(no subject)

Jul 27, 2009 11:06

Title: The Nine Rings of Vos
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: Distance means nothing to family... except when it does.
Timeline: More fic is here!


(In which Interceptor leaves Vos.)

Cardinal watched sadly as his sole creation packed his things.

“You will not reconsider?” The priest asked quietly, “There is still a chance that the bond will reform.”

“No. I am sorry, Genitor.” Interceptor looked up from his packing, “You have not seen Spectre since he went into Rejection of the newspark. The creation bond is well and truly broken. Perhaps, if we had been mated…”

“To mate one you do not love is not the answer, my youngling.” Cardinal cycled a sigh, “I suppose this is just Primus’ Will.”

“I shall trust you to be the judge of that, for you are far more knowledgeable in the matter than I.” Interceptor said with a small smile, then looked away, continuing in a quiet tone, “They have already tagged my sparkling as one who is to be sent to the Praxus facility. My bond to him is damaged, but not broken. I cannot see him go to another, nor allow him to be alone in one of the care centres.”

“He is… glitched then?” Cardinal asked gently, understanding on his face. Vos was a dangerous place to raise sparklings at the best of time, what with the threat of another Raid hanging over them. A sparkling with a glitch, who might not have the sense to run or hide or defend itself, at least not until after its processor had adapted to the glitch… So the glitched Flightless sparklings were sent to Praxus, their Seeker status hidden. It was strange, but the few skyborn who formatted with oddities only had minor glitches, and they were safe enough in the aeries. It seemed that Primus had exchanged the sky-hunger that the skyborn suffered from for the many different glitches the often cropped up within the Flightless Seekerkin. Cardinal crooned a note of comfort to his offspring, “Do you know what the glitch is?”

“No, but… he is quiet. Very quiet.” Interceptor closed the last of his crates and fisted his claws on top, head bowed, “Sometimes he just… freezes, crashes, locks up… Last time he nearly burned out some of his processor connections.”

“Is there anything that can be done?” Cardinal asked sympathetically as Interceptor calmed himself down.

“As long as he is kept on a schedule and things remain calm then he exhibits no signs of the glitch.” Interceptor turned to his genitor, clasping Cardinal’s hands in his own, “I have to go, the transport for Praxus leaves in a cycle, and I need to be ready when it does.”

“Primus will watch over you, spark of my spark.” Cardinal gently rested his helm against Interceptor’s, “And best of luck.”

“Thank you, for understanding, Genitor.” Interceptor grew back, “I will return and visit when I can.”

“Of course you will.” Cardinal said with a smile, keying open the door for a burdened Interceptor. Cardinal stepped aside and laid a hand on Interceptor’s shoulder, “You have everything you need? Things in Praxus are arranged? You have employment? A home?”

“Yes, Genitor.” Interceptor replied patiently, used to his creator’s fretting, “Vos provides, and the Emirate always needs more mechs to take up positions Outside among the Peacekeepers and in the government. I will be working as a law enforcer, and hopefully will manage to gain a position that shall allow me to aid Vos.”

“Very well.” Cardinal tightening his grip on his creation, but looking resigned, “Before you leave, at least tell me what the sparkling’s designation is.”

“Prowl.” Interceptor said, the pride and joy of a new creator replacing worry and sorrow, “My sparkling’s designation is Prowl.”

“A good name.” Cardinal replied and released his hold on his creation, watching Interceptor’s back until the other Flightless disappeared into the distance.

(Word Count: 619)


And there's the beginning of the backstory for one of our Flightless Bots! And also, my beloved brain-twin katsuko has written me a lovely little gift'fic set in Rings'verse that's brought in a new Flightless Bot that I hadn't thought about. XD ♥ Oh how I love her so~

EDIT: I have illustrated katsuko's Rings'fic. It's on my devART account, and only goes to show that Meanstreak may be stubborn, but Bullseye gets her way eventually.

My mother is back from her trip, and wants me to clean. *sighs* Primus fraggit. *stomps off*

But still, dragons! (Yay! Blue Striped!)

transformers fanfic, fanfiction, gift fic, series: nine rings of vos, dragons

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