Prompt Post 10/26 - RAWR! (Means "I love you" in dinosaur.)

Dec 21, 2012 23:13

Nine Rings of Vos - Arc 6: Defection
A Transformers: G1 Fanfiction

Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko

Summary: The night before was enlightening... now what exactly is Soundwave supposed to do about the answers?
Timeline: Anything that has happened is written in the stars...


(In which it is the Morning After... again.)

Soundwave stumbled upright and made his bleary way from his berth to the refuelling station out in the common area. Draining his energon cube in one long pull, Soundwave stared at the far wall for a long moment just standing still and allowing the fresh energy to revitalize his depleted systems. Eventually the technopath realized that his face was bare, and that was when the memories his activities from the last few cycles decompressed and played across his view in vivid Technicolor. Soundwave slowly shuttered his optics.

Had he really...? He had done that and Starscream had declined to have him killed? Well, yet. Oh. Oh dear.

Soundwave wished he had something a bit stronger available for refuelling. If there was ever a time where the situation warranted getting good and overcharged in order to remain sane it was getting abducted by the target you were tracking down because they liked you so much, having them adopt your creations, and provide you with luxurious private apartments. Then after discovering that you had kindled an entire Seeker trine you set out to seduce them in order to prove it, and instead of taking offense they cuddle up to you in their recharge, so exhausted and trusting that their spark chambers were exposed to you at your whim.

A shiver ran down Soundwave’s dorsal plating. Actually, when Soundwave thought about it that way - from the objective standpoint of his procreation drive and the longing for a stable Unit, rather than as a horrible betrayal to every oath he had made as a soldier for the Decepticons...

Noise from the berth chamber pulled Soundwave from his musings. Abruptly, Soundwave recalled that last time he had been in this self same situation - the first awake after merging and shared pleasure. The technopath realized that he knew exactly when his newsparks had been kindled - the first and only other time he had shared sparks with the Elite Trine. That encounter had provided Soundwave with three additions to his Unit and he had - all unknowing - crept out while the Seekers were still in recharge.

He had abandoned his Unit.

Optics hardening, Soundwave stood and turned to the generously stocked cabinets attached to the energon dispenser. Three cubes were liberally doctored to Seeker tastes - filled with additives and supplements that a carrier needed for the healthy development of the newspark - were placed on a tray in the center of the table. Soundwave poured himself another cube, and he added the raw ores and minerals his systems needed to fabricate more nanites. The technopath took his time - measuring exact amounts of each addition to his ration - the memories a tease. Soundwave’s most recent romp with the Seekers had emptied his reserves of all but the bare minimum amounts needed to run his self repair systems, and that Soundwave would not care to test. If he planned on taking proper care of three carriers at once - and he did. Those newsparks were his - Soundwave would need to maintain a regular intake of extra materials to keep his reserves of nanites and transfluid high enough to do his duty as a sire. Having the sire provide pre-processed, hyper-charged materials eased the strain on the carrier’s systems, and as a bonus forged a stronger link between newspark and sire. Or so Soundwave had been told. He had only ever carried - and those he had kindled on his own - and it had been some time since he had left Seiber and his Creator’s cohort. Still, considering the deprivations the Decepticons as a whole and the Seekers in particular had been subjected to over the course of the War - and the increasingly erratic moods of the Decepticon Warlord had not treated the Seekers kindly - Soundwave would have to take care. The Seekers would need to be watched, Soundwave was determined to keep his Trine healthy.

Starscream exited the berth room at a fast clip, looking upset and far from composed. The silver Seeker froze at the sight of Soundwave, seated calmly at the table with prepared cubes awaiting company. Starscream stepped up to the table slowly, glancing from Soundwave to the tray of cubes. Silently amused by the brash Seeker’s uncharacteristic hesitance, Soundwave offered one of the cubes to the recharge-befuddled Starscream.

“... You stayed.” Starscream took the cube without looking away from Soundwave’s exposed face. “I was certain that you would flee from us once again.”

“Negative.” Soundwave drew Starscream down to sit beside him, nudging the cube-occupied hand towards Starscream’s mouth. The technopath smiled in satisfaction as the Seeker drank. “Soundwave: Has made choice.”

“Choice...? Oh. Oh! You’ve chosen us.” Starscream’s undisguised joy at encountering Soundwave’s unguarded EM field - and what that implied - was uniquely flattering, and Soundwave inclined his head in tacit agreement. The table rattled as Starscream banged it with a careless hip in his lunge.

“Mmph.” Soundwave slammed into the back of his chair with Starscream in his lap as their glossa tangled together. The Seeker’s energy field was eager and openly affectionate. Soundwave could feel his progeny tugging on Starscream’s mood as a moon tugs on the tides, warmth looping from carrier to newspark to sire and back again. Soundwave pulled back with a chuckle, understanding why so many co-creators ended up bonded. That innocent contentment was addictive. Starscream protested the end of their kiss with a small, wordless whine. “Hush. Starscream: Energy reserves low. System demands: High. Must ingest energon. Must monitor health.”

“... Hsst. Fine.” Pouting, Starscream retrieved his abandoned, miraculously un-spilled cube without leaving Soundwave’s lap. Sulking, the silver and crimson Winglord sipped at the ore-enriched energon. “Pushy slagger.”

“Hm. Starscream: Desired Soundwave’s progeny. Health of carriers: Priority.” Soundwave licked up a small droplet of spilled energon from Starscream’s chin, smirking up at the Seeker’s narrowed optics. “Starscream: Brought this upon himself.”

“Yes, I did.” Starscream grinned in smug triumph, finishing his cube and rising from Soundwave’s lap with a wink as his dishevelled trinemates finally roused themselves and stirred from the berth chamber.

“Soundwave.” Thundercracker looked like he was debating between any one of a dozen things to say. The blue Seeker just smiled in the end and took the energon Soundwave offered him with a soft purr of appreciation. “Thank you for staying.”

“Soundwave: Not going anywhere.” The technopath assured the quietest of the trine with a gentle kiss. The shy, happy flutter of blue wings brought a pleased smile to Soundwave’s face.

“Really, Sounders? Really-really?” Skywarp had chugged most of his cube and bounced over to push his way into Soundwave’s arms, optics wide, bright and gleeful. “You’re really gonna let us court you?”

“Negative.” Soundwave touched a single digit to Skywarp’s lips as the black Seeker cried out in protest, silencing the outraged cry before it could fully form. “Hush.”

“But-!” Skywarp squeaked as Soundwave spun them into the first steps of a dance, the violet Winglords artistic training taking over as Skywarp flowed into form and followed Soundwave’s lead. That did not stop the pout from forming though. “Soundwave! You said you were gonna stay with us!”

“Affirmative.” Soundwave dipped the excitable Seeker, dropping a quick kiss to the point of Skywarp's nasal ridge with a sly smirk. “Soundwave: Will pay court to Seekers.”

“What? But you said - ooh, you’re sneaky.” Skywarp grinned in appreciation as his trinemates laughed at his former pique. Soundwave spun Skywarp around and deposited the dark flyer into a seat and went to the dispenser in order to mix up a new cube for each Seeker. He was aware the whole time of their avid regard, and for the first time since he had returned from that last, ill-fated mission those bright, watchful optics did not leave his plating itching in paranoia.

“Soundwave.”Starscream held the technopath’s hand instead of taking his fresh cube. “I look forward to accepting your suite.”

“Affirmative.” Soundwave retook his seat and sipped his own refreshed energon with a smirk. “Soundwave: Superior.”

(Word Count: 1323)


Take it bitches! I finally managed to get Sounders talking again. I blame gracesolo, since she asked for "Soundwave confronting the Winglord Trine about the newsparks he helps create..." Primus on a pogo stick, I now have three new scenes with Soundwave actually talking, and the stoic glitch finally coughed up his backstory for this particular verse. It's... interesting. I'm not sure where it came from, but damn. I never would have guessed it if I wasn't the one writing it (and to be honest, sometimes I wonder where these ideas come from. XP)

HERE THERE BE DRAGONS! (Squee! ♥♥♥ Everyone is breeding their Holiday dragons and the Abandoned Cave is full of them!)

pairing: soundwave/elite trine, transformers fanfic, series: nine rings of vos, dragons

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