Aug 06, 2009 00:09

Title: The Nine Rings of Vos Interludes
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: And Trailbreaker had issues too! Banzai?
Timeline: More fic here.


(In which there is trauma for Trailbreaker.)

Trailbreaker did not know why he was so drawn to Hound and Mirage. All he knew is that being around the two of them made him happy, made his spark feel complete in a way it had not been since Trailbreaker had watched his Matter throw himself onto an energy lance. It was his first complete memory, the time before that moment mere hazy recollections of a warm voice singing and the steady comfort of a larger spark. Then it all ended in a snap of agony - Trailbreaker’s hatchling self tumbling from strong arms suddenly gone slack - the body of what Trailbreaker’s spark knew was his Formatter hitting the ground soaked in mech fluid, coolant and energon a slick puddle on the floor - the guards approaching, guns up and armed - Trailbreaker had been screaming, trying to reach his Matter, to get away from the hulking shadow of the mechs who brought pain, unable to go far as he slid in his creator’s vital fluids - a harsh hand, grabbing for him - Matter’s roar of fury as the badly injured mech lunged with deadly intent, driving the bad-mechs away from Trailbreaker - sharp light, pain, Trailbreaker’s spark in agony as his Formatter’s grey shell fell down and down forever.

After that, all of Trailbreaker’s memories are of the government care centre where he grew up. In time, Trailbreaker was told that his Formatter had gone insane and killed his Genitor, which was why the Centre had to run so many tests on him, just to be sure Trailbreaker was not glitched the same way his Formatter was - Trailbreaker could not help but doubt the story, his own memories giving lie to that explanation, but he never argued with the routine. There was no point in kicking up a fuss. Understandably, Trailbreaker was not the most outgoing of younglings, and far preferred strategy games over roughhousing with his age mates. His life was dull and predictable, a progression of schooling and work that failed to engage any emotion from Trailbreaker, or even interest him all that much. Signing on with the Peacekeepers was a way to earn a living, nothing more. When the war started, Trailbreaker had joined the Autobots under Sentinel Prime with the rest of the Enforcers from his squad with a vague idea of repaying the government for keeping him alive after his Formatter had died. War was not much different from peace for Trailbreaker, aside from the increased chances of getting shot and shot at, the repeated campaigns replacing the monotony of pointless exercises and riot control.

Optimus Prime at least was a more interesting leader than Sentinel had been.

Then - a mission. A sweet smile, slender hands, and two pairs of bright, lovely optics that looked into Trailbreaker’s spark, looked right at him, saw him, and saw only good in him - Trailbreaker had never sought love, but it had found him anyway, and Trailbreaker would do whatever it took to keep that love safe. Betrayal, murder - they were just words, meaningless to Trailbreaker compared to the prospect of losing Hound and Mirage. Trailbreaker put his all into his tactics - every sly idea and sneaky trick he could think of - anything to get the war over sooner so he could keep his loves safe.

Nothing else mattered, except winning the war that kept them apart and endangered their lives. Trailbreaker would see the Decepticons burn for getting in his way.

“Hey, Breaker!” Hound’s smile lifted Trailbreaker’s spark, and the touch of Mirage’s hand along his forearm pulled the black mech from his vengeful thoughts. Trailbreaker made room for his lovers as they sat beside him, letting their conversation wash over him. Now content, Trailbreaker was never more thankful to be an Autobot. Optimus Prime would win, the Deceptions would fall, and one day Trailbreaker’s spark would be made completely whole again. Until then, Trailbreaker had Hound’s cheerful smiles, Mirage’s gentle touch, and the love in their optics to keep him going until the end.

(Word Count: 664)


I truely did not expect shy little Trailbreaker to be such a bastard, honestly. *boggles* He just went, "Burn them all." and I went "Hokay~?" But yay! I now have the backstories for the Land-skimmer trine all done! *victory pose* ... Now I only have how many left? *counts on fingers*

My baby sister and I burned things and roasted marshmallows tonight. That is all. XD

Dragons! Heyla, both my Pygmy and Ochredrake egg grabs got me one male and one female on the first try, and as a bonus, both pairs agreed to breed. ^_^ Yay me.

transformers fanfic, transformers, series: nine rings of vos, dragons

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