(no subject)

Aug 09, 2009 18:13

Title: The Nine Rings of Vos Interludes
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: You can love, honour, and obey your commander... but you'll still never understand what she sees in him.
Timeline: More ficsation is here!


(In which there is loyalty.)

During the long, dark times of the Great Shut Down - when all of Cybertron fell into starvation-enforced stasis after the loss of the Ark - things had been very bad for Arcee. Captured, experimented on - having her psyche fragmented and stuck back together at the whims of a mad mech - it was hard to find a reason to keep living other than stubbornness. But after being found and taken in by Elita-One, life had seemed less torturous, and Arcee had found a reason to go on. The older femme seemed to share more than just a colour scheme with the berserker. There was an understanding in Elita-One’s optics when Arcee had told the femme Commander about the experiments that had forcibly changed Arcee’s gender. Understanding - but never any detestable pity.

“What has been done can be undone, if you are willing to pay the price. There will be notes, records - the one who did this to you will have kept the data and copies of the data.” Elita-One had watched Arcee calmly as she spoke, as if what she was saying did not fly in the face of everything Arcee had been told since the moment she became a femme, “If you desire it strongly enough - if you hate who you are now that much - I shall do what I can to aide you.”

That moment - an offer of choice but no condescension or pity - had been what earned Elita-One Arcee’s permanent loyalty. It also weighed heavily in Arcee’s decision that being a femme was not all that bad - after all, it just gave her something in common with her commander.

“So…” Ultra Magnus had hedged, looking at his fellow commander’s scowling pink shadow, “This is…?”

“Arcee is my new bodyguard.” Elita-One had answered in amusement, seeming to be vastly entertained by the notion. Ultra Magnus had thought better of saying anything more on the subject. If Elita-One wanted to keep the gender-confused feral berserker as a bodyguard, then Elita-One got the keep the gender-confused feral berserker as a bodyguard. Ultra Magnus knew better than to argue. But he did state softly, “She’s not Boreas.”

“I know that.” Elita-One said with a troubled look, “Arcee survived.”

Arcee had been confused by the exchange, sensing a deeper history behind their words that she was not party to. Later, when she had hesitantly questioned Elita-One about it, Arcee learned a bit of the story.

“You are not the first this has been done to.” Elita-One said simply, leaning over a holographic map of the terrain, “When I was very young, a friend of mine went through the same thing as you. Boreas died of it. You have survived, and thrived… especially according to the rumours about you and the Wreakers.”

Embarrassed, Arcee had not questioned her commander further, but her devotion to Elita-One only grew stronger as time passed. The femme commander deserved Arcee’s loyalty, and made Arcee proud to be a femme. But for all she admired Elita-One, for all Arcee learned about the older femme, Arcee could just not for the life of her understand Elita-One’s affection for Ultra Magnus, nor could she understand Elita-One’s devotion to and faith in the missing Optimus Prime.

Then Prime had returned.

The reappearance of the Ark crew - and the accompanying influx of fresh energon - revitalized and stirred up the Autobot forces. But Arcee still did not get what was so great about Optimus Prime.

Then Arcee had seen them walk together, Prime striding along with Elita-One to his right and Ultra Magnus to his left - as tight as a Seeker formation - and despite their different sizes they had moved in step, none slower nor faster than the other two. Watching, Arcee had realized that some things just were, and decided to think no more on it.

Besides, she had some free time and knew that Hot Rod had dragged Springer to the washracks to celebrate the Wreakers return from a successful mission. It seemed like a good time to go join them.

(Word Count: 667)


Yay! We can haz Spotlight Arcee! ~♥ (So much more fun than '80's Arcee. XD)

And my darling brain-twin katsuko wrote more Cliffjumper in Rings'verse! ~♥ Awww~ mini-Seeker is in love!

So... we had a small issue with our water pump yesterday. It stopped working. At all. Plumber came in today and fixed it, but brown water is brown and will stay brown until the system flushes out. DX I want a shower so bad... and I need to do my laundry... but I caaaaaaan't. *whinebitchmoan*

And Dragons!

transformers fanfic, fanfiction, transformers, gift fic, series: nine rings of vos, dragons

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