I don't DO mornings...

Jul 25, 2009 23:44

Title: The Nine Rings of Vos
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: The real power of authority is never having to use it.
Timeline: I am a writing machine! (aka More fic here.)


(In which the Elite Trine become the new Winglords.)

It had been a rather hectic vorn, but also perversely boring as the current Winglords in Regency and their staff sought to shove all of the knowledge the trine would need as the new Winglords into their heads. For Starscream and Thundercracker it was not so bad. Starscream was blindingly intelligent and learned things quickly, while Thundercracker had a background that, once expanded upon, easily lent itself to governing. Skywarp was another matter entirely. The Etesian wanted to get up and do things, driving his trainers up the walls until one tutor made the desperate suggestion to try public relations. The idea was a success. With something that interested him, Skywarp actually applied himself to the lessons and surprised all of them - Skywarp included - when Skywarp displayed an uncanny knack for politics.

“Artist’s intuition?” Starscream had guessed idly one cycle.

Thundercracker snorted, a caustic rumble from his engine, “More like his pranking background, the sneaky little glitch.”

Then the cycle of the Ceremony arrived.

“Everything is prepared, my lords.” Cardinal said with a sweeping bow, “It is time for you to take your rightful places.”

“Let’s do this then.” Skywarp said, looking at his wingmates.

“I want to get this over with.” Starscream muttered, Thundercracker nodding in agreement. The blue Euros was too nervous to speak. Straightening their wings, the trine marched out into the main chapel. The huge spherical chamber was packed full of unnaturally still Seekers. Only the towering alter and the path that led out into the open sky remained clear.

“Kindred, today we stand witness as Starscream, Thundercracker and Skywarp come to fly in the Eye of the Storm. I have tested their bond as trine, and it is true. I have watched their training in rulership, and it is sound. I have looked into their sparks, with the vision granted to me by the grace of Primus Below, and I know their strength. The Home Star dawns this cycle on the beginning of a new reign!” Cardinal spread his hands, turning from the congregation to face the trine, smiling reassuringly as the next phase began. Seeker ceremonies tended to be short and to the point. (Conversely, their celebrations lasted for a very long time.) So although an Outsider would have expected more speeches, none of the gathered Seekers were surprised when the three Seekers who had held Regency as the interim Winglords stepped forward towards the trine. Unlike their replacements, these three were not a trine (in fact, one was Flightless), but they had worked together long enough that their timing was impeccable. As one, they reached out and clasped hands with the new Winglords - a flash of spark energy, their individual fields made visible - and released control over the windbond to the new Lords of Vos.

It was a maelstrom of light and feeling. A boiling supernova of presences, surrounded them, buffeted them on all sides as they were picked up and whirled around like chaff on the wind by the many sparks that called Vos home. Starscream fully understood then why it was so important that their sparks be strong enough, the centre had to hold or the whole thing would fall apart. Skywarp understood fully then why the attraction was a sign, so important for a Winglord, as the windbond calmed under their command with trusting affection. Thundercracker understood fully then why a full trine was needed to be true Winglords, as he realised that a lesser spark would have blown out under the pressure of so many bonds, but with a trine at the centre, strong enough to hold them all, the windbond strengthened and drew them together until they moved as one being. Together as one, they realized the true intent and extent of the windbond, as together they could summon and command every Seeker by their very sparks, and those Seekers would only love them all the more for the use. It took incredible strength indeed to see the power they now held over their people… and choose not to use it.

The light calmed, no longer tearing at them, now they stood in a circle of stillness.

“Kindred, behold the Eye of the Storm, Tyrants of the Firmament, Winglords of the Seekers, and the Emirates of Vos! Long may they reign!” Cardinal cried as a pulse ran through the windbond, alerting every Seeker, present or not, of the change in leadership.

“Seekers!” The Elite trine called as one, “Transform and rule the skies!”

Howling with glee, the assembled Seekers followed their new leaders out, up, into the sky in a whirling gyre of skydancing that covered the length and breadth of Vos. It was a celebration, an affirmation of loyalty, a wild embracing of freedom, and it lasted until their tanks emptied and warnings wrote dire predictions in red across their status bars.

And later, still tangled up together as one by the power the windbond grated them as Winglords, the trine confronted Cardinal as he led them to their new home in the High Tower.

“Cardinal.” Their voices came as one, the thought all of theirs, the outrage shared, “Why did you not tell us sooner that a Winglord Trine could take control of Seekers through the windbond?”

“It was not for me to say, my Lords. You expressed such reluctance to take your ordained places, and indeed you never asked what spiritual gifts Primus had granted you along with your material responsibilities. There may yet come a day when that control over us is needed to save the Seekerkin. It is part and parcel of the price we pay for being war build, yet being bound by kin ties.” Cardinal said calmly, casting a glance out over the city with a serene expression, gesturing outwards to indicate the whole of Vos, and asked archly, “Besides, why did you think one of your new titles is Tyrant?”

(Word Count: 980)


I honestly have nothing interesting to say today. Although everyone should head over to the timeline post and read what magni_zeal and silvane91 have written for me. XD

Oh! And I wanted to thank whoever my "anonymous benifactor" is, for sending me some lovely presents on Gaia. I honestly wasn't expecting that, but I just wanted to express my gratitude all the same. I really like my gifts, and I'm glad that you liked my writing enough to want to send those gifts to me. ^_^

And thusly, dragons!

transformers fanfic, fanfiction, transformers, series: nine rings of vos, dragons

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