Choices -- a 5.18 missing scene, Sam, Dean, Gen, H/C, one-shot, [PG]

Apr 16, 2010 18:15

Fanfic: Choices - a 5.18 Missing Scene | Now also a podfic by cantarina1 
Author: sandymg 
Beta: borgmama1of5 
Summary: Sam cleans up an unconscious Dean post Castiel’s beating. Sam has choices to make. (A 5.18 Point of No Return missing scene.)
Spoilers: through 5.18 Point of No Return
Wordcount: 1,400 words, One-shot
Genre: Gen, Hurt/Comfort
Characters: Sam, Dean
Rating: PG
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hurt/comfort, supernatural, fanfic, dean winchester, hurt!dean, season 5, gen, choices, spn, 5x18 point of no return, author: sandymg, sam winchester

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Comments 100

mtee April 16 2010, 22:26:53 UTC
Very good.. it sounds perfect.


sandymg April 16 2010, 22:47:51 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you thought so. Was such a great episode.


ever229 April 16 2010, 23:19:33 UTC
Brilliant work!

When i saw Dean wake up with no blood on his face,i immediately knew it was Sam who cleaned Dean's face,in gentle.

Sammy finally did a right chioce,it's never too late to make one!

love it❤


sandymg April 16 2010, 23:24:24 UTC
Thanks. I think it was pretty universal that everyone believed Sam cleaned up Dean. That was my starting point in my musings.

Glad you liked it.


fireffly April 16 2010, 23:22:33 UTC
Very very insightful. I see Sam's path here. And yes, he did finally grow the fuck up. See, no one knew Dean better than Sam, even Dean was wrong.


sandymg April 16 2010, 23:25:00 UTC
Hee. You picked out my favorite line in my piece. So glad you liked this. Thanks for commenting.


etoile444 April 16 2010, 23:30:55 UTC
I liked the weaving of the memories with the moment as Sam thinks of the right thing to ay. And I liked this:

Sam thinks about Lisa and her son, Ben. He never asked Dean about Ben. He assumes that Dean would not have left Cicero if Ben was his son. Sam has known for a long time now that normal life Sam thought he wanted has really been Dean’s dream all along. The irony stings. He snorts and the sound echoes against the iron walls, making it harsher, uglier. Because Sam has no interest in normalcy any longer.

Oh the sadness of the dream deferred!


sandymg April 16 2010, 23:56:50 UTC
Thanks so much. I was very impressed/moved by Sam knowing that Dean would go to Lisa. It just struck me of the offscreen connection that they still have. So I included reference to that.

I'm glad you liked this. And thanks for commenting.


mrs_gregsanders April 16 2010, 23:32:37 UTC
This was so great, you've captured Sam so well!! The thoughts he needed to come to from the beginning of the episode to the fight in the panic room to the moment when they leave together. Dean is not Michael. And Sam is not Lucifer. Just beautiful!


sandymg April 16 2010, 23:34:00 UTC
Thank you. I loved this episode. Thought Jeremy Carver got it just right. Was easy to play in that sandbox. :)

I appreciate your taking the time to comment.


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