Title: Before Dawn
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: Sit down. Shut up. And listen to the slagging CMO.
Notes: This is a combination of
katsuko’s ‘Seekers are younglings in adult shells’ bunny along with my own ‘the government steals Seeker sparklings’ bunny. They bred and the resulting spawn produced this nifty little Rings-
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Comments 28
I got a Primus Package too!!
Whee! Toys! Glorious toys! Plus, I needed the Primus package to get the Minicon package for my sister. My Mum paid for them so I was all like "Whee~♥♥♥"
...that is, if my coworkers don't all call out sick again and leave me high and dry :(
Aww, poor twin... *patpats*
This explains Starscream's behavior so well...
"It's not that Starscream really wants to overthrow you Megatron, he just missed his nap today."
End was win.
They're living on borrowed time, huh? I wonder if Screamer and his brothers will call all of their surviving kin to the Autbots once they find out or if they just try their luck and hope for the best because they don't trust the Bots.
If the introduction of babyScreamer to the officers didn't go over too well, I can only imagine how the rest of the army will take it. XD
Yeah. The disguises weren't meant for a megavorn of sustained use. Heh. Well, whatever happens I hope you tag along for the ride! ^_^
Bitty!Screamer is going to throw them all for a loop, oh yes indeedy.
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