(no subject)

Jan 04, 2011 03:09

Title: The Nine Rings of Vos: Oppression
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: Seekers say what they mean and mean what they say. And it's all for the best, really.
Timeline: Rest of the fic resides here.


(In which Interceptor is propositioned.)

“Interceptor, could I talk to you for a click?” The softly melodic voice came from the doorway, pulling Interceptor’s grim attention away from the report he was reading.

“Bulwark? Did you need something?” Interceptor put the datapad he was holding down on his desk as his patrol partner walked slowly into their shared office. “Stop hovering and sit down. What is wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong, exactly, Partner. I was just hoping that you could do me a teeny-tiny insignificant favour. As a friend, eh?” Bulwark grinned at the other mech, sharp and feral stubborn as his name, but still somehow shy for all his bravado. “I hear that you’ve gotten that frigid aft Spectre sparked up. I’m not even going to ask how you managed to finagle that nose-up airhead into your berth.”

“To answer the question you ‘have not’ asked, it was a moment of mutual understanding while both yourself and Spectre’s trinemates were in the medical bay after the last raid.” Interceptor’s optics flickered as he spoke, recalling the sickening dread that had pervaded the entire city, and he looked away, fighting down the memory of his partner and best friend beaten into stasis by those who claimed to act in the best interests of the Cybertronian peoples. “We did not intend to create, but we were both too distracted by the situation to take precautions, and the tests indicate that the newspark is mine.”

“Hey, I’m not asking you to justify yourself, Partner.” Bulwark held up his hands, wincing inwardly at reminding his friend of bad times just barely past. “Put your brakes on, I was just offering you my congratulations.”

“Oh? Well, thank you then.” Interceptor huffed in aggravation as his irrepressible partner snickered. “I will make certain to pass on your kind thoughts to Spectre.”

“So... are you going to be spending a lot of time with him? For the sparkling’s sake, I mean?” Bulwark was not every skilled at hiding his thoughts, and it was obvious that he was upset by something, even as he tried to hide his distress behind a wavering grin. “Guess that’ll teach you to interface without using protection.”

“Bulwark.” Interceptor frowned, not liking the darkness in his partner’s optics and interrupting the other mech before he could begin to babble. “You did not come to see me just to talk about Spectre. I know you and he do not get along. Please, tell me what bothers you?”

“I...” Bulwark hunched in his seat, back panels twitching rapidly in a blatant display of nervousness. “I... was kinda hoping that we could, you know. Since we’re partners and best friends and everything. I just figured that when the time came, we’d help each other out, you know? To, um, do our duty to our lines and stuff. Well, and, uh, I guess you don’t need to anymore, unless the sparkling in Skyborn?”

“Bulwark, enough.” Interceptor stared at his partner for a long moment, completely surprised. Bulwark squirmed helplessly, shrinking down to try and hide behind the prodigious stacks of backlogged reports that covered his desk. Shaking his head, Interceptor dredged up a mystified smile. He knew he was bad at noticing personal things, his genitor and told him this often enough, but Interceptor recognized that he must have been amazingly obtuse to have missed his friend’s intentions for so long, because Bulwark was not the kind of mech to spring this sort of thing on Interceptor spontaneously. “It is early to say for certain, the density tests indicate that the sparkling is most likely Flightless. My duty to Vos is done. My line will continue.”

“Oh. Yeah.” Bulwark shifted uneasily. “That’s what I figured.”

“However, this sparkling was an accident, however joyous and welcomed an accident. I did not plan this creation, and I must admit to some apprehensions as to sharing the raising of the youngling with Spectre.” Interceptor leaned forward, bridging the gap between their desks to still his partner’s restless hands under his own. “If you ask this of me in earnest, my dear friend, then it would be my honour and my pleasure to help you in fulfilling your duty to our people.”

“Really?” Bulwark brightened, grinning as Interceptor smiled back. “So, um, do you wanna help me make a sparkling?”

Interceptor snorted, coughing to cover the laugh in his voice at his partner’s eagerness as he nodded, optics dancing with mirth. “Like I said before, I would be most pleased to help you with this endeavour, Bulwark.”

Squeaking happily, Bulwark bounced a little in his seat, held in place by the grip Interceptor still had on his hands. “You’re the best partner ever!”

(Word Count: 776)


Okay. So RL = explodey doom. Managed to get a job after botcon, then my computer died. Got a new computer... then lost my job. Am now working for my mother again. There are no words for how very unimpressed I am with life right now. -_-

Is late and dragon cave is not loading. Eggs will go up later.

transformers fanfic, fanfiction, transformers, series: nine rings of vos

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