The more I learn about men the more I like cats.

May 17, 2010 01:26

Title: The Nine Rings of Vos: War
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: There are some choices that haunt you for life. And then there are choices that have the decency to leave well enough alone.
Timeline: More fic here.


(In which Starscream just says no.)

One would think that it would be hard to cycle into recharge after what had happened earlier in the megacycle, but Starscream found it easy. There was no lingering guilt over what he had done. There was no horror haunting his defrag cycle at the recollection of a mech dying under his claws as he tore out his enemy’s spark chamber. It was the first time Starscream had really killed, up close and personal, but he felt curiously unchanged. His first successful flight had made more of an impact on his thought processes. Inquiries made to his mates and comrades gained him the same answer. They had no issue with the killing. They were the enemy, so they died. It was that simple. This way of thinking was probably what set war builds apart from other Cybertronians. This disregard for the lives of their opponents must make them seem monstrous to the civilian sparks. Well, there was nothing to be done about it now. Starscream smiled faintly as his optics shuttered, drifting into peaceful repose.

It glowed in his memory, gold and blue like a newborn star. A voice spoke with the wordless melody of ages past, telling him secrets long forgotten by living minds, showing his the unfolding paths to possible futures.

It could be you.

Warm devotion filled his spark, the voice so loving, so open, so welcoming and accepting of all he was. All his strengths and faults were known to it, his determination and his fears were seen and loved. No matter what he chose, it would still be there for him.

It could be you.

The power was offered again, strength and wisdom held just within his reach with infinite patience. Even though he had refused it once before, he could still choose to take up the offer now.

It could be me.

Agreement, and stillness held in the endless moment before the choice was made. Again.

It could be me, but it will not be.

The future folded like a kaleidoscope, his gentle refusal of the offer closing some paths and opening others, rearranging the way into the future. Equally gentle acceptance of his choice. A touch of power, endless strength and a gift of knowledge, granted to him even though he had refused. A shining strand, thin as the line between love and hate, strong as faith, as enduring as hope connected him to that deep presence. It was a tether that would always lead him true.

Just in case you need to choose again.

There was innocent laughter, and wry acknowledgement of mortal frailty and the chaos inherent in free will.

As long as you make the right choice, I will not need to.

Pealing laughter rang out again, delighted by his spirit and bright as nirvana.

The memory of his claws growing tight around the light of life for one more too brief instant before he reaffirmed his decision to himself and then, almost reluctantly, he released the ancient power housed in that so-deceptively harmless guise to it’s chosen courier, sending it on it’s way to the one who was truly meant to hold it.

It could be you.

The voice of history was soft and faded without direct contact, and Starscream shook his head.

I pray that it never comes to that.

A sigh, an acknowledgement of what it would mean for the people of Cybertron should a Winglord need to take on the mantle of Prime.

Things are not quite so bad as all that yet.

Starscream held the touch of Primus’ approval and love close to his spark, taking to the scorched skies. The wreckage of the battlefield spread out underneath him, a sea of flame and grey metal. Only now could he relax enough to mourn the waste of life, even if he did not regret his necessary part in it. Beside him flew his trinemates, echoing his emotions with their own sympathies for the fallen. Behind them, the Primus touched ancient mech carried the Matrix of Leadership to meet the first true Prime that Cybertron had seen in an age.

Cycling air in a soft sigh, Starscream shifted closer to his slumbering trinemates as the memory faded to only the smallest wisp of feeling in his spark.

It could be you.

The wordless voice was almost wistful. Then it faded away completely, allowing Starscream to forget, and the Seeker settled back into undisturbed recharge.

(Word Count: 737)


Yay for dream sequences. And yes, Starscream was arguing with the Matrix. Starscream doesn't want to be Prime. Seeker's aren't supposed to become Prime. It pretty much goes against everything they're made for. But the Matrix is pretty damned tired of being passed around like a particularly shiney heirloom to mechs that won't listen to it.

In other fic news, Rings bunny mauled me again and about a dozen more scenes got added to the to-do list. Which means that Oppression isn't really finished, no. So thanks to everyone who offered to beta, but the edit has been pushed back until I'm sure that everything is written that needs to be written.

So we showed the house three times this weekend. We've been told by our relator to expect an offer, which is exciting. I really want to move to the farm. It just doesn't feel right to only have three Starscream figures on my self. (The rest got put away in storage until the move.)

Also, I hurt. A lot. I did a lot of riding this weekend to pass the time and Bo decided to act up like a bugger. Silly boy.

I went with my mother to help her treat a stallion. El Saude is a 13.1 hand black Egyptian Arabian stallion. He was tiny and adorable, if very easily excited. There were three foals there as well, and we treated one for splayed legs. I did most of the handling, as usual, but it was a lot of fun.

Here there be dragons! I find it horribly amusing that Primus Below (a Nebula) gendered female and Unicron the Unmaker (a Hellfire Wyvern) gendered male. Sorry. It just makes me giggle.

transformers fanfic, fanfiction, transformers, series: nine rings of vos, dragons

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