Squee fest

Feb 07, 2012 13:07

I was lucky enough to be at the Supernatural Nashville Convention this past weekend.

And I had tickets to the Q&A sessions for both Jensen and Jared! (More on that later.)

But the absolute best part of it all was getting together again with my amazing friend borgmama1of5 and meeting nightrider101 and summerholt. Charming, beautiful, giving and all-around fantastic ladies all. It was so amazing to talk writing and life and Supernatural with all of you. There's the TV show and then there's this. You. Us. That part has been the true blessing.

Back to the Q&As. My partner in crime borgmama1of5 wrote up a great summary of what was asked, answered and revealed. Go read it now --- totally worth it.

As to my thoughts: OMG!

First up was Jared: Twenty of us and Jared. He is beautiful. So friendly. Totally real and gracious and generous. His dimples are adorable. He plays with his hair constantly. He smiles all the time. His laugh is contagious. He's super excited about his new baby. He practically glows talking about it. And he takes Sam really seriously. Cares about him. Cares about the Show. Is proud of it. And he seemed to truly care about us. To appreciate our love of the Show.

Jensen: I'm gonna try to put this in words. Physically he is just too perfect for words. He came across as serious, intense, polite and so very gracious. Friendly in a different way than Jared. More reserved but still giving and open. It felt like I was sitting in a class with a very special guest lecturer. He answered all questions in such a detailed and thoughtful manner. Really appreciates his craft and loves to talk about it and share insights. He spoke of directing as well and was so humble when accepting praise from Kim Rhodes.

I have photos but not electronically yet. Maybe that will be another post.

And now back to my real life :)

nashcon 2012, personal

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