Oh hey look, the TV tells me who's calling on the phone!

Jun 06, 2010 17:27

Title: The Nine Rings of Vos: Earth
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: Even if it could be better, it could also be worse. A lot worse.
Timeline: More fic here.


(In which Skids offers his opinion.)

Cliffjumper, Skids had long since decided, was going to be the death of him. Not only was the brat completely unable to control his vocalizer, but also he had an uncanny knack for picking out Seekerkin. Even when they themselves did not know they were Seekerkin. Some of whom Skids never would have pegged without his young wingkin’s unwitting help. Of course, Cliffjumper could not leave well enough alone, oh no. No, it was not enough for the red mini to just identify Seekerkin. No, once Cliffjumper had found a Seeker who was not connected to the Windbond (and there were a startlingly high number of those in the Ark crew, thanks to Skids hacking efforts) the little Gregale would then proceed to stalk, harass and torment them all for reasons known only to temperamental mini Seekers. As if it were their fault that they did not know any better. Dear Primus, Skids understood that her experiences gave Bullseye the right to be a bit overprotective, but there was no excuse for being that sheltered.

Thank the Matrix for Hound. If not for the tracker and his patient explanations about the realities of life to Cliffjumper, Skids would have broken cover ages ago to slap some sense into his great-nephew’s fool head.

Of course, Skids knew that the only reason Cliffjumper had not ousted him as a Seeker was because Skids was… easily overlooked. In fact, Skids was reasonably certain that most of the Ark crew did not know who he was. Skids did not interact much outside the science labs. The command element forgot he was there half the time. It was not their fault though. It was his ability to be so easily forgotten and overlooked that had made Skids perfect for his role as a long-term deep cover agent for the Seekers. Skids was the last mech anyone would suspect as a spy, because when looking for suspicious characters Skids’ talent for being utterly unremarkable was in itself exceptional. Most of the other Seekers among the Autobots had phased themselves out, staging their own deaths once their assignment was completed. Like Commander Jetfire had, once his job of locating and setting up the assassinations of what few members of the Senate had survived the purge was over. Hound stuck around because of Mirage and Trailbreaker, while Skids and his mission partner still had jobs to do, searching out and watching over the lost Seekerkin among the Autobot forces. As for Cliffjumper? Skids figured the brat was just being stubborn.

Even when he heard the rumours about Cliffjumper hooking up with Beachcomber, Skids did not believe a word of it. Cliffjumper had gone this long without getting involved with anyone, why would he change his mind about taking that risk now? Beachcomber was a nice enough mech, but he was way too mellow to be Cliffjumper’s type. Skids knew what kind of mech attracted his flock members, and Beachcomber was in no way it. Plus, even the least perceptive Seeker was borderline empathic, and Cliffjumper, for all his stubborn faults, was incredibly perceptive. With that kind of sensitivity, whoever Cliffjumper’s first was would likely become his forever. Skids just prayed his wingkin would not be that stupid. Mostly because Skids did not want to see Cliffjumper get hurt.

It all came to a head, as these things usually did, in the middle of battle. Skids took shameless advantage of the whole ignored and overlooked thing to take pot-shots at the Decepticons, deliver his report to the Winglords about current Autobot social politics, and simultaneously keep an optic on Cliffjumper. (Dear Primus, but Skids was going to have to have a long talk with his niece about enabling when he got home. A mech with Cliffjumper’s temperament should not have access to an arsenal that big.) The Flightless therefore had a perfect view of what happened when Motormaster attempted to shoot Cliffjumper in the back.

Pausing along with the rest of combatants, Skids could not help the burst of disappointment and apprehension that slipped out of his control the sing along the Windbond and the nebulous flock-ties he had to Cliffjumper through Bullseye. Cliffjumper was radiating smug possessiveness, Skids’ aggravation sliding off the spoiled bratling’s self-satisfaction like water, and the other Seeker’s on the field were a mix of confusion and amusement. All Skids could think about was how badly this could hurt Cliffjumper, if Beachcomber was unable to accept him as a Seeker…

Staring pensively after the two minis as they raced playfully towards that Ark, Skids had to admit - if only to himself - that Cliffjumper could have done worse. Out of all the Autobot’s, Beachcomber was one of the least prejudiced and most accepting that Skids had ever met. If things worked out as planned, Beachcomber was laid-back enough to get over the whole undercover, disguised Seeker thing. Skids looked at the big smear of fluids that marked the spot where Beachcomber had beaten Motormaster into the ground, and reconsidered his earlier thoughts. Well, it did run in the family. Yes, all things taken into account, Cliffjumper would have done a lot worse.

(Word Count: 853)


Oh Skids, you bitch and complain but it just makes me wanna smoosh you, because even at your most growly you fret adorably. I really have no idea how a sweetie like you ended up related to a little bastard like Cliffjumper... oh wait. Yeah. It's all Meanstreak's fault. XP

Wah! Only two weeks until I'm in Florida! And only a little more than that until Botcon! Eeek! So excited! (And I need to work on my entries for the art contests... whoops. XP)

Okay seriously people, someone needs to rec me WaveScream stuff I haven't read before. So yeah, are me katsuko, and silver_rayan the only ones who write it with any regularity? Because that - yeah, that would make me sad. WaveScream needs more love.

Here there be dragons!

transformers fanfic, fanfiction, transformers, series: nine rings of vos, dragons

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