Is anyone interested in Cybertronian time units? I just finished the math today. XD
Which I did since I was getting rather pissy with myself because I didn't know how long it took for a newspark to stabilize enough for the final fission. So I said to myself, "Self. We need to figure out the time mesurements Cybertronians use." and then I went, "What a great idea self! I'm glad we thought of it!"
So I did a little research. And found info on the Earth time conversions for "vorns" and "breems". That gave me my starting point.
I had a list of time units from watching various TF series. Cycles, clicks and whatnot. So I wrote them down and ended up with this list.
clicks = seconds
breems = minutes
cycles = hours
megacycles = days
orns = months
vorns = years
(Note: Solar cycles refer to the time it takes for a planet to complete one revolution on its axis. For Earth this is 24 hours.
Stellar cycles refer to the time it takes for a planet to make one complete orbit around its primary star. For Earth this takes 12 months.
Solar and Stellar cycles are therefore flexible according to the planet in question and will not be included in the math.)
Two pages of notes and complex mathmatical equations later, I ended up with this.
click = 0.2 seconds
megaclick = 10.3 seconds
breem = 8.262 minutes
cycle = 6.6 hours
megacycle = 13.2 days
orn = 1.74 years
vorn = 83.4 years
megavorn = 40.1 centuries
And check this out.
48 clicks = 1 megaclick
48 megaclicks = 1 breem
48 breems = 1 cycle
48 cycles = 1 megacycle
48 megacycles = 1 orn
48 orns = 1 vorn
48 vorns = 1 megavorn
The math works out perfectly.
I am such a geek. *hides*