"But I don't wanna conquor this place! I wanna conquor Earrrrrth~*whines"

Oct 04, 2009 14:49

Title: The Nine Rings of Vos: Earth
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: Ram against a brick wall long enough and something will end up giving way. (Just make sure it's not your head.)
Timeline: Yay for more fic!


(In which Cliffjumper apologizes.)

If Hound had to listen to Cliffjumper call Mirage (and Trailbreaker and Red Alert and Sunstreaker and Sideswipe and…) a traitor one more time, the tracker was going to pick the loudmouthed little mini up and shake him until his head rattled right off. Growling, Hound crossed his arms over his chest, fingers twitching spasmodically, as he struggled to suppress the urge to beat some understanding into the other Autobot Flightless.

“Mirage is not a traitor.” Hound told Cliffjumper flatly, engine revving a furious addition in Seeker-cant, ~He’s never even been to Vos! Before the war he probably never even left the Towers!~

“So you say.” Cliffjumper made a rude noise and waved his arms, ~So what? I was formatted Outside, and I’m still loyal to my family.~

“Damn it, Cliffjumper, just see reason for once!” Hound’s hands clenched on fists, ~Mirage. Does. Not. Know. He. Is. Seeker. Try paying attention! If you can feel him as Seekerkin then you damn well know that he’s not connected to the windbond! Mirage doesn’t even know that there is a windbond!~

“Don’t call me unreasonable! I know a traitor when I see one!” The scowl on Cliffjumper’s face darkened, and the few bots who had been watching with slack jaws - Hound was yelling. Hound, one of the single most patient, easygoing bots on the Ark, and been exchanging shouted arguments with Cliffjumper for nearly half a cycle - the rec room cleared out in a hurry as Cliffjumper stepped up to Hound and started poking him in the chestplates with a snarl from his engine, ~And that’s impossible! Every Seeker knows about the windbond, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to feel family!~

“Not Mirage.” Hound grated out, responding to both of Cliffjumper’s statements, and deliberately relaxed his tense arms, ~You know, as well as I do, what can happen to a Seeker taken Outside against their will.~

“… Maybe.” Cliffjumper said, stepping back and rubbing his arms with a grimace, looking away, ~… You’re sure?~

“Yeah. I am.” Hound said, realizing that this was the closest to a concession that Cliffjumper would give in the middle of an argument. The green scout shifted, shrugging, ~My Matter knew Faberge. He was broken even before Mirage was sparked. There’s no way Mirage could have been connected to the windbond through his Formatter. He would have needed to be taken to the Citadel, and he never was.~

“I’ll think about it.” Cliffjumper snapped, then turned on his heel and stormed off.

Hound slowly released a gust of air from his vents, relaxing tense systems. Hopefully the thought would stick this time. Primus, but Cliffjumper was a naïve, stubborn-as-the-smelter little glitch. It really was like talking to a wall.

Luckily, Hound was spared further stress when Cliffjumper stomped up to Mirage about a megacycle after his confrontation with Hound.

“I’m sorry I called you a traitor. You aren’t.” Cliffjumper declared bluntly, speaking without shame as he scowled and braced his hands on his hips, ~You’re just blind and ignorant, but that’s not really you’re fault either, but once you learn better you’d better be loyal to the family or I’ll never forgive you!~

“I won’t bother you anymore.” Cliffjumper snapped without waiting for a response from the stunned blue spy, who was sitting frozen with a cube of energon halfway to his mouth.

“… Thank you?” Mirage said with a bewildered look at his lovers, cube slowly lowering to the table.

“Hrumph.” Cliffjumper nodded sharply and wheeled around to stalk out of the now-silent rec room with one last glare at a quietly amused Hound. Arrogant slag head, Cliffjumper growled and went to go find something he could shoot without getting tossed into the brig.

(Word Count: 618)


Haha... Look! I wrote Cliffjumper! It's my first time with the little bastard. XP

So I picked up some new fish yesterday. One red/black Halfmoon Doubletail male betta I have named Thrust, a steel blue female I have named Soundwave II, and a yellow/red female I've decided to call Sunstorm. Starscream and Jetfire are very excited to see their mates. ^_^ One day I shall have to post pictures, because Sunstorm and Soundwave are very pretty girls, and that doesn't happen often with petstore buys. (However Thrust is gonna get his aft kicked if he doesn't stop hitting on Sunstorm.)

Dragons! W00t! Not scroll-locked anymore! That'll teach me to breed more than one egg a day. XP

transformers fanfic, fanfiction, transformers, series: nine rings of vos, dragons

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