sky." And I thought, hey - that sounds like fun! So it wrote it, and I think it turned out pretty well. There are some references to magni_zeal's contributions to the Rings'verse characterizations of the Reflector trio - so if all y'all haven't read those additions yet you might wanna. You don't need to, the mentions are pretty low-key, but doing so will provide some depth to Reflector's scene you won't understand otherwise.


pairing: starscream/thundercracker/skywa, transformers fanfic, series: nine rings of vos, dragons

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