Sunstreaker is my dream car.

Oct 01, 2009 10:59

Title: The Nine Rings of Vos: War
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: War tears people apart.
Timeline: More Fic Goes Here.


(In which Optimus is sad.)

Bumblebee did not shake. His voice did not waver. His emission field was steady. The yellow scout ordered his team back to base. The young minibot stayed calm and professional as he delivered his report to Prime and the other officers.

“You’re certain that Jetfire is… gone.” Optimus Prime looked upset, and Bumblebee’s spark twisted in sympathy for the Autobot leader. Everybody liked Jetfire, but the Prime and his Second had been good friends - far beyond the professional relationship of Commander and Lieutenant.

“Yes. I’m sorry, sir.” Bumblebee fought down the upwelling feeling of shame and failure, “He - I couldn’t stop him. Commander Jetfire sacrificed himself to save us. I don’t know where that crazy Seeker came from, but there was no way we could have stopped him. He completely demolished the Decepticon patrol.”

“I see.” The Prime looked sad and weary - though it was hard to tell with the battlemask - it was obvious in the dim glow of his optics, “Thank you for your report, Scout Bumblebee. Dismissed.”

“Sir!” Bumblebee saluted and turned on his heel, leaving the briefing. Now he had to go turn in a written report to the Head of Ops, then he could finally go hide in his quarters and shake until his processors stopped replaying the image of Jetfire and the crazy monster Seeker disappearing together in an explosive conflagration.

Optimus watched Bumblebee go, feeling Magnus and Elita stepping closer and offering comfort. The triad had enjoyed little opportunity to forge new friendships since their resurrections and subsequent take over of Autobot Command. It was a form of near torture for the personable Optimus. Many had expected another Sentinel, and as Prime, Optimus found that there was a social gap that he as Orion had no experience with. But Jetfire had been a friend to Optimus - not as close as Magnus or Elita, but they had all liked the jet well enough - and they all sorrowed at the news of his death.

“How am I supposed to find a new Second in Command?” Optimus asked faintly, leaning into his mates, “Jetfire has been with me since the beginning. How do I even begin to replace him?”

Magnus winced. He and Elita had their own commands and aside from the occasional joint meeting - such as the one they were holding that megacycle - they rarely had the opportunity to share the burden of Leadership with the Prime. The bond helped, but it was not the same as being there… Magnus paused, his thoughts turning in another direction.

“What about Tactician Prowl?” Magnus asked suddenly, speaking even as the thought occurred to him.

“Sentinel’s old Second?” Elita asked, pursing her lips as she recalled the mech in question, “Why him?”

“He has experience with the responsibility.” Magnus answered, “And the troops trust him. After Sentinel fell it was Prowl who took over Command in the orns before we showed up.”

“But he’s nothing like Jetfire.” Elita said with a frown as she crossed her arms.

“Maybe that’s a good thing.” Optimus said, at last joining the conversation, “I don’t want anyone to think that they’re just a replacement, or feeling like they can’t measure up to a memory.”

“Well you certainly won’t have that problem with Prowl.” Elita huffed, but then smiled, “He is efficient though, I’ll give him that.”

“I won’t make my decision just yet.” Optimus said softly, “I should look at all of my options first.”

“Take the time you need to grieve, Optimus.” Magnus said gently, “No one will hold it against you.”

“I will, but this is war, Magnus.” Optimus said with heavy finality, “My grief is secondary to the cause.”

(Word Count: 609)


M'sorry Oppy. *pats the Prime* But suffering builds character.

Today's plan: Paint some more. *sighs*

Starscream (my Scissortail Betta fish) built the biggest damn bubblenest I have ever seen overnight. It's really quite impressive. *watches fish* Are you trying to tell me something Screamer? Should I pick up a pretty little femme betta for you? Or are you just frustrated because Sounders died and Jetfire won't put out?

Dragons! My Water Walker bred! *breams*

transformers fanfic, fanfiction, transformers, series: nine rings of vos, dragons

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