I like to eat fish. Raw.

Apr 21, 2010 13:17

Title: The Nine Rings of Vos: Rebellion
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: Ratchet and Wheeljack conduct a conversation about their new occupaion with the Underground Railroad.
Timeline: More fic here.


(In which Ratchet complains.)

“Hey Ratch.” Wheeljack called quietly as he stepped into his mate’s darkened office. “You okay?”

“Wheeljack.” Ratchet looked up from his hands, optics dim even in the low light. “Did we make the right choice?”

“I think we made the only choice we could and still recharge easy at shut down.” Wheeljack stood next to his troubled mate and gripped Ratchet’s hands in his own. “After what we learned from Interceptor, and those twins… we wouldn’t have been able to live with ourselves if we’d sat back and done nothing. At least this way we know we’re doing the right thing, even if things go wrong. More wrong. Tell me the truth. Would you have been able to turn them away when they came to you for help? Remember the first one? The carrier not even an orn into his final upgrade? It isn’t in you to refuse to help heal what you can.”

“Point.” Ratchet said grimly as the ghostly memories of obscenely damaged war build mechs of all ages followed Interceptor’s image in parading across his recollection. The medic fell silent for a long moment before speaking again, expression thoughtful. “It isn’t that I mind helping them. Primus knows the poor younglings need all the help they can get with all the stupid slag said about war builds. I just wish it wasn’t necessary. Slag it, Interceptor had the right of it. Dying is nothing if it means that the sparklings will be safe. I just can’t figure out where they’re all coming from, and I don’t know where they go after I patch them up and send them off. It’s driving me insane! It shouldn’t be possible for that many sparklings to go missing and no one notice!”

“That the thing though, isn’t it Ratch? You said it yourself.” Wheeljack frowned behind his mask. “Wherever the sparklings get taken from, it’s a place where a mass abduction like that can be ignored or explained away by the ones doing it. If they’re taking them from the slums or from war-builds, then it’s probably said to be done for the good of the sparkling. Not many mechs would think twice about it. Slum dwellers and war builds would be ignored if they tried to protest government action like that. Everyone’s against them, and they know it, so they probably don’t say anything.”

“You have a point. Again.” Ratchet groaned, letting his helm thump gently onto the surface of his desk. “If that’s the case, it’s no wonder they’re so paranoid about keeping us ignorant of where the other safe-houses are. All we can do now is keep being trustworthy. I suppose eventually they’ll decide they’re comfortable with telling us at least one place to go if we’re caught. From what I can tell, my being a medic is a valuable asset to them.”

“Hey, we do what we can Ratch.” Wheeljack chuckled and gave his mate a hand up. “It’s what we’ve always done.”

“Yeah.” Ratchet grumbled as they left his office. “I don’t have to like it though!”

(Word Count: 511)


Ratchet and Wheeljack are good people. I've got three or four alphabets worth of scenes planned out already, and every so often a new line of thought will produce another handful of scenes to further that plotline. As it stands all of Oppression is written, with four scenes left to type up. Rebellion has seven more scenes planned, of which two are written but unposted. War has sixteen more scenes planned, with five already written but unposted. Earth has six more scenes on the board with one already done. Adoption has two more scenes to go. Defection has ten more scenes left to write. Revelation has eight planned scenes left so far. Alliance has seventeen scenes planned. Of course, these numbers liable to change at any time should the bunny choose to savage me again. Also, the list of Damatis Personae for Rings is done up to the end of the Rebellion Arc. Counting canon characters and OC's from guest author's, the total number of characters exceeds the fifty mark. At this rate by the time I'm done I won't have to bother with editing for spoilers. I'd be impressed if my fingers weren't so tired. I made the decision to include everyone who gets a name. So it means I'm re-reading as I go. Dude, I write a lot.

Still trying to get the house sold so we can buy that farm we want. And my mother has resumed making comments about my weight. Like she has any room to talk. Whatever. I apparently have been volunteered to clear the leaves out of the flower beds, because I have oh, so much free time. I've taken to tossing my cats outside during the day, as I am tired of hearing people bitch about them. The kittens need to get used to the great outdoors anyway. My mother is still looking at horses, as apparently she needs an Apaloosa and a black to complete her collection. Dear lord woman, at least wait until we have our own farm. So far we've got Georgie (a bay Hackney/Spotted Draft mare), Bomont (a chestnut off-the-track Thuroughbred gelding), Sunshine (a dark chestnut paint mare), her son Pheonix (a light chestnut paint gelding), Skye (a roan Apaloosa/Tigerhorse mare), Wallstreet (a grey Thuroughbred gelding), Cody (a bay Quarterhorse gelding), Torus (a palamino Arabian cross gelding) and Cortez (a bay Azteca gelding). Since only my mother and I ride with any regularity, I'm going to say we're surplus to requirements on the whole horse front. At least my cats kill rodents before they can become a problem. And my cats aren't fat like my dad's dogs either. I really am tired of hearing my family complain about them. I am considering the idea of getting more betta's, as I have some funky jars that would work very well as bowls for them. Plus, the jars have flat glass lids that I can attach the little spotlights to. So I'm thinking I could shift Skywarp into one of the jars and get a monster betta for the 2 1/2 gallon tank. I've wanted one of those fellows for a while.

Here there be dragons! Okay, I need the following eggs: Bright Breasted Wyvern, Gold, Hellfire Wyvern, Nebula, Silver and Sunsong Amphipteres. When the correct time comes around I also need the Valentines and all of the Christmas dragons. (I also need the Origami, but I'm mostly resigned to catching that one myself.) The Two-Finned Blunas I can breed on my own. But my point is that should anyone be willing to trade me an egg, or even a hatchling, of the types listed above I am willing to provide fic, art and/or egg of said kind persons choice in repayment. I just don't have the time to hunt the eggs down myself.

... Wow, I'm chatty today.

transformers fanfic, fanfiction, transformers, series: nine rings of vos, dragons

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