"Okay. You can be a minicon. But only 'cause I like the image of you flying into windows."

Aug 02, 2009 01:46

Title: The Nine Rings of Vos
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: Sometimes sacrifices made for the greater good really, really suck.
Timeline: More chapters are here.


(In which farewells are made.)

“Kup.” The hail came from a large mech - white and blue and red - that Kup had never seen before, but something in the deep, sonorous voice was almost familiar…

“Orion?” Kup stared at the impossible. The young mech he had mentored had died a megacycle ago, in an explosion at the docks, along with his mates, “Dion and Ariel too? What happened to you three, lad? I thought you were all dead!”

“Orion Pax, Dion, and Ariel are gone, Kup.” Sad blue optics looked at the old soldier as the three figures fully entered the small apartment, their new size - meant for battle, for war - making the homey space feel crowded, “Optimus Prime, Ultra Magnus, and Elita-One stand in their places.”

“Prime?” Kup gasped, shock making his optics pale as he tried to process the situation, “Dear Primus lad, how did that happen?”

“In short, we were as good as deactivated during the attack on the dockyard.” Ultra Magnus said, and Kup could hear Dion’s conviction in the resonant tones, “An ancient mech called Alpha Trion rebuilt us - in essence, resurrected us - in these shells.”

“Alpha Trion had been protecting the Matrix of Leadership since Sentinel Prime was lost.” Elita-One continued, Ariel’s shyness stripped away to reveal the steel core of determination, “The Matrix led Alpha Trion to us, granted him the knowledge needed to make us as we are, and was passed on to Orion.”

“In taking the Matrix, in becoming Prime, Orion became Optimus.” The Prime said in the ringing tones of a proclamation, “Through our bond, Ultra Magnus and Elita-One came to be as well.”

“We have come to ask a favour of you, dear Kup.” Elita-One said, not giving the old soldier any time to speak, “And we know it is much to ask, but there is none other that we could bare to entrust this to.”

“This favour is about your wee one.” Kup said in sad understanding. The older mech knew some of Ariel’s story - learning enough of the tale during the time he taught her how to fight to know that she had valid reasons to be skittish and paranoid - and had never complained about protecting the triad’s most precious treasure while they were at work.

“Yes.” Ultra Magnus bowed his head, “What was possible before is lost to us as the Prime and his consorts. We will be targets, a constant danger to those around us who our enemies may see as valid targets, as weaknesses to exploit in an effort to undo us.”

“We have come to tell you that we survive, and to ask you to care for our creation.” Optimus Primes said softly, looking down into a small berth at the tiny form within, “Remember us to him fondly, raise him well - protect him, from both threats to his life and the knowledge that may well end him - teach him, as you taught Ariel, so that he may never fear those who would hunt him - and let him know we love him still, so that perhaps, once the danger has passed or he is old enough to make the choice himself, we can make ourselves known to him as his creators once again.”

“You never even had to ask, laddie.” Kup said, waving off the inevitable thanks and watching sadly as the three new leaders gently made their goodbyes to their sole creation, holding the sparkling one last time each before they reluctantly handed the sparkling to Kup and left, disappearing into the bright night of Iacon. Cycling a sigh Kup turned back into his apartment, looking down at the little flame-coloured bundle of parts in his arms, “Well now, Hot Rod, it looks like it’s just you and me for now, m’lad.”

(Word Count: 624)


Meh, dunno how I feel about this part. On one hand, I'm sure it will make the fans of the Autobot Leadership Triad happy, on the other, while this would have been a signifigant moment in Enemy Of My Enemy, it's just another emo moment here in Rings. So, opinions. Should I keep this as part of Rings, or give it to Enemy?

Art! I finished the line art for the Vos Brand, as well as inking the line art for an illustration of one of katsuko's contribution to Rings'verse.

And speaking of contributions to Rings'verse, magni_zeal wrote some more on Reflector's backstory.

So my cat gave me a minor heart attack yesterday. When I checked on her last night, one of the kittens was missing. She wasn't worried or stressed or anything, so I knew that she had moved the kitten on her own, but she didn't move the others. So my sisters and I were freaking out. Then one of my younger sisters heard the kitten mewing in the basement this morning, so the three of us went downstairs. The kitten was hidden in the old pullout couch, tucked between the seat cushion and the armrest. I took the kitten back upstairs and Harmony, my cat, looks at me like "What took you so long. I wasn't going to drag the chubby thing all the way back up here!" And honestly, the kittens are growing like crazy. Harmony is a very small cat, I'm still surprised that she managed to have five kittens without busting something, but even the day after the kittens were born Harmony was having trouble carrying them. She kept dropping the poor things every few steps. I'd be surprised to find out that she can carry them at all now. I still don't understand how she got the kitten down two flights of stairs without hurting herself or the kitten. We think that she moved the kitten downstairs then got spooked by the dogs and forgot where she put it... stupid cat. The today I had to go grocery shopping and cook both lunch and supper for my family. The ungrateful little pests didn't help me clean up after either. >.> But anyway, that's why I've been MIA and not posting the last few days. ^_^

And finally, dragons! ^_^

arts, transformers fanfic, transformers, gift fic, series: nine rings of vos, dragons

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