....I jsut beat a complete set on rock band....It was on easy but....I couldnt beat ONE songon guitar hero on easy....And I just beat a complete set of 21 songs...with no score below 85%
In addition to the giant list I posted earlier I have picked up Dead Alive, house of 1000 corpses, Devil's Rejects, and Cry Baby. Had a theme going till that last one.
So, I was thinking of doing Movie reviews. Yes, no, maybe? Of course, I will be limited to the dvds I own...not all that limited really. I will make a list behind a cut if people would liek one. I;ll make a new journal for the reviews, If I get enough input or feedback I might figure out how to do audio or video.
Treatment: Naproxin 500 mg twice a day and flexiril 10 mg at bedtime. with ice 20 mins on at most four times a day
Doc had the scripts before she saw me and didn't tell me to take it easy, wear a sling, or rest it. Most at my work think the doc was rushing or stupid. But, back to work in the morning
we bought a game today and it doens't work! Luckily the store we bought it from is ordering another copy (Cause we bought the last one) and will call me when it comes in.