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Comments 320

ruben_c83 October 18 2010, 10:17:40 UTC

Was freaking AMAZING!!!



Once I started I couldn't stop, didn't want to stop. This is... just, wow. You took the fairytale and crafted something wholly new and yet the same and it's just so heart-breakingly beautiful. I wish this is what they made into a movie and not that 'Beastly' crap.

Just, again: wow. I can't even; I'm sure once I've slept and am capable of coherent thought again, that I'll have more praise but seriously. This needs to be read by everyone.


sandymg October 18 2010, 16:18:33 UTC
Beaming now. OMG. Thanks for this. I was soooo nervous. I mean, it's really different. And I didn't know how folks would respond. And to get this as a first review? Well. Too cool.

I'm so pleased you liked it. I haven't seen Beastly. Although I did see the teaser once go by. This was loosely based on the Disney animated Beauty and the Beast. But really I only explored those themes. No furniture talked in the making of this story.

Once more, thanks so much for your kind words. I hope folks to choose to read it.


vambrace October 18 2010, 14:56:22 UTC
This was just marvelous!! So much understanding about schizophrenia and the strange elusive quality of near lucidity. I love this.


sandymg October 18 2010, 16:20:23 UTC
Thank you so much. I could have written chapters on Joel alone as he fascinated me. But I didn't want to derail the story completely or take away from the main characters.

I'm pleased you enjoyed this.


lovemochi December 14 2011, 06:41:35 UTC
Sorry for the randomness but...I love your gif, ngl. They look like they're going to romp right now. Soooo sexy! :)


akadougal October 18 2010, 16:22:27 UTC
Lovely. So romantic. Really enjoyed this.


sandymg October 18 2010, 16:29:35 UTC
Thanks! Sappiest thing I ever wrote. But. It satisfied me. Maybe everyone has at least one fairy tale they need to just let loose, you know? :) And my artist so met my romantic ideals. She gave me the prettiest stuff ever.


akadougal October 18 2010, 17:48:51 UTC
Nothing wrong with sap... I think I liked how you used the secondary characters. Joel was fascinating.


imora_mi_savur October 18 2010, 17:36:08 UTC
I loved this sooo much. A perfect mix of whimsical romance and harsh reality, absolutely stunning work.


sandymg October 18 2010, 17:38:46 UTC
Thanks so much. You captured exactly what I was going for! A mix of whimsical and realistic, which was way harder to achieve than I thought it would be setting out :) I'm so pleased you thought it worked.


indusnm October 18 2010, 21:35:07 UTC
Eep, hapy fic! Fabulous job, thanks for posting!


sandymg October 18 2010, 21:41:58 UTC
You're welcome. And thank you for reading. I'm very glad you enjoyed this!


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