"I want her to have my porn babies." (ref: YAOI doujun artist)

Jun 16, 2009 12:26

Title: The Nine Rings of Vos
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: Thundercracker knows he'll never win an argument with them, but is this really such a good idea?
Timeline: The other parts are found here!


(In which the bitlet-making fractal is tested for the first time.)

“Are you sure that this is safe?” Thundercracker asked protectively, frowning at the cubes of medicated energon that sat before him.

“The simulations and sample tests all came back clear.” Starscream cycled air and forced himself to stop fiddling with the cubes, “We were extremely thorough, and these are our sparks we’re talking about after all. The only thing left is to do a trial run.”

Thundercracker grumbled, still leery of harm befalling his trinemates.

“Aw, c’mon Cracker.” Skywarp cajoled, smiling winsomely, “It’ll be fine! Screamer’s a damn good scientist and he’s had help from every single fragging medic and chemist here in Vos. Relax already.”

“I can’t.” Thundercracker huffed and crossed his arms, wings tense, “Like Star said, these are our sparks we’re talking about here. What if something goes wrong? Something the simulations didn’t cover?”

“Trust that it won’t.” Starscream laid a hand on Thundercracker’s wing, stroking gently until it relaxed, “Trust in my skills, if nothing else. I’ve run the simulations, tested the effects on volunteers. Everything short of a full-out merge has been tested and retested. The worst that can happen is that the formula will turn out to be a dud.”

“But if it’s a dud…” Skywarp pouted, “Does that mean no sparkling?”

Starscream looked amused, “It means no guarantee of a sparkling at any rate.”

“Oh.” Skywarp turned a pitiful look on Thundercracker, complete with downcast wings, “C’mon TC, please? Think of the creations!”

“Fine.” Thundercracker sighed with a heavy cycle of air, gesturing to the cubes with weary resignation, “Give me the cube before I change my mind.”

“Here.” Starscream said with a wash of understanding along their bond, handing Thundercracker and Skywarp each a shimmering cube of High Grade, “Drink it quickly.”

“Huh.” Skywarp said after following the order of his wingleader, “It tastes just like regular High Grade. Why High Grade?”

“The High Grade acts as a catalyst for the fractal formula and ensures maximum absorption.” Starscream said absently, clearing away the empty containers, “Plus, it has the benefit of camouflaging the effects of the fractal and providing a reasonable excuse for any mech with a habit of going ‘what the frag made me ‘face with him?’ so it’s a win-win situation all around.”

“Just what we need if we want our brilliant master plan to succeed!” Skywarp chirped happily, bouncing in place as he grinned, “We’ll get fresh codes from Outside and be back home before the silly fraggers can start to wonder what we’re up to!”

“So what should we be expecting?” Thundercracker asked, ignoring Skywarp’s burbling, holding himself rigid with his wings set like a mech facing a firing squad.

“Oh relax.” Starscream scowled, hands planted on his hips, “All it does is encourage our desire to interface the slag out of each other in addition to, hopefully, increasing the probability of producing a sparkling.”

“So it’ll be just like always, only with extra bonuses!” Skywarp grinned at his wingmates, “I can get behind that.”

“Alright.” Thundercracker marched into the recharge chamber, trailed by his mates, “Let’s get this over with.”

“Don’t be so eager.” Starscream said dryly.

“Just… can’t you try to understand why I’m worried? Please?” Thundercracker slumped on the berth, “Primus knows that I want a sparkling too, but… not at the risk of loosing you two!”

“Aww…” Skywarp and Starscream exchanged a speaking look, “We do get it, TC. Trust us though, things’ll be fine.”

Thundercracker looked ready to protest again, but his wingmates pounced before he could get another word out. Their personal fields opened and merged with the ease of long - and frequent - practice as the passion rose between them. Derma-plating was caressed, the vibrations of metal on metal sending delightful shocks through their systems. Cables uncoiled and plugged into waiting interface ports, blurring the lines between where one ended and one began. The light of three sparks lit the room in a maelstrom of brilliance as they fell into a complete trine-merge. Self was forgotten, individual existence cast aside, essences shared, three-as-one and one-in-three, their love the calm eye in the midst of a wild storm of screaming passion.

Several cycles later, as they lay sprawled together in a pile of heated metal and overworked fans, Thundercracker blinked dazedly up at the ceiling of their quarters.

“Ah.” Thundercracker said carefully, not looking at either trinemate, “I suppose that even if this doesn’t make a sparkling, at least we’ll be able to make credits selling it as an aphrodisiac.”

Starscream snorted and whapped Thundercracker’s left vent - it being the closest part of his trinemate at hand - and said loftily, “Don’t cast doubts on my genius.”

“Eh, that’s our Cracker.” Skywarp giggled fondly from his place sprawled over both his wingmates, “Always looking to make a profit.”

“Someone had to keep the two of you in the manner to which you are accustomed, and neither of you two brilliant idiots know anything about account management.” Thundercracker shifted and hauled his wingmates closer, “Now shut up and kiss me again.”

(Word Count: 836)


I'm still out of work, which is a pain in the aft, but I'll find something eventually. Yesterday my baby sister needed a model for a photo project, which means I spent an hour outside on our lawn being eaten alive by bugs while she piled flowers on top of me. I made a daisy chain and wore it on my head, tucked buttercups over my ear and posed with an iris. The pictures made me look very much the summer nymph, so I find myself quite pleased with the whole thing despite being the bug buffet. I called the pool guy today and things worked out that he was able to drop by this morning to check out our pool and hottub. Good news is they should be up and running by this weekend. This makes me a very happy kitty. Plus, I figured out how to make my mini fridge work so that stuff in the freezer stays frozen. Popsicles on demand, yo. That's where it's at.

My current goal for the dragon cave is to get one of each gender for each breed. The Alt Vines, Blacks, colored Stripes and Seasonals I can breed. But I need to pick up a Paper, a Red Dorsal plus a Gold, a Silver and whatever Holiday dragons come around. I don't care much about the Dino's or Chickens, if I pick one up, great, if I don't, oh well.

transformers fanfic, fanfiction, transformers, series: nine rings of vos, dragons

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