Look! It's a fusion cannon!

Oct 23, 2009 20:51

Title: The Nine Rings of Vos: Rebellion
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: Megatron thinks he's all that... but he's not.
Timeline: More fic to be found here-in.


(In which Megatron shows off his people skills.)

Soundwave triggered his sparkling’s transformation sequence by remote and gently tucked Ravage into a hidden compartment in his chest, close to his spark. It had taken him in excess of three orns to secure Lord Megatron an audience with the Emirate of Vos, and it would be best if the small Cybertronian was kept out of the way. As a miner and then later on as a Gladiator, and now as the leader of the Decepticon rebellion, Lord Megatron had little patience for the weak or helpless. Plus, for as long as he had been in Vos, Soundwave had not seen so much as a single sparkling. Yes, it was much better for all concerned if they all believed Ravage to be the drone his painstakingly constructed shell made him appear.

Head held high, Soundwave hushed his creation’s complaints by the simple expedient of nudging the sparkling into recharge and walked out of assigned quarters to meet Megatron, who would be arriving in Vos within the breem.

By the end of the cycle, the telepath and the gladiator stood in a gleaming circular audience chamber facing Starscream, Emirate of Vos.

Crimson optics - the mark of a war build - raked critically over the two Decepticons.

“Well.” The Seeker rasped with bored arrogance, “What is it you want from me so badly that you would waste three orns trying to get my attention?”

“Freedom from the tyranny of the Senate!” Megatron cried in a confidant - if dramatic - statement, and only a blind fool would have missed the riveted interest from every Seeker in the audience chamber, and being neither Megatron marked their attention and made full use of it. Optics gleaming with fanatic intent, Megatron continued, “We of Kaon - we Decepticons - have grown weary of starving because the Council of Elders hoards what little Energon there is for themselves. We refuse to bow down to the corrupt hypocrites in the government! The time has come to rise up, and take what is rightfully ours by force since the Senate will not give it to us freely!”

“And where do my Seekers feature in this… ambitious plan of yours, gladiator?” The Emirate cock his dark head to one side, wings fanning out, “Tell me why I should care.”

“Because the Seekers are the greatest of warriors, rulers of the skies. Because the side with your allegiance will be the side which wins! The Senate knows this, fears this, fears your strength, and that is why they place limits upon you. I call for you to break those limits, to free yourself of your shackles and join the Decepticons!” Megatron was a passionate speaker, capable of reading his audience and playing them expertly. Soundwave had been witness to several of Megatron’s rallies, and was not surprised when Megatron switched from challenging to coaxing the Seekers, “I know and value your power, the strength of the Seekers. With Vos at Kaon’s side, victory is inevitable. The Council and Senate will fall before our combined might! With you, my dear Emirate, as my Air Commander and Second in Command, no force the government could muster will be able to stop us!”

“Hmm.” The brightly coloured Seeker stared down at the two Decepticons for a megaclick, wings twitching as he considered the proposal. Languidly, Starscream cast his gaze around the room, trilling and clicking in a manner echoed by the other Seekers present. Soundwave wondered how long the Seeker would draw this out, holding himself still and silent as a matter of course, distaining the way the Seekers seemed unable to be neither still nor silent at any time. A chilling, vicious smile spread across Starscream’s face, and Soundwave was abruptly reminded that flighty or not, the Seekers were the only line of war-builds to have survived the Golden Age. Starscream’s purr was a knife in the dark, “Very well, mighty Megatron. So long as you fulfill all of your promises, then the Seekers of Vos are at your command.”

Megatron hissed triumphantly, fists clenching as he claimed his victory, striding up to meet the Emirate who stood and walked towards the gladiator, but Soundwave hung back. Frowning beneath his mask, Soundwave could not suppress the nagging feeling that they had missed something.

(Word Count: 706)


You missed a whole heckuva lot Sounders, but luckily I'm not the poor schmuck who gets to tell ya. XP But hey look! I managed to write Megatron! Go me. ~♥

*sighs* Another post, another chance to whine about how I'm the only one in my family who is doing anything around the house. My mother has gone on three rants about how everyone in the family is "destroying her dreams". But does she do anything to help? Nope. She just whines about how no one cares about what she wants and sits down in front of her laptop to chat with her friends and complain about how long it's taking to get the house ready to sell. Hello? Try doing some of the work yourself for once Madam Entitlement. My dad comes home from work (aka sitting in front of a computer) and has to "recover" from his busy day by, gasp! Sitting in front of the TV! My younger sister has been sick since fragging July and whatever sympathy I may have had for her has long since flown south with the birdies. And apparently my baby sister, who I will admit has helped a little bit, needs to be told what to do every two minutes because she can't figure it out on her own! Does anyone except for me realize that one person cannot do the job of five? And don't get me started on my Grandfather. I had to redo the basement floor because he let the dogs inside with wet, muddy feet right after I went upstairs. There were paint paw-prints all over the tile, and the cement I had painted had bare patches all over. Plus, I cleaned and organized his room last week and it's already a sty. The man is a pig. It torques me off!

*pant* Whew. Well. I feel better now.


transformers fanfic, fanfiction, transformers, series: nine rings of vos, dragons

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