Mwahaha! Mine is an evil laugh!

Aug 30, 2009 18:45

Title: The Nine Rings of Vos: Earth
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: There is a reason why family medical history is important.
Timeline: More fic is found here.


(In which what you don’t know can really complicate things.)

Although many might doubt the statement, Sunstreaker never felt regret over his decision to join the Autobots with Sideswipe. After all, Ratchet had joined the Autobots, and where the medic went, the twins inevitably followed. It was because of Ratchet that the twins had been able to briefly enjoy a life of peace, Sunstreaker learning and excelling as an artist and Sideswipe acting as his brother’s agent. But as nice as those few vorns had been, the twins were built for battle, and they had both known that war was on the horizon. So when Ratchet started sporting a red brand, the twins had left their play-life behind and signed on too.

It was really rather pathetic, how hopelessly devoted the twins were to the medic, Sunstreaker mused as he watched Ratchet chatting with Wheeljack. That is, chatting with his bondmate. That was right; the twins were in love with a bonded mech. Huffing as his spark twisted bitterly, Sunstreaker heard a dreamy, forlorn little sigh come from the seat beside him. Cutting a glance at Bluestreak, Sunstreaker could only sympathize. Bluestreak had a rather large crush on Wheeljack was just as hopeless as the twins adoration of Ratchet. And yes, Sunstreaker knew for a fact that it was hopeless. Ratchet and Wheeljack’s bonding was a registered, official fact. Sideswipe had hacked the records and checked.

Despite the fact that it was never going to happen though, Sunstreaker and Sideswipe could no more stop loving Ratchet than they could stop loving one another. Bluestreak, to all appearances, felt the same about Wheeljack.

“Hey.” Sunstreaker said, drawing Bluestreak’s attention with a nudge, “Let’s go.”

“Sure.” Bluestreak smiled sadly, looking grateful for the distraction, “I’m done with my energon anyway, and oh, so are you and Sideswipe hasn’t said anything for a while - I think he’s plotting something, don’t you think he’s plotting something? He always gets really quiet right before the explosions start and somehow he always manages to convince me that it’s a good idea to go along with whatever crazy plan he’s come up with and then I get in trouble with Prowl and he always looks so disappointed in me when I get in trouble but Jazz just thinks it’s funny and it is usually fun up until I end up scrubbing something as punishment.”

“You wound me, Blue.” Sideswipe said with a grin as the gunner’s chatter filled the silence on the walk back to their quarters, “And here I thought we were partners!”

“Uh, isn’t Sunstreaker your partner?” Bluestreak asked diplomatically, but with enough mischief dancing in his optics to explain his ability to keep up with Sideswipe, “I mean, doesn’t being twins automatically make you partners in everything? I really don’t want to upset Sunstreaker by taking his place.”

“See?” Sunstreaker smirked at his brother as they entered their quarters, “Bluestreak understands my sensitive nature.”

Sideswipe’s response to this was to blow a static-ridden raspberry at his golden twin, “Sensitive as a combine harvester.”

The banter continued, with the twins playing off each other and Bluestreak chiming in just as they were winding down with a comment that set them off again on a new tangent. It surprised many of the Autobots that a friendly mech like Bluestreak got on so well with the fearsome twins. What many did not know is that their relationship surprised the three of them just as much.

“Don’t you think it’s strange?” Bluestreak asked idly, sprawled over Sunstreaker’s lap as the golden warrior carefully polished the gunners doorpanels.

“Think what’s strange?” Sideswipe asked back as he flopped over on the berth to stare contentedly at the other two from an upside-down angle.

“How easy it is for us to get along.” Bluestreak replied with a pensive frown even as Sunstreaker’s actions drew a happy purr from Bluestreak’s motor, “I mean, it’s easy enough to get along with you, Sides, but you break a lot of rules and I really don’t like getting in trouble and Sunstreaker doesn’t really like anyone except for you - no offence Sunstreaker.”

“None taken.” Sunstreaker replied in blithe amusement.

“Thanks. But it’s true that people annoy you, Sunstreaker, especially chatty people and I’m very chatty and a lot of people find me annoying.” Bluestreak waved one hand as he spread his door panels so Sunstreaker could get at the joins, “Anyway like I was saying, it’s strange because we shouldn’t really get along but we do. I mean, I love you two a lot but it’s different from the way I’m in love with Wheeljack. It’s like - I love the two of you because you were parts of me that I didn’t know were missing until I found you, but I love Wheeljack because - because he’s Wheeljack.”

“I know what you mean.” Sideswipe said with a heavily cycled sigh, “I love you the same way I love Sunny - you’re me and mine and there’s really no way I couldn’t love you, but Ratchet… I think that I could stop loving him, if I really wanted, but I can’t imagine ever wanting to stop loving him.”

“The two of you make me whole, but Ratchet makes me more.” Sunstreaker said, trying to put words to a confusing, conflicted snarl of emotions, and then pointed out, “You know where Sides and I came from, and who knows what the experiments they ran on us in the area did to our sparks and programming. Ratchet still has us coming in every orn to run more tests just in case. There’s no telling what happened to you before we fished you outta Praxus too, Blue. It could just be some weird side effect of me and Sides being twins.”

Bluestreak shrugged, uncomfortable with the reminder of his corrupted memory. The gunner had been found wandering aimlessly through bombed out ruins near a youngling centre, his grey colours disguising him among the deactivated whenever he stumbled and fell. Despite his survival Bluestreak’s memory from before the attack was lost - corrupted beyond repair or recovery by energon loss, unexplained trauma to his spark, and injuries from the Decepticon attack. But the Autobots had taken him in without second thought, cared for him - Prowl and Jazz had all but officially adopted the grey Praxian - and Bluestreak had quickly found his place among the Autobots. Bluestreak had met Wheeljack during one of his stays in the infirmary to help deal with any lingering processor damage, and the cheerful Chief Engineer had done a lot to draw the shy sniper out of his shell. Bluestreak had walked around with his spark in his optics until Sunstreaker and Sideswipe had discreetly taken him aside to let him know that Wheeljack was taken.

The three young mechs had quickly made friends after that, commiserating over unrequited, impossible love. After the crash to Earth and its resulting space restrictions, Bluestreak had moved in with the twins without qualm. Having someone close by kept the nightmares at bay, and at least rooming with the twins meant that he was not stuck four to a room like some of the minibots.

“Still, I really wish we knew for sure.” Sideswipe grumbled, kicking his feet as he pouted, “I mean, who ever heard of bonding by accident?”

And there was the crux of the matter. A fact that all three were very careful not to let anyone find out, because while bonding was not forbidden per-say, it was heavily discouraged to prevent more casualties than need be. Neither the twins nor Bluestreak wanted to put up with the gossip or endless questioning their bonding would elicit. Especially if the truth came out and the Command element - Ratchet in particular - found out that they had not intended to bond in the first place.

After awakening on Earth and moving in with the twins, Bluestreak had shyly admitted to not having any experience as a lover.

“I want to be able to, um, to make my lover happy, if I ever get one.” Bluestreak had mumbled shyly as he lay sprawled on the berth between Sideswipe and Sunstreaker, “It’s kind of embarrassing to be saying this to you two, since you’ve been with so many, um.”

“Not really.” Sideswipe had giggled, smirking when Bluestreak stared at him incredulously, “See, most of ‘em just wanted to land a set of twins - some we wouldn’t touch for anything, since they reminded us too much of when we were in the pit - and others only wanted one of us, and me ‘nd Sunny are a package deal.”

“Plus, most of them seem to think that being warrior models mean we like it rough and kinky.” Sunstreaker growled in an annoyed tone, “And it’s fine once in a while, but not all the time. Do you have any idea what some of them did to my finish?”

Bluestreak choked on a giggle and Sunstreaker gave the gunner an arch look.

“So, um, you like it gentle?” Bluestreak teased once he recovered his composure, “Romantic maybe?”

“Heh, Sunny likes to take his time.” Sideswipe said in a low tone, “He’s a tease really, and likes to draw it out.”

“I simply believe that some things should be savoured.” Sunstreaker purred, low and sultry, and Bluestreak had a sudden premonition about where this conversation was leading.

“So, uh, if I promise to be gentle, can I practice with you?” Bluestreak nuzzled up to Sunstreaker shyly, giving the golden warrior his best pleading look, “Pretty please?”

“Hey!” Sideswipe protested, draping himself over Bluestreak’s back, “How come you’re asking him and not me?”

“Obviously, because he has taste.” Sunstreaker said with an arrogant toss of his head, and then proceeded to ignore his sputtering brother in favour of answering Bluestreak, “You’re a good friend Blue, and I don’t mind helping you out.”

“Thanks.” The gunner said in a small voice, then, gathering his courage, gently brushed a kiss over Sunstreaker’s mouth. Silver lips parted, coaxing Bluestreak into a slow, languid kiss that went on and on. Sideswipe nuzzled his face into the back of Bluestreak’s neck, a nipping trail of kisses falling over grey doorpanels. Bluestreak moaned and fanned his panels out in pleasure. Sunstreaker’s hands were gentle on Bluestreak’s plating, encouraging the gunner to keep going in his explorations. Taking his cue from Sideswipe, Bluestreak gently nibbled on Sunstreaker’s neck cables. Sunstreaker hummed gently, a pleased sound, one that shifted into a sot moan as Bluestreak stroked tentative fingers over the fins on Sunstreaker’s helm.

“How’d you guess?” Sideswipe asked with wicked glee as his brother squirmed.

“Chevron.” Bluestreak muttered thickly, distracted by the pretty way Sunstreaker flexed when you worked your fingers into the seams at his waist and teased the wires under the plating on his chest.

“Mm.” Sunstreaker purred, pulling Bluestreak closer to run his glossa over the flat of the gunner’s chevron, sucking on the tip. Bluestreak squeaked, pressing into the sensation as Sideswipe chuckled. The red twin grinned when Bluestreak shouted incoherently once Sideswipe worked his fingers into the joints of Bluestreak’s doorpanels and wiggled them. Bluestreak’s engine revved, echoed by the powerful purrs of the twins systems, and the high-pitched whine of overworked fans filled the room.

“Here.” Sunstreaker whispered, and oh, the golden twin had never before been so beautiful as when he trailed taunting, graceful fingers over Bluestreak’s interface panel, “Allow me.”

Bluestreak moaned in pleasure at the unfamiliar touch as Sunstreaker removed the cover plate, exposing overheated circuitry to the blessedly cool air - then stiffened, jerking against the golden fingers teasing his receptor ports.

“Nice.” Sideswipe chuckled, black fingers tangling with his brother’s golden, “You’re already wet.”

“What - what do you mean?” Bluestreak mewled pressing against the slick touches - is that what Sideswipe was talking about? Primus - it felt good.

“Coolant, to prevent overheating and burns.” Sunstreaker purred, moving against Bluestreak in an indescribable way that made the sniper’s optics fritz, “And conductive gel to make the energy transfers easier.”

“Oh.” Bluestreak mewled helplessly, and gave up on speech, pawing at Sunstreaker’s interface panel - really, it was not fair at all that the other mech could make a simple explanation sound like an invitation to debauchery - Bluestreak made a satisfied sound when Sunstreaker’s cover plate slid aside, reaching back to blindly do the same for Sideswipe. This endeavour was not made any easier by Sideswipe molesting his doorpanels in mind boggling ways - but Bluestreak’s persistence won out over Sideswipe’s distractions, and the red twin’s cover panel eventually gave way. The twins, Bluestreak noted with satisfaction, were just as wet as he was. So there.

“Hn.” Sunstreaker’s head fell back as Bluestreak pressed careful fingers into his interface panel. The receptor ports - the malleable metal configuring around his fingers - were nearly burning to the touch, and sparks of energy jumped and spat between the three of them.

“Pretty isn’t he?” Sideswipe’s intakes heaved in an effort to keep his systems from overheating and static hiss from his vocalizer as Bluestreak reached back to tease the red twin in turn, the gunner’s fingers meshing with Sunstreaker’s as they both thoroughly molested Sideswipe.

“Uh-huh.” Bluestreak mumbled, then kissed Sunstreaker again - the smug look was far too tempting to resist - then kissed Sideswipe too, cutting off the red warriors giggle and needing to twist his neck at a funny angle but oh it was worth it to get that sweet little moan out of them both.

“More.” Sunstreaker demanded imperiously, hooking a leg over Bluestreak and pulling them flush against on another, “More now.”

“Um.” Bluestreak’s fingers scrabbled to find purchase on polished armour.

“Here, let me.” Sideswipe whispered hotly in Bluestreak’s audio as too-clever by far black hands found cords and guided them to ports and suddenly Bluestreak was aware of the twins in a whole new way. Was this what it was like for the two of them all the time? Connected and one with each other forever…

The energy crackled along relays, blanking out reason and Bluestreak felt something leap in his chest, frantic to get out, clawing at his plating with digits made of lightning - light, brilliant, consuming light - it took over the world and Bluestreak fell into it, feeling the twins tumbling headlong with him - pleasure rose over them like a wave - a riptide pulling them under - and overload crashed through their systems.

They woke later from recharge to find themselves bonded - why, how, they did not know. None of them could remember making the decision to initiate a sparkbond but the closeness - the belonging - felt right.

“Look, accident or not at least this way if we do ever manage to land Ratchet then Blue has an in with Wheeljack.” Sideswipe said with a cheeky grin, recalling them to the present.

“And vice-versa.” Sunstreaker said with an arch look, letting Bluestreak up off his lap with a warning to be careful not to smudge his work, “You have to admit that Wheeljack’s a much easier mark than the Hatchet.”

“Hm, true.” Sideswipe said thoughtfully, then grinned in pure bedevilment, “But that just makes it more fun!”

Sunstreaker groaned and Bluestreak snorted. Ah, family bliss, Sideswipe smiled and plotted for the perfect future.

(Word Count: 2522)


Yes, yes, I know you all want Alliance-period fic, but the muses are being stubborn about what exactly happens. I have the basic outline, but the details are still sketchy. I'm going to have to ask you all to be patient. The good news is that I have managed to skribble down a few peices that are essential to leading up to the Alliance. So never fear, it is coming along.

Dragons! While I have succeeded in snagging myself another Cheese dragon, I'm still missing three of the new releases. *pouts* But! My Vine hatchling is an Alternate! Boo-ya! *fistpump*

pairing: sunstreaker/bluestreak/sideswip, smut, transformers fanfic, fanfiction, transformers, series: nine rings of vos, dragons

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