Look! It's a distraction!

Mar 05, 2010 19:35

Title: The Nine Rings of Vos: Oppression
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: Jazz is surprised, Interceptor is slightly amused, and Prowl is a very precocious youngling with an odd way of proposing.
Timeline: More of this fic found here.


(In which Jazz meets Interceptor.)

“You are the Special Operations student designation Jazz, correct?” The calm, proper voice had Jazz whirling around in surprise, not having heard the other mech approach. It made him justifiably wary, as he had the most sensitive audios in his class intake (and possibly the entire Academy), which made it a notable thing indeed to take Jazz by surprise. Only Prowl had ever managed to get the drop on Jazz before and having this stranger catch him unawares had Jazz feeling unaccountably nervous.

“Er, yessir. M’name’s Jazz.” Examining the stranger gave Jazz another shock, his optics drawn irresistibly to the proudly held doorwings and a hauntingly familiar visage. The black Praxian just looked amused as Jazz reeled back.

“I am Interceptor. Prowl’s Genitor.” The Praxian accent was thicker than Jazz was used to, more obvious in Interceptor’s voice than Prowl’s, even though the cadence and manner of speech were nearly identical. Then the meaning of the words penetrated and Jazz stalled. The tall Praxian smiled, tilting his head just like Prowl did when confronted with a new puzzle. Interceptor’s optics raked over Jazz, examining the Academy student critically before nodding, “My creation has told me much about you. I would like to offer you my sponsorship, and invite you to reside in my home during Academy breaks.”

“You, uh, really?” Jazz scrambled to recover his ability to articulate his thoughts, “Er, why me? Not that I ain’t grateful just… why?”

“I am certain that you are aware of the difficulties my creation faces due to his medical circumstances.” Interceptor paused, staring at Jazz expectantly.

“You mean his glitch?” Jazz nodded slowly, “Yeah. It don’t affect his work none, but people still lookit him crossways ‘cause of it.”

“Precisely.” Interceptor looked pleased, “However you have shown yourself to be unhindered by prejudices that could mean underestimating the wrong opponent. In addition to an open mind, you have ambition, and the raw talent that will translate in time to the skill to back it up. Quite simply, you will make a useful ally for my creation, both now and in the future. Your scores certainly show you to be well matched in all things.”

“Yer talkin’ about settin’ us up as a Binary!” Jazz blurted in surprise, making Interceptor snort gently in amusement. The Academy student was stunned. Binary teams were permanently matched mechs with complementary skill sets. They were usually the best of the best and came highly in demand, simply because pairs compatible enough to make a Binary team were few and far between.

“I believe that you and Prowl have the ability to become so, yes.” Interceptor inclined his head, watching Jazz struggle to reign in his flustered surprise, “Don’t you agree?”

“Of course! This means I’d get to spend more time with Prowler, right?” Jazz shook himself and grinned at the Praxian who had just grabbed his future and twisted it into a pretty origami figure, “In that case, sign me up!”

“Excellent.” Interceptor nodded briefly to Jazz and turned to leave, “The documents should arrive for your perusal within the megacycle. I shall inform your instructors of the situation. I look forward to speaking with you further, Jazz.”

“Yeah, me too.” Jazz blinked his optics a few times as his processors caught up to what had just happened. Then Jazz bolted for where he knew Prowl would be. A certain Tactics student had some explaining to do.

Prowl looked up curiously as Jazz flung himself around the corner into the study nook, riveted his gaze on Prowl, and then flung himself at his friend with a war cry.

“Prowl!” To Prowl’s dismay and Jazz’s could-not-care-less-right-now, datapads went flying as Jazz scrambled over the table rather than going around it. Black hands latched onto Prowl’s shoulders as Jazz slid to a stop half on the table and half in Prowl’s lap. Jazz ignored his awkward placement to shake his best friend in slight hysteria, “Prowl, mech, your Genitor was just here and offered to set us up as a Binary team!”

“I know.” Prowl blinked his optics as Jazz made a distinctly odd sound, making Prowl look cautiously at his friend as he explained further, “Genitor was here with me earlier, and we discussed the idea. I had no objections, but felt that you might appreciate the offer coming from someone you had no obligations to.”

Jazz paused, “Y’wanted me t’be able t’say no, didn’t ya?”

“Yes.” Prowl shrugged as best he was able with Jazz still clinging to his front, “Your friendship means much to me, but I would not presume to use your attachment to me to manipulate you into making a decision you may later come to regret.”

“Silly mech.” Jazz shook his head, “I won’t regret anythin’. This was your idea in the first place, wasn’t it?”

“Yes. You expressed distaste for the care centre, and frequently lamented our upcoming separation. I have since taken steps to secure you an alternate option.” Prowl said guilelessly, tilting his head back to look up at Jazz, “Should I contact my Genitor and rescind the request?”

“You sneaky slagger.” Jazz huffed in amusement, leaning harder against Prowl in a quick hug before he backed off with a smile, “Thanks. I really wasn’t lookin’ forward t’goin’ back there even if it was only fer the break.”

“It was my pleasure, Jazz.” Prowl said softly with a small smile, “It is the least I can do for a friend.”

(Word Count: 899)


You know, it wasn't until after I finished editing this piece that I realized what Prowl had done, the sneaky little bastard. Interceptor is just glad that his creation's partner is pretty and has a working processor... well he's pretty at least.


Don't look at me like that Jazz, it's really all your fault! So what if Interceptor think you're a wee bit dim? Be faster on the uptake next time!

Here there be dragons! I want a Maaaaaagmaaaaa~ *whines*

transformers fanfic, fanfiction, transformers, series: nine rings of vos, dragons

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