Title: The Nine Rings of Vos: Rebellion
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: Count all your blessings twice.
More fic here. (
Yes. You need at least a vorn of field experiance before you can be accepted as a Seeker sitter. )
Comments 21
Hmm. I had assumed Sirencall was a femme in his last appearance (no gendered pronouns were used then, and "Siren" is a gendered word...), but ah well. :D Never hurts to be wrong. And speaking of his last appearance (which was in the chapter just before this, where the Winglords panic), the way it was written made it seem like Sirencall was an only child, but here he has two siblings... Just a little continuity thing you might want to go over when you do the massive edit before the "finished" posting.
Nope. Sirencall is a mech. (I like messing with your heads. XD) Please be aware that there may be time skips of varing lengths in between pieces, which is why Sirencall is a big brother now even if he wasn't before.
The wonderful thing about bettas though, is that you don't need an aquarium for them. All you need is a bowl. ^_^ (Of course, your room also has to stay at a stable temp or the fishie will get cold and die, but that's another story.
I thought there would be varying timeskips, but the Winglord's trine is carrying in both stories. How could Glitterbind's trine go from one hatchling to three (when the two younger ones seem older than newsparks) when the status of the Winglord's three are pretty much unchanged? Though, really, the idea of Sirencall as an only child was merely my perception of that chapter. There's nothing in it that actually states that he's an only child.
I've been doing my research! And yes, they can be in a bowl... but I don't want to be doing full water changes that often. What I'm leaning towards right now is getting a 5 gallon aquarium and putting in a divider, and growing some plants in it to take care of most of the ammonia. :D And I'll definitely need something more fancy to take care of the bowl temp... A stable temperature my room is not. It can get close to or above 100F in the summer and dip below 50F in the winter. Considering the fish do best between 76-82F...
I love how normal Glitterblind makes all this sound - there's just something about an exasperated parent going "How many times have I told you not to launch yourself off the roof?" that makes me giggle.
I must comment more frequently - I'm starting to become one of those creepy people who lurk on your comm without you knowing they're there.
Well, when you're kids have wings I suppose it's something you'd need to get used to saying.
Aww, well I love hearing for you. I just hope I'm not becoming one of those people who lurk on my comm and never post anything. *frowny face*
Also, that comment was three years old!
Also: I can procrastinate that much. Yes.
I can't help it, whenever I read your Glitterblind I can't help but ask myself if the she would mutate into a freaking little warrior-twerp when threatened, like Yoda did when he was facing Count Dooku. I could really see that.
But I like her way to handle young ones much better than Yoda's. At least there's no "no attachements" nonsense with her.
You know, reading about her thoughts about her "charming, insane" Winglord, I can't help but notice that every single occupant of Vos seems utterly smitten with their leaders and ready to kill them out of exasperation at the same time. XD
Something tells me the Autobots will end up with that feeling as well. And Soundwave already fell into that trap.
... Oooh, hello there darling, what a lovely bunny you are, yesss...
Haha! We've mostly been seeing the Winglord's from the viewpoints of mechs and femmes who are close to their level of personal strength. If you recall Airwave's reaction to Starscream, the manifestation of adoration is different for every Seeker. XP
The Autobot's are... yeah. No comment. Poor Soundwave. He'll never escape now. XD
About fic:
I now have this image of Seekerlings of all ages swarming a sitting Optimus Prime and begging for stories.
Also, Glitterblind is awesome, keeping everything under control like that.
Glitterblind's attitude about 'sitting echoes my own. (FYI? I have six siblings. I know from crazy packs of rabid children, ok?)
Wish we could set the sparklings on the Senate, see how they like it.
"Ah... what did that pitspawn just do?"
"I think he placed a bomb under us..."
"And we're not removing it because?"
"Well, for one, we're welded to the ceiling, secondly, do you really want to go down there where the hyper, deadly, cute Seeker sparklings are?"
"Ah, good point."
There is a reason the Senate employs people to do their dirty work, and it's not because they feel any sort of shame over their actions.
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