Shiney... *stares at lava lamp*

Oct 02, 2009 17:45

Title: The Nine Rings of Vos: War
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: Sometimes getting what you deserve simply requires patience.
Timeline: In-sequence fic is here!


(In which Jazz is smug.)

The news had made the rounds swiftly after the return of Bumblebee’s team. Commander Jetfire - Optimus Prime’s Second in Command - had been killed by one of Shockwave’s crazed experiments while on a mission. It was a harsh blow to moral, Jetfire had been well liked for an officer, and now the Autobots waited to discover whom the new Second in Command would be.

Jazz listened to the chatter as he left Bumblebee’s quarters after an unofficial debrief. Having made Head of Special Operations in the orns between Sentinel Prime’s deactivation and Optimus Prime’s appearance - and being one of the rare few officers completely unaffected by the regime change - Jazz made certain that he took good care of his agents. Which meant keeping a weather optic on the mechs involved in missions that went south. The yellow mini was holding up well, and was recovering from the shock of witnessing what basically amounted to the suicide of a superior officer. Jetfire’s actions had saved the Autobots in the extraction team, but Jazz really wished that the flyer had chosen a less dramatic way of saving the day.

Shaking his head, Jazz smacked the keypad and swung through the now open door.

“Who… oh. Hello Jazz.” The familiar black and white form of Prowl made Jazz smile as the tactician looked up from the numerous datapads stacked neatly on his desk, “Did your meeting with Bumblebee go well? You are earlier than usual.”

“Bee’s doin’ fine. He’s had a bit’ve a shock, but he’s tough enough t’bounce back from it.” Jazz hopped up onto the edge of Prowl’s desk and leaned in with a grin, forcing Prowl to sit back in his seat to avoid a collision. Prowl was made wary by the expression of bedevilment on Jazz’s faceplates as the saboteur spoke, “So, tell me, Prowler. What did Prime wanna see ya about?”

“He offered me the position of his Second in Command.” Prowl said plainly, brow ridge arching at the triumphant cackle Jazz released at the news, “He had logical reasons to do so, and I accepted for much the same reasons.”

“About time!” Jazz’s grin sharpened and failed to change at Prowl’s chiding look. Jazz had taken it somewhat personally when Prowl had lost his position as Autobot 2IC to the ‘newbie’ after all the work the tactician had done to keep the Autobots going after Sentinel Prime fell. Prowl himself had been a bit more pragmatic. A new leader meant that there was bound to be some shuffling of the ranks. Take the insertion of Elita-One and Ultra Magnus into the command structure as a primary example. The new Prime had his own way of doing things. Before they had been destroyed by the Decepticons, the Senate and the Council had tried to give the new Prime orders as they had his predecessor, and Optimus Prime had listened with perfectly polite respect, then had turned around and done what he thought was best anyway.

Prowl would be the first to admit that Sentinel was too much the government’s mech to go against them, even when his own better judgement found the orders foolish or wrong. Optimus, on the other hand, gave the few remaining Elders fits because while he always listened, he rarely obeyed. Prowl found himself looking forward to working more closely with Optimus Prime, but first things first.

“Would you care to help me celebrate once my shift ends?” Prowl asked Jazz casually, ignoring the urge to reprimand his friend for slighting the Prime and instead enjoying the way the other Autobot’s visor brightened to match the saboteur’s sultry grin.

“Why, Prowler, I thought you’d never ask.” Jazz purred, leaning in for a quick kiss, “I’d love ta.”

Prowl watched the Ops agent saunter happily through the door to his office out into the hall. The door closed behind Jazz, and Prowl shook his head, turning back to his work. After all, they had a war to win, no matter how distracting his lover made himself.

(Word Count: 670)


For those who haven't been paying attention to the Timeline page (link found above cut). I actually went through the Interludes and figured out where in the normal timeline they went. I feel proud of myself. XP

And I'm mixing it up today. Did my painting in the morning and my posting in the evening. I'm a wild one, I am. XD

Dragons! The Autumn eggs for the Seasonal dragons are so pretty... *pets*

transformers fanfic, fanfiction, transformers, series: nine rings of vos, dragons

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