I'm a bit like a goldfish. If you leave food out I will eat until I EXPLODE.

Jul 19, 2009 10:28

Title: The Nine Rings of Vos
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: So the mouthpiece of your god comes over to you and says "BTW. You're king now."
Timeline: Epic fic is epic. Go here to see how epic is epic. XP


(In which the Trine is told that they are the new Winglords.)

“Say again?” Skywarp blurted as he and his trine stared in total incomprehension at the Priest of Primus.

The older model black and gold Flightless grinned at them in jovial good humour as he repeated himself patiently, “The three of you are the new Winglords.”

“That’s impossible.” Thundercracker said numbly, “Starscream I could see, he’s more than smart enough, but Skywarp and I? Warp’s an airhead and I’m a small time trader! It’s impossible! I get jittery if I have to talk to more than a few mechs I don’t know at once! Winglord's have to give speeches! I hate giving speeches! I don’t even like talking all that much! That’s Starscream and Skywarp’s job!”

The priest’s engine coughed as he tried to suppress his amusement.

“Thundercracker, hush. You’re babbling.” Starscream glared at the priest, “You. Explain this now.”

“Hm, how to put it?” The old Seeker pondered, tapping his chin as his visor dimmed in thought.

“Use small words.” Skywarp entreated, making the priest snort in amusement again.

“Small words, eh? Alright. So. I’m sure that the three of you have noticed that you’re a bit different from the other Seekers. You fly better, learn faster, and have a certain way with words or making yourself heard?” The priest paused, looking at the trine significantly, “Other Seekers have a natural tendency to give way to you, listen to you, you automatically take control of situations, you had an unnaturally large number of false trine-pulls and would-be suitors before you trined? Yes to all of that, eh?”

“Yes.” Starscream scowled at the priest, mantling his wings in aggravation, “How did you know about that? And what does it have to do with us being chosen as Winglords?”

“Because we watch for Seekers like the three of you. Because those things are the signs denoting a spark strong enough to become the Eye of the Storm. Because Winglords are not chosen to become Winglords.” The old mech spread his hands, the crimson sigils of his position a series of pale traceries on his plating, catching the light in brief moments of brilliance, “Winglords are sparked as Winglords.”

“And so you’re saying that the three of us are the only Seekers in Vos who can become Winglords?” Starscream asked sceptically, “I’m not buying that.”

The priest shook his head, “No. Please, do not misunderstand. Others than you have the individual strength of spark to be a Winglord. Like our current Emirate, but to be a true Winglord ones trine must also be Winglord.”

“So the Lord Emirate's trinemates…” Thundercracker inquired shrewdly.

“Although they are wonderful Seekers, there is a reason why they are not his Vice-Emirates.” The priest said piously, “Unfortunately they lack the resonance in the windbond net that marks a Seeker of Winglord capability.”

“But I thought the Lord Emirate was the Winglord.” Skywarp said in confusion, “If a Winglord needs his trine to be Winglords too in order to be Winglord, does that mean that the Winglord isn’t really the Winglord?”

There was a moment of silence as the gathered Seekers deciphered Skywarp’s question.

“… Yes. That is exactly what it means.” The priest said, looking amused once more, “The Lord Emirate holds the position of Winglord in regency. That is, he had been taking care of things until the three of you became a full trine. Now that all of you are mature and bonded, he can step down and let you take your rightful places as the rulers of Vos.”

“That’s insane!” Thundercracker exclaimed, “We don’t have the training to handle governing the city, let alone the state! Skywarp can’t even balance his credit records! And Starscream lives in his lab! I have issues with public speaking! And you want us to take over as Winglords? Are your processors all cracked?”

“You’re babbling again dear.” Starscream said and patted Thundercracker’s shoulder, “But you have a point. It’s sheer lunacy to expect us to take over just like that, no matter how strong our sparks are.”

“The Lord Emirate and his aides are fully prepared to remain and instruct you on all you need to know about governing the Seekers of Vos. You will not be forced to take command until you feel you are ready for the responsibility.” The priest assured them, “And the staff you will inherit are all quite competent. You will be fine. There are numerous protocols in place to ensure that you are all prepared for your roles prior to the induction ceremony.”

Starscream, Skywarp and Thundercracker just stared at the priest’s earnest, open face.

“… We don’t actually have a choice, do we?” Starscream asked wearily, covering his face with his hand and seeing his notions of a simple, peaceful life flying away at top speed.

The priest looked affronted, “Why would you not wish to become Winglords when it is the path laid before you by Primus?”

“He’s got a point.” Skywarp said musingly, shrugging when his trinemates looked at him, “I mean, hello? Winglords? Rulers of Vos? A chance to actually do something about the stuff that frags us off? Pit yeah, I’d go for it. Better than stalling out and grinding our gears doing nothing.”

Starscream and Thundercracker blinked at each other, “… He’s got a point.”

“What does that mean?” Skywarp scowled, hands on his hips, “And don’t think I missed all those digs at my smarts TC. I’ll get my revenge when you least expect it.”

“Leaving aside the intelligence of announcing ones intentions to exact revenge in front of ones target.” Starscream ignored Skywarp’s outraged squawk and turned to the priest, “What do we need to do to get started on this Winglord thing?”

Cardinal, the Priest of the Divine Wind, grinned and motioned for the three members of the new High Trine of Vos to follow him deeper into the Temple of Primus, feeling the first stirring breeze that would one day become a storm that would change the very nature of Cybertronian life.

(Word Count: 999)


So once again I ask that my darling readers mention any typos, odd bits of grammer or things that make you go "huh?" in your comments. Questions are welcome, and further explainations of concepts will be given should you ask for them. Furthermore, I love talking to all of you, so thanks in advance for leaving me a response. ^_^ And although it's not a garuntee, if you ask for a scene that you really want to see, I'm more likely to be thinking about it, and thus writing it, when I work on this fic. XD So if that isn't incentive to comment, I don't know what is.

Yeah, so my great-aunt's funeral was nice. Very touching. Then we all (the family, that is) went over to great-uncle Gerry's and had a pool party. I stuffed myself silly, and got a new bikini becuase I didn't bring my suit. It's a very pretty bikini, and my top half fits inside! Bonus! (It's rather difficult to find a bikini that fits a 36DD, is all I'm sayin'.) I got to meet cousins that I'd never met before, and we all played pool games until it got too cool to stay in the water, then we played sardines. My little sister kept stealing my rum, but that's okay! Things like that just get funnier when your drinking. XP

I got a new betta fish. He makes three. Thing is I got a dark blue I named Soundwave, one has a red body with white and blue fins which I named Starscream, and I just picked up a white one with red patches and blue eyes. I named him Jetfire. And he's socute. XD

Anyway, remember my pregnant cat? Yeah, she's still pregnant, only now she's apparently homicidal as well. She woke me up at around 3am this morning, wanting attention. I pretty much told her flat out that if she wasn't in labour then I was sleeping. Shoo. So at about 7am I woke up again. There was a pillow on my face... and the cat was sitting on the pillow. Yeah, my cat tried to smother me in my sleep. The little brat. Primus, I hope she drops her litter soon. She's huge for being such a small cat, and I'm kinda wondering just how many kittens she's going to have.

And finally, I managed to get all four of the new releases at the Dragon Cave! Go me! The Cheese took me five tries and 15 minutes of F5'ing, but I got it in the end!

random, fish tales, transformers fanfic, fanfiction, transformers, series: nine rings of vos, dragons

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